
Thursday, December 8, 2011

High as a Kite

I'm light headed today and having trouble thinking in a linear way. At work I had to really focus and pull my brain body together to get some simple tasks accomplished. It can be a struggle when my head is in the clouds.

As I work in and with community I often feel that I need to know about this issue and that. But that is not my role nor my skill. I don't have to hold all the details...others do that much better. My role is about injecting emotional content.

Last night at a Cities Need Farms and Farms Need Cities meeting I had trouble engaging. I wondered if I was no longer interested in farming. Then the dynamics changed as emotion was injected. I started to feel charged about the conversation and started to express that. By the end of the night the whole meeting and circuit held a positive emotional charge.

Emotion is key in our Transition. It lifts us up and connects us so that we can evolve into new territory of dimension. Emotion will balance thinking and all will be new. Female and Male harmony.

I feel like I'm floating....where's my anchor?


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