
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Link In, Link Out

She speaks for herself. There are more than one “he” in her experience which compounds the drama. Dramas live on the periphery…let’s go to the core.

He wants sex She wants relationship
He wants distance She wants closeness
He wants secrets She wants transparency

This disconnect, this brokenness, between the +/- parts permeates the systems of the whole. What does that scientific equation look like? Why is it overlooked? Is it that difficult to see? Yes, when there are so many distractions. Let’s get to the heart of the matter!

The polarization we see in the world around us is a reflection of inner polarization. If I want justice I must be just. If I want peace I must be peaceful. If I want love I must be loving. This is pure logic, pure intelligence. The dramas being played out in so many systems are old and boring, stagnant and ignorant. The old dramas are failing and will continue to do so. Nothing is the same because relationship, closeness, transparency is moving in people and between people. The core is speaking up through men and women.

Healing begins within one’s heart and mind and is expressed/released through one’s physical senses. This emotional intelligence has an influence on the one holding it as well as on one’s relationships. Nothing can stay the same as new stimulation is fed/incoming and feeding/outgoing: circulating! Another aspect of +/ -.

Without +/- there is no creative and dynamic tension that can move e-motionally. Without +/- there is no fire. Without fire there is no circuit. Without connections there is no circuitry. Without circuitry there is separation, disconnection, disease and death.

How many are willing to open heart and mind to something new? How many are willing to change and evolve? It does take time, effort and intention. It is work. Let’s be happy about it. Let’s see Truth in the chaos. Let’s speak and act in Truth.

Let’s feel the juice of life flowing through our parts and our whole and celebrate this sacred cosmic glue even as things come apart at the seams.

Through love we evolve and change together. Such is the way of emotional intelligence.


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