
Friday, October 21, 2011

New Out Reach

Working my new job that includes supporting a local valley related non-profit has caused an energetic pace to pick up. It's as if a final peg was pounded into the ground and now a foundation is in place with new coordinated motion.

Parts that were in conflict are healed and working together again. New parts from the larger community are coming into the field. It's another quantum leap.

Outer resilience reflects inner resilience. I'm more successful at saying "no" to those voices pulling me into food binges. I stay conscious rather than go unconscious.

At a chamber of commerce meeting listening to candidates give their re-election speeches. Much talk about the city but no talk about the ag valley or community. Why is agriculture left out of city politics? I want to change that. One candidate said he wants to do surveys so that residents can have a voice. Okay. I approached him and mentioned the Happiness Survey. He said to send him something via email. Maybe this is a good time to get attention for happiness.


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