
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Slug Speak

AM Shamanic drumming: brain wave shift; body moving back and forth to drum beat; I am mountain; door at center; I enter mountain; yellow; something floating downward; bird?; no, autumn leaf landing at feet; I step on; we fly upward through galaxies; upholding Nature and Earth substance as sacred and alive.

I was sheet mulching at the circle garden and took a step. My foot reverberated as if it was electrocuted. I knew I had stepped on a slug. How did I know that? The chemical commotion told me. I looked to see who was mad at me for stepping on it and saw a small grey/black slug. I apologized and communed with it momentarily. Is this slug response electric, chemical and emotional? Do slugs have feelings? And how is this similar to the buttercup that scolded me quite loud and clear that it didn’t want to be pulled out of the garden? Is plant response electric, chemical and emotional?

I had another intense cycle with food and ended up with a toxic body. There was much pulling/gravity into old patterns and once again I chose to go through it alone rather than seeing or talking to my naturopath. On the other side of the cycle…out of the disintegration and now into integration I have new ideas about how I want to nourish myself and with that my community. I want to offer Stone Soup Night at my house and shamanic drumming. I’m going to post it as a Heart and Soul event. Perhaps some will attend. These cycles are not easy on my physical body as I feel inflammation in different parts. However I always learn something new. Do I sacrifice my earth to learn something new?

I am afraid of a void. I now want to go into that void and listen in stillness of body. Old habit is that brain fires, nerves respond and muscles act by reaching for the wrong foods. I want to understand this void that feels bottomless and I will probably call my Naturopath for answers. Perhaps she can assist in unraveling this knot. I know the answer is electric, chemical and emotional but need support as to when and how to stay in balance. And what would balance be like without the dark toxic state? Would I still have creative cycles? Would there still be inspiration after disintegration? I do know the clarity and high of being in an alkaline body...and I don't want to be acidic!

Is this a polar shift experience? Is this a re-orientation of energy and matter? As usual I prefer to let my inner Nature guide me rather than man-made/external answers. And yet I trust the intelligence and genius of my community parts. And those parts are external in the world around me. Is this a new trust of my community’s electric, chemical and emotional response?


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