
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Tracking Chemistry via Hypothalamus

My previous tracking energy is now tracking chemistry. It’s an expansion of consciousness in this particular body of earth as well as the whole collective body of Earth and Her cosmic community.

I look out the window here at my kids’ house In Tacoma and see nature. I love autumn and this shifting of elements in temperature and mood. My senses come alive with the newness of now as well as the memories of the many places I’ve traveled and visited this time of year. This wholeness of past and present makes me feel content.

Re chemistry:

I was both positive and negative in a phone conversation with a man I care about. I noticed it in my inner energy via feelings/attitude and my outer behavior/language. Days later it dawned on me what had happened and I called him to apologize for being rude. A seed of fear that had crept up days earlier caused negative behavior. I was able to track it full circle within myself and then in an honest conversation with this friend. Healing happened.

Spending time with this man is an emotional high. At the peace event our dance of coming together in warm affection of communion, communicating clearly and then going out into the community again and again was a weaving of positive energy. This spiritual intimacy felt vibrant and natural. The next day I hit a low in fear that I would not have opportunity to dance this way with him again. It felt like a panic attack so I called him. That void without logic reminded me of my relationship with food. Perhaps this is linked to serotonin running through my body. Once again I was able to talk with him about this and how sustainability is crucial in relationship person to person as well as with food choices. I am in the process of discovering what sustains my metabolic pulse. Old patterns and conditioning will not work…so I let go of the old as it rears its familiar head as I affirm the new.

Yesterday I had yet another experience of chemistry. I was accomplishing some tasks at work and getting “too big for my britches” is the exact language that came up within myself minutes later. It meant that I was too pushy and demanding in my tone and pace. This chemistry ran through me and as soon as I left work I said to myself “Don’t do that again! Be watchful.” Can I catch my “negative” behavior in the moment and change it? What does "negative" mean? For me it means doing a dance through sound and action that is from a place of inner peace and thus creates peace with others and the larger community. This is sacred response-ability!

I see that I have a monitor of chemistry within and think of the "master" pituitary endocrine gland. What regulates this gland? Google shows me via photo and text that the hypothalamus has a part to play.

I want to honor the chemicals and hormones that I am in the same way I honor rocks, trees, water, dragons, faeries, etc. I want to be in harmonic relationship to highlight their sacred role in this dance of creation and creativity. We are on an evolutionary spiral together and I choose to move upward and so I am honest as I face my fears directly and then communicate them openly. No shame, no blame. Response-ability!

Communion/Communication/Community is the path we travel together. Let’s not be “too big for our britches” to go there!

appreciation--------taking for granted

Fear wears many faces as does love. Do we see our own face? Do we know our very own soul? Do we care enough to change fear to love?

Endocrine System from

Although we rarely think about them, the glands of the endocrine system and the hormones they release influence almost every cell, organ, and function of our bodies. The endocrine system is instrumental in regulating mood, growth and development, tissue function, and metabolism, as well as sexual function and reproductive processes.
In general, the endocrine system is in charge of body processes that happen slowly, such as cell growth. Faster processes like breathing and body movement are controlled by the nervous system. But even though the nervous system and endocrine system are separate systems, they often work together to help the body function properly.
About the Endocrine System
The foundations of the endocrine system are the hormones and glands. As the body's chemical messengers, hormones transfer information and instructions from one set of cells to another. Although many different hormones circulate throughout the bloodstream, each one affects only the cells that are genetically programmed to receive and respond to its message. Hormone levels can be influenced by factors such as stress, infection, and changes in the balance of fluid and minerals in blood.
A gland is a group of cells that produces and secretes, or gives off, chemicals. A gland selects and removes materials from the blood, processes them, and secretes the finished chemical product for use somewhere in the body. Some types of glands release their secretions in specific areas. For instance, exocrine glands, such as the sweat and salivary glands, release secretions in the skin or inside of the mouth. Endocrine glands, on the other hand, release more than 20 major hormones directly into the bloodstream where they can be transported to cells in other parts of the body.

The Hypothalamus

The hypothalamus, a collection of specialized cells that is located in the lower central part of the brain, is the primary link between the endocrine and nervous systems. Nerve cells in the hypothalamus control the pituitary gland by producing chemicals that either stimulate or suppress hormone secretions from the pituitary.
Although it is no bigger than a pea, the pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain just beneath the hypothalamus, is considered the most important part of the endocrine system. It's often called the "master gland" because it makes hormones that control several other endocrine glands. The production and secretion of pituitary hormones can be influenced by factors such as emotions and seasonal changes. To accomplish this, the hypothalamus relays information sensed by the brain (such as environmental temperature, light exposure patterns, and feelings) to the pituitary.


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