
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Commotion Happens

I heard a Wall Street Occupier say that he was there to be part of the commotion. Commotion happens when the old is passing away and the new is being born. Commotion is a natural part of the creative, evolutionary process.

I’m seeing my Naturopath next week and will ask for “brain food.” I’m looking for support to help build pathways out of the old and into the new. By rising above and watching I see that I can go two days without comfort foods and then I start reaching for them. What is this rhythm? Habitual patterns are hard to break because they are locked in electrically, chemically, emotionally. How do I unlock imbalance?

Power over vs power with is a pattern that is shifting. Power over involves ego; power with involves heart. One creates separation the other connection. There are many patterns of separation from addictions and bullying to a top down economic system. Circulation happens in circle of heart communion, communication and community. There is commotion in the process of getting to these new circular patterns of expression. There is commotion as energy and matter are rearranged.

Evolution includes dark/negative and positive/light experiences. We ride the waves of these two opposite forces into new awareness and action. Relationships change when there are too many negative (blocked Light) experiences. And relationships change when there are experiences of flowing Light leading to new levels of spiritual intimacy. From here there is no turning back to old ways of behaving and relating. In this evolving process one is not attached to external outcomes. One is attached to Natural Law that keeps one’s electrical, chemical and emotional state in equilibrium.

Humans choose to change and see both dark and light energies and behavior patterns through the intelligent cooperation of heart and mind. This enlightened consciousness is connected to the parts electrically, chemically, emotionally…spark to spark. The spark is the driver, the force behind change. This synergetic force creates change in the parts and moves the whole. It also creates change in the whole and moves the parts. Thus the words omnipotent, omni.....

We learn sustainability within personal space and we learn it in community space. We are that powerful force of Love, Truth and Life that penetrates matter and expresses as matter.

Circle power of communion, communication and community in action on sacred Earth.

These words are written in a flow...from a specific part of my brain that is not linear. It feels a foggy, etheric and cannot be retraced because this flow doesn't look back or go backward. The flow is NOW. Seems like a rearrangment of memory.

Here is linear:

She is going to see a hypnotist who is also a counselor. She wants to be a good example of health for herself and her family. We are able to talk openly these days and I am grateful. She will include her daughter in counseling. This will have positive effects on the whole family. I'm so grateful for this positive change.


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