
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Personal Space

I feel and observe darkness closing in. Lately at night I've felt it somother me awake and I have to take a deep breath and look for some bearings and orientation. One time faces were associated.

At my new job I have to be less naive, get "street smart" and watch my back as someone is off balance and inappropriate. Time to set boundaries without losing friendship. Time to be less friendly and receptive and more clear about my personal space.

He says she needs a beating. She is 12. I said that is child abuse. I have yet to say that I am calling the police if he lays a hand on her or anyone. Violence is such a disrespect of personal space.

An inappropriate song is the background of my grandson's footbal youtube. I had to say this was not okay. Silence is approval and I do not approve. This is disrespect of personal space.

She played me her favorite song on youtube. It is not sexually is sexually explicit. She is 12. Why are our children not more protected? It's a dark world.

As this darkness raises its ugly head I hear sweet music in this season of autumn. I remember other places I've been. It's the temperature, the elements and elementals all singing back around.

The other night I was experiencing an internal "sweat" and sensed that something was leaving my body. Something was passing away. I am noticing less attraction to sweets and that I am orientating toward the sweetness of vegetables. I am tracking this. Last weekend with pastries, chips, candy all around me I did not indulge. I can learn new patterns of relationship with food. We can all learn new patterns of relationship that are healthy and that support personal space.


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