
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Conquering Beasts

These are warrior times. It feels like I'm battling beast after beast. I conquer one and another comes at me. As soon as that one is tamed it rises again. I'm not talking about inner beasts...I'm talking about people around me. It's intense.

Same is true in this community as one candidate battles another and the same is true at the national level.

As this negativity is going on so is something very positive as parts come together in a more cohesive whole. One concrete example locally is the Heritage Garden. All the parts are in play to meet and talk about a Holistic Landscape Design project. It's a quantum leap as interest evolved to the point that we now need to create a new structure as one whole garden space. As manager of the garden I'm happy about this progress. I want others to love and care for this space as I do.

When the chemistry of relationship(s) change there is no going back. When relationships/connections become less passive and impersonal there is no way one can act in the same way. Change happens. It's natural law.

Are humans puppets pulled by strings from another dimension? Is there a light force and a dark force and we their pawns? Am I watching too many sci-fi movies? Sometimes I simply feel that I am being pulled by outside forces and I have the choice to be conscious and choose. So, where do these strings reside? Use one they do in movies.


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