
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Six Senses in Coordination

Online Patch editors were told to do monthly personality profiles. Local editor, Annie, said that she wanted me to be her first interview. She shares my values and is interested in what I have to say. In response I’ve decided to blog on Woodinville Patch and talk about the Transition movement and my work in the valley.

I like Mr Goodbar chocolate. Lately I’ve wanted one but instead of reaching for it compulsively I’m wrapping logic around it. I now have a hint of a thread that thinks about the past, present and future: consequences! It’s a thread that wraps full circle. I have also noticed that with sweet treats I lose taste after two or three bites. Am I having a new relationship with my taste buds? Can I stop eating after two or three bites?

I now notice that when I think about having a treat I am more likely to automatically check in with my stomach and whole body. This new coordinated “body language” asks how this food choice is going to have an effect on my whole system. Sounds like a new intelligence being born based on coordination of a whole system.

The same is true in relationships with men. I no longer engage in telepathic relationship even though this “sixth sense” etheric/vibrational experience is profound in ways the physical cannot be. For me at this time telepathic relationship is unsustainable in this realm without the other five senses.

The same is true in relationships with women friends. I’m having difficulty spending time and listening to a woman friend as all she talks about are the men she’s dating. It’s so very boring. I don’t see that as judgmental. I see it as a chemical response based on natural laws that run through my brain body giving me intelligent and clear information so that I can make choices to sustain equilibrium. Do I listen? Yes. Do I take new action through new choices? Yes. Sounds like, looks like, smells like, tastes likes, feels like, vibrates like a new system of intelligence.

Am I addicted to inflammation/disharmony or am I addicted to foods/relationships that cause this experience? I do not focus on the addiction. I continue to learn ways to balance and then how to stay in balance.

I am not in my body much of the time these days and forget linear information. Is this due to information overload or doing too many activities? I often feel like my feet are off the ground and my head is not on my body straight. I get lost in the “in between” negative spaces. If I went to a western doc would he/she say it was the onset of alzheimers disease? I’m thinking that it's a thinning between dimensions. Without the grounded left brain could I not simply walk out of this realm? Is this due to my age of almost 63 or the Aquarian Age? Or is this experience ageless transcending time and space.

I watched the movie Thor with friends last night. It gives a picture of life between realms.

Last weekend someone was talking about the city of Everett giving a Transition group 10 acres of land for a community garden. My immediate response was that this good news needed to be broadcasted so that other city councils can become aware of this support as well as to other transition groups so that they can be nourished by this success although I have noticed a pattern of envy even in Transition which blocks people from being happy for others. Envy is based on insecurity…insecurity is based on ego identity…ego identity separates through negativity….and so this chemical chain/patterning goes.

As a result of my feelings/thoughts of enthusiasm I now want to plant seeds for a 2012 Transition Summit in Puget Sound. If I can engage a local environmental club at a community college we could have a free venue. Personally I want to meet people from neighboring Transition groups and hear about their successes and challenges. Maybe another group is thinking about this as well. I will have to network and find out. I wanted to rest and not be so busy…but I love this work of community building so that positive energy can flow through the parts and the whole. Community events have the potential to do just that.

I thought about breakfast and what to eat. I considered what I ate yesterday and last night and in that consideration the future is included. Oatmeal? No. Eggs? No. Pancakes? No. Steamed chard and onions? Yes. Cottage cheese and avocado? Yes. My whole body lit up and was happy with the outcome. This process is happening more often. Hooray!

The word “dominion” comes up. Dominion is peace in action – a state of contentment maybe equilibrium.


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