
Friday, November 11, 2011

Community Amplified

I/we stand on Mother Earth skin to skin. I/we stand in Mother Earths’ electromagnetic field halo to halo. I look at that word and see aloha/love to aloha/love. This new force field around Mother imprints a matrix of new frequencies, pathways, patterns and systems. Earth body holds lines of force both energy and matter. We hold space and spin through space as a body of Light.

Mother Earth experiences bombardment from outsiders who want power over her. She knows of their presence via radar of the senses. Neither their will nor intention can break through the collective force field around her. Her message to them is to come out of the darkness and into the light. And her message to other outsiders who want power with us is also to come out of the darkness and into the light. These are no longer shadow times and spaces. These are transparencies in Light.

At my new job I’m weaving parts together at a business that is part of 70 acres called Sammamish Valley Farm. I’m creating a calendar of events and my boss used the words “community center” the other day. Yes, that is what is being created...a "power point" I heard myself say to someone on the phone. (The image that came through was an eye of a needle with many threads.) It’s a lot of work creating new focus and direction and it’s especially challenging creating the systems that will allow the center/community to function smoothly. My left brain feels stretched and overwhelmed but I know that it will sort itself out as systems are created...lines fall into place.

Last night's Full Moon Fire Circle was enchanting. Moon shadows were misty and mystical. As I was chatting with Carl I looked to the open area East of the fire pit and saw wildflowers. I now know to plant wildflowers!

A line of connection reopened with a woman who had become estranged. I noticed recently that our emails were taking on old tones of dissonance. I called her suggesting that we meet for lunch and talk rather than email. She agreed. It’s not a big deal to simply shift direction openly and honestly. I have a new experience of “love” with this woman. Conflict can be turned around to create a passionate relationship. Once again it’s a new quality of love…a new sort of passion that needs a word wrapped around it. Perhaps Sanskrit holds that word. Perhaps it has to do with Karmic relationships and lessons.

I had a conflict this week with another woman. I didn’t see any way out of the darkness. I didn’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. And yet the ball was in my court to take action. So, I simply told the truth saying that this person had not communicated with me as the manager of the garden; that I had been left in the dark. Now at budget time I needed clarification and communication. Yes, I included her in that communication. Three of us had a meeting and clarification and communication happened. As I looked into this woman’s dark eyes I felt the same passion that I have for this other woman who had been a challenge. I’m thinking now that this love for them is also about love for my own self. I learned a lot from them…they acted as teachers for me. What word could wrap around this type of love? Karma?

Today, 11-11-11 is a significant day. I had several invitations to attend social events tonight. I choose to attend Community Mythology in a city to the East to see if it resonates with me. I’m always looking and listening for individuals and groups that can merge with Transition Woodinville’s Heart and Soul group. What might open up with this group?

I’m very good at holding space alone. That alone space is shifting as new people, groups, networks flood in to be organized and shaped into a new whole. We do this together through vibratory resonance. I hold personal vibratory space and as others do the same we merge into a larger vibratory space. A new friend uses the word “entrainment” a lot. Is this entrainment? I prefer the word resonance that to me associates with sound, color, and all the senses. Entrainment sounds mechanical. Resonance sounds soft. Words hold their own vibratory space. Not a right and wrong...simply what works for my senses.

I notice that I am now organizing a year out. Less spontaneity and more planning makes a more efficient and sustainable organization. I used to resist this long term planning but now see how valuable it is at this new level of community engagement.

Tomorrow a friend and I are attending a SCALLOPS meeting that encompasses 69 Sustainable Cities and Transition Towns in Puget Sound. They meet twice a year. A couple of us with eastside Transition groups want to have a 2012 Transition Summit so that we can meet one another and hear story threads that hold both challenges and solutions. Will there be any resonance person to person and with the whole group? I never have expectations. I go to Be, watch, listen, speak and act. There is a lot more of that going on these days and the fun factor of community is picking up pace and amplification.


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