
Wednesday, November 9, 2011


My feelings after the New Livelihoods Job Fair experience:

Oops…I hugged a couple of people who did not know me
Oops…I went beyond Circle of Life 101 in my class. I didn’t stay on the periphery but went to the core.
Oops…I linked arms with people to dance (during speaker David Korten’s dance break) who were standing idle…some refusing to budge

Why all the feelings of “oops?” Guess I’m not comfortable pushing other people’s comfort zones. And yet that is what I am “pushed” to do. It’s part of my Nature to invite others to move in rhythm and harmony as one whole. It’s much more fun and lively to dance together than to sit/stand on the sidelines e-motionless.

Preparing for my Core Gifts/Circle of Life talk at New Livelihoods I read in an article on Drum Therapy that Beta waves (focused concentration and activity) change to Alpha waves (calm and relaxed). I’ve been referring to Beta waves as linear thinking and Alpha waves as non-linear. I don’t do mental engagement/concentration very well. I’m much more fluid and airy…not at all practical in this realm of achieve, achieve, achieve. I’d rather Be, Be, Be. It’s such a different all directions. I’m seeing the brains waves mapped out in a circle. I wonder how those parts would be identified. The drumming I did was very short in duration and yet it shifted my brain waves (I feel it at the top of my head) and I saw that it did have an effect on one woman.

Delivering my Core Gifts class was a challenge. I feel, think and move in circles and I think my 8 students may have been spinning a bit. However, I did bring them around to ground regularly. I experienced a new quality of Love with a couple of the women who were engaged and supportive of the process. It’s Love that has to do with a new role as “teacher.” It’s too new to describe. My least favorite moment in the class was when I could not remember “beta” and somehow “theta” came into form. In the moment I had to talk about my left brain weakness. My most favorite moment was at the end when everyone had finished their map. I had no previous idea how I would end the class. And in the open process of whole brain knowing an image came to me of stepping out of the circle of life (at the beginning we had stepped into it). We stepped out and let go of the identities, patterns and stories we had just drawn and discussed. It worked...especially for one woman who openly talked about it.

It was my daughter’s birthday. I bought her the book Happiness for Dummies and asked that we turn the football game off and each one open the book spontaneously and read a section. Son-in-law reacted for a second but complied. The book has a good chapter on raising happy children. Now there’s a tool for discipline and consequences: reading how to be happy. Wear that around your neck, have that in the car, and in each room of one’s house. No more belts, paddles, wooden spoons, guns, knives, bombs, grenades…. Happiness is the weapon in our new Age. It’s good for the economy…the economics of happiness in the parts and in the whole.

Archangel Michael’s sword fights Darkness with Light. Happiness is a sword that teaches balance, harmony, respect, Love. Happy people are swords of Light. Can we please imprint that theme in our movies, reality shows, tv dramas? The magical powers of happiness!

One man in the class questioned me as to why I was talking about positive and negative opposites in relationship to a circle. My answer was that the two create a tension and the dance is circular and as an image floats in I say that the circle is spiral in motion upward in evolution or downward in stagnation. And yet, as I flow in this lengthy here/now stream of consciousness, I hear and see that this is not true. There is more beyond linear seeing/thinking. The spiral is both positive and negative above and below. Ascension and decension are one flow and not opposites. Say what? I stay tuned to learn more. The opposites are in the flow...not separate.

My brain continues to struggle with sequential and logical details. Sometimes I simply am blank with information overload.


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