
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Cause & Effect

A teacher saw me a couple times at the local school and said to my teacher friend that I looked peaceful. My friend told her that I was organizing a peace event. I see him yearly at my son’s event. He said I looked good, that my face was very bright. I was wrapping a grapevine wreath and heard a woman customer say, “There is someone who loves nature. “ Both she and her husband told me how they were drawn to me and wanted to know more about me. A staff person at Antioch University is doing a documentary of the Grange and Heritage Garden and insisted that the photographer take pictures of me because of my bright eyes. What is all this attention about? Is it my chemistry from the inside out? Is it my core fire shining through? Why do some notice and others do not?

I was on a Regional Food Policy Council farm tour with policy makers in the Puget Sound region. I felt my core breathing fire/passion as I heard these people supporting small farms and how they are working together to find sustainable solutions. As I was getting off the tour bus in my valley I found myself giving a pep talk to the entire busload of people about our successful day and being one unified voice. I sheepishly explained my enthusiasm by saying that I was once a cheerleader. They chuckled. I embarrass myself at times…something moves through me that takes over my senses. I try to reign myself in so that I can fit in. And sometimes I have no choice but to let it flow.

Wizards and Trackers of darkness use strings to manipulate matter for their own agenda. They will never win because they are out of balance. Natural law rules through evolution as the strings are cut and new patterns put into place. I am not a puppet and will not be manipulated in darkness. Light shines through and the draculas of the cosmos shrivel up and pass away.

My body shut down a couple of times last week in response to people’s words. I watched how my ears alerted my body through emotional and physical response. I froze up in the flight pattern. There is a pattern beyond fight or flight. And that is to hold steady and watch. I have continued to communicate with these people rather than shut them out of my life. I now know their weaknesses: they all acted domineering/superior because of insecurity. I see the strings behind these scenes and how I have to protect myself and my work with these people. And if need be I can cut them out of my life.

Natural law works through me and I am not attached to outcomes. Cold hearted? No. It’s a heart that is true to peace, harmony and love. It’s a heart aligned with nature’s cause and effect.


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