
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Life Force

At Occupy Bellingham I mentioned to friend Dana that emotions were bouncing off walls during the General Assembly. If there was no matter there would be nothing to bounce off of. If there was no matter there would be no shadows to reflect light. Light seeks relationship with's symbiotic (stream of consciousness here now letting the words flow without logic or research to see if they are accurate) Light is meant to shine through matter as one ranging spectrum. Earth matter does matter as sacred stuff of the universe. Let's not get so sophisticated that we don't see what's in front of us...ourselves in +/- relationship with all life and life force.

If matter is thinning and becoming more translucent and transparent would that not mean that the + and - charge is changing in relationship to and with matter? Such is my personal experience and thus my reality. When shifts happen one sees new reality.

Attended a "visioning" activity at a Transition Snoqualmie Valley friend's house. Nice not to work so much that one can flow with different invitations and activities. After cooking and eating together we sat and shared personal visions. In a split second my "good news network" project wanted to speak so I talked about it. One man in the group had answers to my questions and is eager to partner on the project. He already has a YouTube channel, the equipment and know how. The fun begins of planning this project and seeking funding. It started out as a SCALLOPS network but I am thinking that may be limiting so may call it SoundSolutions...streaming good news. That name may be taken already...more questions than answers right now. We want to invite youth to be reporters/interviewers. Will take a lot of coordination...what I like to do. More bringing the parts together into one whole. Re funding the whole supports the parts and the parts support the whole...this is sustainable economics...this is whole system design.

During the visioning exercise there was talk about being specific. How specific? How much room do you allow so that spirit can move? What showed up for me regarding specific was when I started to ask someone about her promotion timeline. She has two weeks so I asked the circle to encompass that time/space. As I was leaving I mentioned a time line of my own and asked for conscious support. So my words in the moment taught me that specific for me referred to timelines...rather odd I think but I am not the one in charge. I learn from what is reflected -- what bounces back and that is often through language via word symbols. A symbol as shape holding energy until it is comes to mind. My head is spacey is this flow of consciousness....I let it all be and get on with my day. Another job interview.

Watching, emoting, learning, adjusting...cycles of conscious awareness.


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