
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy Trails Scott

I wrote a comment on Transition Woodinville acknowledging people of "like mind and like heart." This morning in an instant I got that this is divisive language. If we are of like mind/heart then others are not. It's exclusive language. How did this bounce back to me? I sensed I was picking up thoughts from someone out in the field/community. As one community we learn to be inclusive and that includes changing our language so it reflects what is clear and true.

Which reminds me. I was letting water run into a jar of moldy salsa this morning. I watched and watched zen-like as I have slowed down a lot lately. As the clear water filled the jar the gunk flowed over and out. I was reminded of Lloyd Meeker and the Emissaries of Divine Light who taught that our minds are like water wheels. As clear water pours in subconscious and unconscious layers are purified/cleansed.

I received a call from a good friend this morning...actually it was from a Chaplain with the Fire Department. Her son Scott had passed away. I drove over to the house to be with her and was surprised to see him laid out on the floor. I immediately went into prayer mode over his body. I am glad that I could be there for her. She and I are karmic/soul sisters and we are growing old together.


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