
Monday, December 26, 2011

Wolves in the Sky

During sleep/altered state last week I experienced another earth quake. (What brain wave is this?) There were three ripples. I noticed the quaking was behind me and at the back of my head. Then in front of me I saw through some focused lens a three dimensional hologram. There was black debris flying about. Soon after wolves were pouring forth in a passionate stream East and West.

I saw War of the Worldviews: Science vs. Spirituality on CSpan/Book TV with Deepak Chopra and Leonard Mlodinow. At one point Leonard spoke of "wolves in the sky" as if some fairy tale. He repeated it a couple more times and bounced it off Deepak who denied any association. Excuse me gentlemen, but the wolves are speaking through you and to you. You missed an opportunity to honor these kindred spirits.

There is a field of knowing beyond science and spirituality. This field is mystical and needs no explaining because it is experiential and spontaneous. It is alignment of unconscious, subconscious and conscious mind. This field is not up for debate.


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