
Monday, December 26, 2011

Coming Out

Dear Clint & Sara:

I am coming out – as a mystic.

My first mystical experience was 38 years ago when Archangel Michael visited me meditation. Since then I have had encounters with many kindred spirits from other realms. I have written and blogged about this quietly and underground.

A few weeks ago I spoke to Sara about the harrassment I experience from a stalker in my life. I was seeking protection and support from community. Her words were reassuring and supportive and as she spoke I felt lines of connection surround me. Soon wolves appeared holding these lines of force. To my surprise it was wolves who showed up as my community of support. They continue to speak and be near.

I am coming out – as a mystic and would like to invite others to share their own mystical experiences through dreams, visions, insights, intuitive knowing, etc. I would like to host a Wolves in the Sky Talking Circle at Soul Food Books so that we can honor story threads that are underground and not being heard and so that we can honor the voices from other realms that need us to be their voice.

Thank you to Sara, Clint and Soul Food Books for being a portal for community. I plant this seed with you at the dawning of 2012.


Sister Trish
(part of mind wants to wrap around this “sister” word and figure it out…another part of mind says it is what it is…leave it be. I obey the latter.)


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