
Monday, July 5, 2010

Full Circle = Full Spectrum

Nettle and mint tea from this ground I live on. Nourishing!

Integration and disintegration/disintegration and integration are two opposite forces of one creative process, cycle -- circle. One set of relationship moves one way and the other set moves the opposite way creating tension and motion of circular e-motion. When Eye of consciousness is present this emotional dance is creative in its Light of Love and Truth. Why? Eye is radiant giver and absorbent receiver of Light. Eye is gateway of dimensions that includes white and the whole color spectrum. When Eye is blurred the Dance of Life is blocked, restricted and even aborted. Integration holds positive charge and disintegration holds negative charge. (I almost stated that as a question. After what happened last night I am claiming my power and making a statement. I am transcending my ego body that says I can’t be confident and strong. I am shedding old identity of being timid, self-conscious and afraid of not being accepted.) If Light/Energy is positive and Earth/Matter negative their relationship IS attracting and repelling/pulling and pushing/integrating and disentegrating creating curvature. Is this gravity -- a force that sustains life on earth?

I am learning more about my relationship with chi or life force. To learn is to turn and listen. I am turning my head full circle like an owl and seeing what’s “behind” the scene of this “front” dimension. This is an opening and movement of East /West relationship and circuitry. This morning as I was drumming and meditating this turning to the back of the head created a headache. It’s a new exercise using new muscles and pathways involving the Eye, Brain and Body. I use capital letters with intention as this is sacred ground.

I spent Fourth of July with medicine women at the Tulalip Reservation. The teacher is experiencing leg/hip disorder and as the four of us were sitting and chatting a man’s face came into my field. He has a dark thin beard and thinning long hair. He was associated with this women’s leg. I mentioned this and later got that he was “yogi”. As we were saying goodbye in her kitchen I saw myself with a large broad feather sweeping her right leg of “cobwebs”. I didn’t say anything about this. This morning in meditation I received more information about this yogi and called this teacher leaving a message that I wanted to share more regarding what had happened last night. I’m not sure I’ll hear from her. My experience with some teachers has been that they don’t want my input. It’s as if they are the authority. Any true spiritual teacher knows that every person is an equal because we all hold the same spark of Light and that what moves in the moment of space/time is a collective intelligence and not any one ego. A true teacher knows that we meet on a circle heart to heart and that our language via words is an exchange of energy. It’s ego that creates me vs. you and cuts off communication and relationship. In this dimension we claim ownership of ideas and language so we can be paid, purchase stuff and be recognized individually. In a new dimension/consciousness humans will be more cooperative and the collective will be valued just like all Nature’s natural systems.

Being with medicine women opened a new door and this morning I was inspired to drum and meditate. Yogi showed me his split personality when a black wolf came into view. He sprung into action with shield to protect me. He is oriental as well! The yogi is present to assist with healing…my own and others. The ninja is here to protect me and others. Thank you!

I had an experience that I don’t have all the words for but will explain as best I can. I was resting and with outer eyes closed my inner Eye opened up into a “cavern” space that was very familiar even primal. I knew it from my childhood or East. It was very eerie and I consciously held my sword for protection. The outline of this space reminds me of a ventricle or brain synapse as if I was seeing inside my own brain body. Now I wonder if it’s associated with DNA. It was like a psychedelic rush without the drugs which makes me wonder what is drip, drip, dripping into my system.

My body has been toxic because I have lost my balance with food. The medicine/shamanic teacher helped me see some limiting language I was using. Disintegration happens to a point and then there is a shift in awareness as new seeing turns the tide and directions. I let the cycles move without shame and thus with honesty.

I like this unusual space I am in today…high in a new dimension of space / time; high in new relationship(s).

Now when I turn behind me to intentionally greet ”chi” for guidance and balance there is a yogi and ninja to meet me. It’s so fun! I never know what’s around the next corner! And that’s the way Life in Full Circle is…full of adventure and enchantment.

I’m fasting today and it’s easy which is new. Thought ran through as I saw myself (thinking is seeing for me) eating chicken. I turned to body told her I loved her and reminded her that we were fasting. She did not argue or resist. What an absolutely amazing day in Earth and on Earth!


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