
Friday, July 2, 2010

Kissing #2

When I garden I kiss Earth. When I reach out to promote my book I kiss people. Kissing, these days, is heart to heart rather than mouth to mouth.

I have experienced several male lovers. I have not experienced male friendship outside of a lover relationship. A young woman friend says that men her age hang around until they discover she is not interested in them sexually. It’s as if men want sex and women want relationhip/friendship. If men are from Mars and women from Venus how the heck did we end up here on Earth?

Is the difference due to estrogen and testosterone? Is it our different hormonal natures that creates this disconnect? Where is the more inclusive/higher hormone that encircles and penetrates (drip, drip, drip) these less subtle hormones.

Disconnects between our lower chakras, heart chakra, throat and mouth chakra, and crown chakra creates the disconnects in the larger world. Humans are stuck in adolescence refusing to move from South to West of adulthood on the circle of life. The human species will evolve, one way or another, and move forward because it’s the natural circular and orderly process.

Men’s sexual desires and women’s social needs create relationships that are out of balance and dysfunctional. Men want several sexual partners (physical and telepathic) which objectify women, keep relationships shallow and create distrust. Women want to control and mold men which suffocate them and create resistance. Both men and women can move beyond this immature fear and insecurity when they raise their vibrations. This requires letting go and being honest which is difficult for most people especially those who are good at keeping secrets and telling lies. To come clean in the waters of Truth will heal all relationships including our relationship with Mother Earth.

Let’s move into new territory because we have evolved out of past patterns of immature behavior. Yes, they are comfortable. Yes, they are pleasing to the ego and its physical identity. But, good grief! These past patterns are limiting and boring! There is a whole new and vibrant dimension ready to embrace us and our relationships through love and light. This vibratory space is where my eye is focused and, thus, where my body follows.

Where are the full and round colors, sounds and sensorial sensations? Where is the wildfire passion along with grounded friendship and subtle wisdom that creates balance within oneself, with a partner and with Mother Earth? I am discovering it and I am not alone. The journey is onward and upward on the never ending spiral of Life. This is my intention. This is my action.


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