
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Transition Movement

Transition Town kissing is aura to aura, eye shine to eye shine, word to word and skin to skin; a new space with movement carrying holistic pathways that are sustainable. In Transition Town I listen to my relationship with chi. I dance with my chi within collective chi. My hands teach me the pathways and I feel safe enough to explore this subtle terrain. I feel comfortable enough in my own skin not to be concerned about how I might be different as I dance to my own drummer and respond to my lover behind the scenes...chi!

His eyes like a chocolate bath: soft, sweet and yummy. Eye shine and face beams from two women reflected my own. His eye shine was playful, free and innocent.
Transition Town is the future and we create it now. For me it’s not so much what we want it to look like in the future but how we are honoring our own hearts and minds through momentary expression. That momentary expression is what creates the future. We can vision and intend all we want but unless it’s grounded through our bodies it’s a lot of hot air. Walk the talk and express clean water, air, fire, earth. In that expression and release is purification that takes one and all to the next round of lessons and teachings. Like Turtle in my story when one gets the lesson one moves on…transformation!


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