
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Yogi Niche

What a difference a one-day fast makes. Everything shifts into balance after some toxic release. I would like to do this weekly. With my new yogi teacher behind the scenes I will! He is supportive of my feminine nature...I hope to support him as well. Yogi...I am asking his name...told me to sit and meditate this morning. "okay" I love the yoga posture of sitting crossed legged on floor/earth as N/S body line aligns with earth core. I drummed reds, oranges and yellows and then slowed down to greens, blues, violets. The other morning Yogi had something in his lap that was burning. I got that it was incense. Chopra Center has a wonderful ayurvedic catalogue so I intend to purchase some yummy smells. I want to go home and meditate again...something has definitely shifted in my world! It's as if I've found a new niche.


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