
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Yogi and Krishna

A strong connection at the Puyallup Tribe's Unity in the Communty sponsored by Tribal Health Services. Perhaps something will take root with White Bison via a scholarship. Their program is similar to mine though much more sophisticated. I taught several young girls to map their stories and told them how special they are.

I taught three students at East West Books. None of my classes are the same because none of the students are the same which makes it rewarding for me. This class was very meditative and the circle art work very creative. One woman was thankful for the simplicity of “paper, pen and color.” At the end of the session my crown chakra was vibrating.

As I was about to leave East West I looked up on the wall to a poster that said “YOGI”. I focused my attention and got a blast of energy that swooped in and "lifted" my head by the neck like a gust of wind. I walked over to the poster to acknowledge Paramhansa Yogananda. Some music was playing that I liked and my body wanted me to have that music at home. It’s called Pilgrim Heart by Krishna Das. I don’t know Hare Krishna teachings/ways. I do like to the sound of the music and relate to "Hare Krishna" chants as light.

This morning as I listened to the music body wanted to dance. I found my fingers in that O position. Many years ago yoga was one of the first paths I explored. I was very rebellious and didn’t want my body to be put in some structured position. My thought went to those who don’t have fingers...doesn’t his exclude them? So this morning my fingers of O were dancing and “threading” chi. This is the same experience I had at Transition Town during the spiral dance closing. My fingers were working with threads…chords. There is a difference between the two. A chord is hollow with something moving through it.

Just before leaving home for this local coffee shop I was dancing to a chant and my hands were full of sparkling energy...light! I created shapes with my hands...much like tai chi movements. So threads/chords refer to light and light refers to chi. At least that is what I experience now...this knowing via expressive motion will evolve also.

Why is my spiritual world becoming so multi-cultural? I get that it's a relationship of white light and rainbow colors. The whole and the parts in reflection. I continue to be available for light to mold and shape me via consciousness.

In Light is Oneness. In Light we cross paths. In Light we celebrate love -- chanting and dancing!

New food for the individual and collective Soul. We are fed and we feed in turn. Such is the circle of spiritual Being.


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