
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Living System Intelligence

I shared the film Measure of Happiness at a Rotary club this week and was well received.  As a result I have some contacts to make in a new community.  I think Rotary would be an excellent local and global partner for the Happiness Initiative.  The work is to open those doors, introduce it and sell it.  My goal would be to show the film at a District Conference....will I have to become a Rotarian?  They also have an excellent grant opportunity.

I am getting negative feedback from a couple of the larger SCALLOPS groups regarding my Coal Train Report Card talk on December 13.  As a result I will not be able to speak as a SCALLOPS rep at the hearing.  I was wondering if I could give the talk from the angle of the Happiness Initiative but received a negative comment from someone in that regard.  So...I will see what unfolds in this process.  Working within a network is a challenge...because I can't do what I want to do.  However, feedback gives me boundaries and direction and the outcome will be what it is. I do believe organizations are living systems and I get out of the way and let the intelligence play out.  And yet...I so want to speak and reverberate my heart in happy intelligence.

My musician friends Narayan and Janet sing Sanskrit mantras...and I love singing is soooo nourishing and intelligent!


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