
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Eagle Speak

Wed AM Drumming  --  something I have not done in quite a while  

A “plate” appears…solid like steel, silver

I stop drumming and ask:   Underground?  No, it is vertical with something at the middle right edge.  A door?  What is behind the door?  An alien race?  A new opportunity?

How do I greet and welcome that which is behind the door? I hold out my hands…do I offer flowers?  Cornucopia appears.  I move my hands in different positions. 

Drum again asking questions letting hands move freely—listening to hands and drum for answers.  My body channels answers as drum beat picks up intensity.

Soon after I write an email to someone who once again wants to do something different than what I am doing at the Heritage Garden.  I ask for clarification and whether it’s time for someone else to be manager.  I want to move forward in a clear way.  I want an environment that holds harmony.

I had a conversation with a man on the phone whose tone got a bit aggressive.  I realized I was not responsible for his emotion!  Another man got “intense” with me face to face.  I stood my ground calmly.  I am sensitive to other people’s emotional tones and realize again that it’s from my childhood and even the womb.  When mom and dad expressed a critical tone I felt responsible— that I did something wrong.  Now, I see it and can separate from the pattern. 

As I look around my world I see a lot of unhappy people and feel sad...and this sadness keeps coming up.  Is it the 12/21 syndrome?  Or are we at the end of times where one door closes (sadness is appropriate it seems to me) and another opens?
Driving to the care center to see my client I thought about my orientation and how I would relate mentally and emotionally.  I was checking in. The image of a gyroscope appeared and I was holding it/him in front of me.  I got that I am a separate gyroscope (orb) and that I can manage that which flows least on my part. 

I manage emotions best when I am in my body grounded and thus conscious.  Without ground of dark matter I cannot be conscious!  Physical bodies with intelligence are required to make positive change so that our environments both individually and collectively are more happy, harmonious and at peace.

I felt my gears grinding (burn out) so I went for a walk in Saint Edwards Park on Lake Washington.  On the path toward the lake I felt something “large” and had to stop to listen.  I looked up and a large bird was flying toward me.  Eagle!  I watched it pluck a branch from a snag and fly around and off.  Another eagle flew in and around.  They must be reinforcing their winter nest!  On the lake I sat and watched a “dragon” log dance with waving sensual water.  Mesmerizing!  This magical diversity is why I love the forests.

Nature has many emotions that call for observance and respect.


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