
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Jean Houston & Edgar Cayce

A heavy cloud hung around me for days.  I was sad, cried easily, and my neck/atlas sore.  It was as if the bottom had fallen out and a cross current vortex surrounded me.  I was in dark depression, a void.   Wisdom told me to be grateful, stay in the moment and take it a step at a time.  I did just that in between dark emotion.  It was a weaving experience.

Yesterday I woke up and felt much better.  I had decided that I would focus on what I value at my core/who I am at my core and spend time in 2013 with Jean Houston.  I went to her website to see if she had 2013 events posted.  I saw on email that she was repeating her online 3 Keys to Discovering & Living Your True Purpose.  I don’t have internet at home because of the hacker who damaged two computers so I went to a coffee shop, ordered a decaf latte and listened to Jean.  Now it’s 1:30 am and I’m buzzing.  Why don’t they get my order right?  This has happened twice this month! 

After listening to Jean’s passionate presentation I knew it was right to register for her 7-week online course, Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose.  It was a challenge to focus on listening and after 30 minutes I was on information overload.  My head hurt.  I may have to spend time with Jean in another way…probably in person when I can use all my senses.  I’m not sure what my capacity is for this online experience.  I notice when I am participating in conference calls with the Happiness Practitioners that I get emotional and want to talk…too much…I get too exuberant.  So, I am not sure how I can balance my senses, emotion and logic online.  I am willing to dive in to find out.

I’m reading Edgar Cayce, An American Prophet by Sidney Kirkpatrick.  His life story is fascinating and comforting because he, too, talked to little people, fairies and sprites and felt out of place with people.  He too played solitaire when alone!  I think his trance readings would make good TV…instead of crime mysteries we could marvel at healing mysteries.  I wonder if people would respect the Source and the messenger.   Scientists were especially cruel to Edgar.  I find it fascinating that Cayce’s trance was interrupted when outsiders would put their hand or an object over his body as if he was plugged in to “Source.”

I just read that the Source said “Electricity is at the heart of all life” and “…energy is the mind seeking to find expression—the seeking is the energy, and that expressed is the matter.”  This must sound simplistic to quantum physicists but I think it is profound and that Cayce’s Source has much to teach us. 

That silver door that I drummed into awareness has an indentation on the right middle edge.  It’s not circular so it is not a door knob.  It is rectangular so I think it is for a key.  Thus, Jean’s 3 Keys presentation aligns with this vision.  And Dana and I have something in common regarding keys and I’m aware of that alignment as well.

Do I want to develop my psychic abilities?  Do I want to open that silver door to other dimensions?  Jean’s seven week course is going to assist me in these answers.  It will help me take new steps into 2013.

Something significant has shifted between me and my Beloved that has to do with “water” temperature.  (Water is so much like electricity.) The shift is the result of recent passionate and powerful contact that seems to have changed structure…molecular structure.   The pattern with him has been hot to cold and I can no longer do that.  I want/need more lukewarm water that has to do with conversation and friendship and that is unfolding now between us.  What is this phase of charge, discharge and recharge cycle?  I think it has to do with recharge and that to sustain this relationship I need more middle ground.

I’ve been using the Grange laptop since I served as Treasurer.  Last week the woman who doesn’t like me (how else do I say that?) asked that it be returned.  I am happy to do so I told her….and yesterday I bought a new one.  This is very symbolic….I have a new brain ready for new wires, data of intelligent conversations and a Jean Houston course.  Left and right brain are happy in their next phase of development…through thick and thin; hot, cold and lukewarm…of the unknown.


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