
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Toasting Water

I have an evolving friendship with a Native American man who plays flute and many other instruments.  I attended his Reiki Soundscape event at East West Books recently.  Paul is like water:  fluid and free flowing.  He is open and responsive in a warm hearted way.  During the break he showed me something about how his people do energy work.  I would like to tell that here but need to ask his permission.  We had dinner together and toasted to water!  He invited me to his mothers’ birthday party at the Duwamish Longhouse.  Such personal invitations from men are very unusual in my life.  It will be fun!

Reiki was powerful!   Earlier in the day I had texted my kids:  “As a family let’s pray for all children…8 pm tonight, Saturday.”  All three responded.  At 8 o’clock my hands were outstretched in Reiki to another human being.  Soon thereafter I felt a “grabbing” at my heart and knew that we were emotionally and psychically connected as a family.  Powerful how a tragedy can unify in Love.

Do I want to learn Reiki?  Do I want to offer Reiki treatments to people?  No, but I would like to offer healing energy to Mother Earth.  What would that be called?  During the night I started to do a type of energy work that is new to me and will ask others about it. 

More change…tis the season!


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