
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Transformational Politics Soul to Soul

I was reminded that it was the plump red beans that spoke to me from their clear jar. A Transition Woodinville member had given me some of her saved seeds and they grew happily in my garden. The green beans in the freezer also wanted recognition. Yes, you grew well and now you nourish physical bodies. Nothing is taken for granted in the Circle of Life’s harvest. Today I pulled myself away from writing and started to put my garden to bed for the winter. I pulled up old vines and pitched horse manure. Next I will sheet mulch and add compost and valley soil. 

Sacred geometry connects dots creating ley lines, dragon lines. I was at my boys’ house standing at their kitchen sink when their grandmother’s face came into mind’s eye. She is the one who hired me after they moved here from the East and she is the one who passed away a month later. From then on I became the family’s care taker…first her husband who got well and let me go and now her two grandsons. The six-year-old joined me in the kitchen and blurted out, “We found a heart rock on the beach.” The rock was sitting on the shelf above the stove and it was a perfectly carved heart …beautiful. I blurted back, “That rock is from your Grandmother.” This was a connecting of dots…this was sacred geometry…ley lines, dragon lines soul to soul. 

Last night I was working on a chapter about the 8th Human Unity Conference held at the University of British Columbia in 1981. That was a life changing event for me. It’s where I first heard Marilyn Ferguson speak and learned about her book The Aquarian Conspiracy. A book that became my bible because of its comprehensive and holistic content. I also loved her Brain/Mind Bulletin that helped me understand my intuitive self. I took a break and reached for my phone to check Facebook posts. Marianne Williamson had posted so I commented about the Power of Politics chapter in The Aquarian Conspiracy. This, too, was sacred geometry in motion. 

We swim in Soul Soup that swirls in spirals moving us in flow. We relate soul to soul through dimensions of multiple realities. All the parts want to participate in the Celestial Song; all the parts are consciously recognized for their contribution to this Dance of Life. Human consciousness can offer this “thanksgiving” and is why our bodies of matter do matter.  Are we the only species that is conscious? Are we the only species designed to download Light to upload it intelligently? Isn’t this what plants do in their unique way?
And so it is, I look at a jar of plump red beans and in one mystical moment they speak to me of their cosmic connection and their song brings in the song of others in my garden. Songlines!

And so it is, I appreciate Marilyn Ferguson and have the opportunity to speak on her behalf. Her contribution to the whole continues to be valid. Let’s not forget those who have gone before. Let’s remember Soul to Soul.

Members of the Transition Woodinville core have moved on to do other work. One of the women, who is now on our city council, reached out to a few of us inviting us to a “meet up” at her house.  I took The Aquarian Conspiracy to share. One woman read some of the Right Power section but didn’t have a response. Another woman set it aside. There was no interest. When the hostess asked what projects we could work on locally on I suggested banning plastic bags. Her comment was, “That’s not important.”  I saw from this meeting that I speak a different language. Perhaps I need to attend a local church to find souls more aligned and who want to take local action. I think I might start posting Marianne’s Facebook comments on the Transition Woodinville website.  I want to keep local Transition alive as long as I live here and I want “transformational” politics to be broadcasted.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Music of the Spheres

I look on my shelves and see canned pears and dried apples from local trees, jars of garden herbs for tea  and a bucket full of acorn squash from the garden. This harvest generates an inner contentment that draws a line from garden to me to earth to sun. My elemental garden feeds me in a sacred geometric pattern. Gardening feeds Soul--my Soul and the Soul of the cosmos.

My inner space has been quiet. There used to be a lot of inner commotion in my brain and different body parts as well as journeys into mystical realms and dreamtime (recorded in this blog). Now, my inner space is quiet. It's as if my parts are put back together--re-membered!

I was thinking about Dragon a few days ago and noticing that he had been absent for some time.  And then at my boys' (the ones I care for) school I looked at the trees and shrubs noticing their individuality and then my awareness shifted to the whole (what I call negative space) that contains these parts...and there S/He was!  Dragon!

I asked my editor if I could send her my manuscript before it was complete as I want some feedback to know what adjustments I need to make.  She agreed.  As I was reviewing and double spacing my chapters I got the sense that something was missing.  I had been working with the parts and now I was tuning in to the whole that was informing me that I needed to listen to the tone and make it consistent through each chapter. As a result I rewrote one chapter and am adjusting others.

This shift of awareness came after hours and hours and hours of writing. Yes, I've been writing morning and night for days and days. Work is love made visible...and love is held in the parts and the whole. Writing is a labor of love.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

S/He Dragon Alchemy

Sorry to miss Gregg Braden today in Seattle. I simply could not afford it as I am still paying off my trips to San Francisco. I am hoping to attend 2014 events with Caroline Myss, Davidji and I Can Do It, Vancouver. It will all depend on finances. I don’t mind living this simple lifestyle. I do what I can when I can. Currently I am interviewing three editors. One read an article I had written about Gaia posted on David Spangler’s Lorian Foundation. She has worked with other novelists who write about subtle energy.

Writing a book is so much like child birth with its stages of labor. The most challenging stage is when I feel I can’t cope with the intensity. In child labor it is physical intensity. In book writing it is mental intensity. My response in child birth was to keep breathing. My response in writing is to keep writing.

People who are close to me say, “Were you born in a barn?” I have a habit of not closing doors or cupboards. I begin to wonder if I was imprisoned or lived in an open air hut. I begin to wonder if this pattern is from a past life. Someone I know wears tight bracelets on both wrists and a tight necklace. I am seeing these as shackles and a hanging rope. Am I seeing a past life of this other person or am I seeing my own? Is this access into seeing more deeply associated with gamma brain waves? Is this seeing associated with akasha (Akashic Record) or ether?

Do I have attention deficit disorder? I have limited attention span when it comes to webinars and written text. I do better with “sound bites.” I’m realizing that has to do with negative space. When there is too much talk or too many words I can’t breathe in the Sacred Feminine. The book I write has many sound bites.

Transmutation effects my nerves and my nerves are more stable these days. I was in a chaotic environment recently and didn’t feel drained. I was almost t-boned by a red vehicle in the dark. When I saw the car to my left I waited for the impact—without any chemical reaction! To my surprise I slid by without incident.  Transmutation is alchemical and S/He Dragon is that cosmic archetype.

Tracker is closing in more than ever. Is he concerned I will use his name in my book? Is he concerned I am working with authorities to track his hacking and stalking? S/He Dragon has a new response to Tracker. His true purpose is not to block my Light from shining but to support it in the same way he is to support his own and others Light. All his other antics are nothingness. As “caves” start to speak from Earth onto S/He Dragon page Tracker could be helpful in identifying local caves. Will we need these as shelters in the future? Do they have codes for our enlightenment? Do they connect us to past and future? It’s time to come out of the dark and into the Light.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

S/He Dragon Caves

Ted Austin (with Hay House Write Because You Have To) responded to S/He Dragon page
and introduced me to his book published by Balboa Press and the cave in France that was recently discovered. Ted had a shamanic experience of being a woman in the cave, doing the artwork and knowing the energetic lines.
Penelope Torribio also responded with a cave story from Alaska.  I had met Penelope at Jean Houston's The Next Great Step.
S/He Dragon put a call out for her Dragon Clan.  Caves of Earth Mother respond!
We are being drawn together physically via energetic lines spiritually. This is Her story and we let it unfold.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Light and Matter

I was thinking about an elderly man and wondering why he is so cold and negative. Suddenly I “got” that he is more dark matter than he is radiant light.  What a difference that made as it cut out all the in between drama. Was I seeing with Dragon Eye?
Dragon Eye used to be “a favorite shape for cutting magical stones or crystals” from  Woman’s Dictionary of Sacred Objects and Symbols. That ancient relic given by the Dalai Lama looks like a cutting tool and I was drawn to its flat and smooth end as if it had something to say more so than the ornate end.  My “seeing” is how I was led to the book and definition.
I am now rewriting paragraphs of my book with a new eye that seems associated with dimension. I am changing word structure that feels flat and giving them more movement and contour…more life.
In my memoir book I am including prose, poetry, short stories, teachings, flying dreams, etc. I am sure they do not all belong and will let an editor make those decisions. This morning I was refining a fairy tale about EyeLa, the dragon. It’s about Sleeping Dragon or Mt. Baker here in Washington State.  After making some changes a warm feeling came over me and I realized that “dragon” likes her story. I may not be getting the most positive feedback from people who read some of my chapters but I am getting that from Dragon! I love writing and having this focus.
If Dragon Eye and Akashic record can bring past time into awareness can it not bring future time in as well? Camilla and I discussed this and that night I had a dream about the future. To be told in the future.
Now that I am working more hours I have less time to connect via the internet. I miss the communications and connections. However, I appreciate my jobs that are not connecting dots behind a desk. Other dots are connecting Thee, we, me.
Love Light – the generation of enlightened matter at every degree/angle/dimension. Matter is evolving.