
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Creator + Creation = Creativity

This is my personal blog. I don’t announce it publicly. Those who find me here are meant to be here. If S/He Dragon gets published I will need to do something new with this blog since it is a continuation of that story. Perhaps I will write a second book since much is not being included and the story continues day by day. Would the public be interested in “tuning in” to S/He Dragon on a regular basis, offering comment and asking questions? Instead of an E-Book it would be a S/He blog. This could be fun—with creative possibilities.

More victory yesterday regarding the old me and the new me relating to food. I did not cave in to sweets mid-afternoon. I chose to eat pecans and almonds instead. At dinner, having sushi with a friend, debating within about having one more plate. I watched, listened and did nothing. My stomach ruled…it was full! Where is this new “control” coming from? What new part of brain-body is activating?

I am not a good candidate for hypnosis. Listening to Eldon’s CD and hearing his commands I did not respond. I heard but there were no electrical impulses, no “juice,” moving through my body. One is “turned on” or not. Revealing that chemical hormones play a key role in physical response and, yes—addiction. Hormones move like water or dry up in lifeless infertility. How does this apply to food compulsions and addictions?

I turned to page 136 in Marianne Williamson’s A Course in Weight Loss. It introduced the Inspirer and Permitter as supportive partners in an initiation ceremony. The title of the chapter is Ritualize the Change in You. I wonder if Marianne has ever offered this ritual on a public platform such as I Can Do It. My Creative Self is imaging/designing/orchestrating such a ritual: Equinox, Solstice times of year including masculine and feminine—now getting audience participation. Such an imagination! This imaging power can heal compulsions and addictions! I am tuning in, turning on and turning up my imaging power that activates health and vitality. Now, that would be a fun topic to talk about with a public audience: What Turns You On?  What hormones move you? 

This blog is my current, my waters, of expression. I’m sure I say too much for public consumption. However, language/communication is how I ground the creative process, and how I follow moving currents that move me. It is my life-blood and one life-line (vertical lines reveal themselves in this moment!) honoring primal forces of Energy and Nature. Cosmic Forces penetrate Earth through Kundalini Fire; deliver through Sacred/Conscious Intuition and Sacred/Conscious Logic (S/He Dragon); and enliven, activate, a larger whole.

Using language to communicate, here now, I see that Creativity is at play. Would this not refer to a tangled web of toxic particles/parts loosening up, releasing their grip, and new Light shining through. (the YouTube, at the end of this post, shows DNA as a tangled web of strands!) Ahhh, I feel a sense of relief as I see and write. Yes, healing Light loosens dark matter. 

At our Eastside Beyond Coal event today a man was frustrated saying that he was ready to get out the guns. I suggested that we use words instead. At the end of the event I was standing next to him and he gave me an earful: he had been in the Navy and wants more “fight.” I watched him getting hostile and as he walked away in a “huff” he said something about “blood.” Blood, indeed!  Not blood of old…new blood with new hormonal juice! A new life line! 

We offer Gaia a blood transfusion. (Blood transfusion is generally the process of receiving blood products into one's circulation intravenously.)

Creator + Creativity = Creation
Creator + Creation = Creativity

I see this as DNA activation.  What is DNA?

Friday, March 28, 2014


Eating small portions of raw fruit, vegetables and a salad yesterday made me light-headed. At Sierra Club’s phone bank, with  those long necked Cormorants in trees, I was victorious when I said “no thank you” to pizza. A few minutes later I almost caved in, hearing a voice in my head say: “Maybe you can have the toppings but not the crust.” I caught that (who is this “I” now catching a suggestive message?) and did not cave in. Victory in the moment!

At one point in the afternoon I thought about past life regression with starving girl, samurai warrior and dinosaur chomping lush greens. Imagine all this grief being held by Gaia. Imagine ancient creatures who starved and lost their lives—lives now fueling our homes and cars. Imagine all those in worldwide plagues and famines. This is a lot for Gaia and her people to hold. Relief comes through cleansing—at all levels.

Later my body felt a moment of rage. I watched it but nerves and muscles didn’t act it out. I did, however, get the impression of mom’s rage. That was new! That was real! My mind knew mom was angry and severely depressed. Now my body revealed that it knew as well. That memory was buried deep. Do I use food to keep pain buried?
I am opening the books by Marianne and Eldon spontaneously knowing that the page I open is the message for the moment. I am doing this several times a day.

A Course in Weight Loss (I seek pH balance, not weight loss) opened to page 161: “Your craving for food is an emotional temper tantrum, as a part of you that feels unheard is demanding to be and will be heard. You have two choices: you can feel your emotion, or you can listen to the cruel command to do something to temporarily assuage the pain of not feeling it. Clearly, feeling the emotion would be a more functional choice.
If you have no template for honoring feelings, processing them, bearing witness to them, surrendering them, and watching them miraculously transform, then they can appear in your life as frightening energy ruling you instead of being ruled by you. It’s time to end your emotional slavery by building your spiritual mastery. This is the first book I’ve read by Marianne Williamson. Her words are soothing, medicinal—and timely. It’s simply time that our paths cross."

I sometimes dream of men who I don’t know in this realm, expressing affection toward me. This morning I had a dream about such a man and I was responding warmly to his attentiveness. The quality of interaction held new vibrational tone that I don’t have words for. Maybe it was a "humming" in space. Maybe it was a “holding pattern.” It was sweet, beautiful, loving. In one dream frame he was wearing two necklaces. I looked closely at one and it was a light colored cord with canoe paddle…very vertical. More masculine energy! I appreciate masculinity of dream time.

 Grey Owl Owlet Canoe Paddle

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Multidimensional Sound Healing

An intense weekend with Stargate, SCALLOPS’ (Sustainable Cities All Over Puget Sound) regional meeting, and Dana’s concert. When I settled down to sleep Saturday night a being took shape before my Eye and eyes with Stargate lines, only more vertical—as if Stargate collapsed into itself and expanded vertically. I do see two eyes when I look at the structure and we were told that Stargate holds consciousness. I drew the being with straight lines. It looks very phallic, masculine. Spring 2014 is proving to be omnipotent, omnifertile. Male and female forces are alive in brain-bodies on Gaia.

Friday’s Stargate was DNA changing, Saturday’s SCALLOPS regional meeting was invigorating, and Dana’s concert was a swirling vortex of feelings. I had not seen him in over a year and feelings toward him range from cold to hot. Sunday and Monday cold grief and heartache washed over me in tsunami waves. Transcending deep human feelings another current ran true, overarching in higher e-motion (energy in motion) of Unconditional Love. Once again this force rose up out of dark, cold waters bringing change spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. I see whale breeching. I see Lemuria rising.

When I rose out of dark feelings I had new vision and took new action. One was to email Dana and order his CD to share with specific people. At the speed of Light, or faster than the speed of Light, I instinctively “smelled” the words in my head and watched them fire out my hand as I typed: “I think this has to do with multidimensional sound healing.” As this moved through me my inner response was, "Okay, thank you." I am guided and moved by forces larger than ego.

Something is missing in my brain associated with will power and discipline. I feel pinned down in food addiction. I do have tools that I forget to use. I do have support that I forget to reach out for. This karmic drama wants to control. My feminine nature goes with the flow of instinct. (Is instinct the same as intuition or deeper, more ancient?) My instincts associated with food are still connected to past lives when I starved, begged and stole. (Now, in this moment tears of grief rise up…this is HUGE for me….DEEP stuff!) I work to change this and wonder about “smell.” Can I remember “to smell” when I am thinking I want another food with flour and sugar or when I eat frantically? Can my brain speak a new language? 

Reading Self-Hypnosis and Subliminal Technology is helpful. Eldon Taylor puts me in another mind frame just by reading his words. I also have A Course in Weight Loss by Marianne Williamson. Can I, will I, use these book and Eldon’s CD to assist in this healing? (Thank you, Hay House for your Seasonal gifting of low-cost books.) I go for two days and then cave in reminding me of emotional waves and eating patterns that have pulled me up and down most of my life. I welcome more discipline of masculine energy that grounds me in body.

Inspiration comes in at the speed of Light (perhaps it comes in faster). Instincts naturally fire this way. Why does my brain not fire this way when it comes to healing addiction? What is stuck? What is missing? What new “wire” is waiting in the wings? My heart goes out to those with addictions…it is a trap that slowly kills a person, communities and planet. My healing is collective healing and this is true of everyone. Yes, the pressure increases.

Because of my experience with entities of Darkness who walk in this realm, I know there are forces in other realms feeding personal and collective addiction frenzy. It’s called mind control. This is why I turn to multidimensional healing. It’s time to go deeper which is a sign that we have evolved in our development. I am at this juncture and not ashamed to speak of it. I know true identity is not ego based. I know the power of honesty that gave me wings. I continue to enter this new territory alone yet not alone. I choose to stay awake and conscious letting my new brain breathe and live in new fire.

Green Waters song came through. Camilla and I have talked about my using this song to free up addiction. I know this. I activate this. Yes, this is DNA changing. Knowing and doing are lifetimes apart; they are also here now.

Stargate experience charged my body to respond to Lemurians with arms shooting straight up over my head, skyward. This vertical stance/dance is a new channel, pathway, wire, supported by inclusiveness of Stargate. I welcome my masculine nature that is logical and down to earth. Waters rise on areas of Gaia, land rises on other areas. What once was water is now land. What once was land is now water. Lemuria rises, as does Gaia frequency.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Great Salish Sea

I attended Dana Lyons’ CD release concert, The Great Salish Sea. Dana’s meaningful music moves me, touching heart and soul. Songs on this new album address local and global environmental issues and other human interest topics:

·        The Great Salish Sea (story of Orca Whales); Salmon Coming Home (story of ancient salmon); I Need the Water (story of humans' united need for water); and Sometimes (story of Coal Trains).  Cane Toad Muster song is a good example of Dana’s wit and sense of humor. His story about the Cane Toad plague in Australia is surreal.  Just Want to Be With You is a romantic, upbeat and happy song—worthy of being on country music charts. 

Dana is a poet for the planet, like John Denver, and a strumming activist, like Pete Seeger. It’s time for Dana’s “song stories” to be recognized and I am putting energy into this. I asked why I want to circulate Dana’s music and received the answer:

Waters of Gaia are melting and evaporating causing flooding and drought. New waters are needed to fill the void. Enlightened voices through stories and music is critical at this juncture in Gaia evolution. Enlightenment pertains to Lighting up the Whole—not a person or practice.

I am investing personal funds into Transition Free Press to circulate locally. It is now clear that I am also investing in The Great Salish Sea to circulate where and when I can. This is my work, my ministry—my path of enlightenment.

As I write this early morning, The Great Salish Sea resounds in my home, as Dana’s emotion pours forth healing waters. I support this healing.

At this juncture I know the root cause of my sore thumb/wrist. It is karmic drama (I sense my hand was severed due to stealing food) and I’ve been watching it control me, pulling me round and round. It’s now time for me to rise above this demonic spell. I create new wiring and welcome solid ground. I will try to call Robin Alexis/Mystic Radio and ask for assistance in this healing tomorrow. I also want to hear from others who attended Stargate.

Healing waters North, South, East and West.  Gratitude to so many voices and songs.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Stargate ~ Vibrational Portal

I attended Stargate ( and arrived early to sit quietly. I shifted immediately into a higher brain wave frequency. The energy of this geometric portal was/is tranquil like a day at the spa with warm waters and a comforting blanket.

Prageet, creator of Stargate, is down-to-earth with a voice that is soothing, resonating. He built this structure by listening for guidance.  He purchased copper tubing and ran his hand down the tube. When he felt an energetic shift, he cut.  We did a series of meditations with ascended Masters, Angels, Star Families, Lemurians, Atlantians, and Gaia. It can’t get anymore inclusive than this!  I resonated with Jesus/Sacred Masculine and Mary/Sacred Feminine, and Buddha.  Lemurian was very intense and my body followed inner guidance lifting my arms straight up and high. A Stargate dance!

I had a specific experience in the first meditation but lost it consciously.  However, later I remembered and spoke with Prageet about it.  During the angel meditation I got that I was to “smell” them. Prageet asked if I had done that.  I said that I didn’t know how to “warp around” that.  I did know that scent is our most ancient sense and that snakes steer by scent...dragons too!  So, I will listen and watch for what this means in my brain and in my life.

I had no sense of vibrational connection with star families. Prageet said they had something to do with our evolution and I continue to wonder why reptilian brain with its instinctual nature is not more integrated with our modern brains. I wonder if some alien race used “power over” rather than “power with.” Maybe my soul connection and work is Earth centered…not sure….so much of this is new consideration. My answers come from within.

I felt love for Robin Alexis after her radio program today. Her multi-dimensional healing work with individuals is healing work for Gaia. I messaged her that I feel like I am being stretched in two directions. One direction has to do with sacred activism and the other with sacred soul. There are so many people I want to spend time with and so many places I’d like to be. There is no way I can do it all! I have a range of resources and time that keeps it all in balance.

At Stargate I was talking to Marth Norwalk, hostess of Animal World on Alternative Talk Radio that airs before Mystic Radio. As we talked my heart started “singing” in fullness that felt like > as if energy was coming through me and I was the point.  I mentioned this to her and she felt it too. I said it was all the animals that loved her! It was a gift for me to feel this and then share this through my voice.

It seems there are lines of convergence at play. I am experiencing this associated with past lives and food issues. There are times I am so out of control and wonder who is pulling my strings. And other times the waters are calm. It’s as if two lines of time cross creating a vortex.  Intense integration is occurring at the same time of intense disintegration. “Purification by fire” comes through this moment. I garden…it helps in so many ways.

Oh yeah, almost forgot. As I was gardening this afternoon I got that Transition is my Earth ministry. This helps me understand why I am so busy with this new work right now. I sensed my outreach to Robin helped this come through.  I am so grateful for so many sweet souls in my life.