
Monday, June 25, 2012

New Ears

I am aware that those who work with the Devic Kingdom use different names, terms and have diverse perspectives.  When humans see/hear beyond ego separation in this linear reality we don't pick up the differences. We see/hear--know--the spirit of the words.  We sense what's behind them and all around them. We breathe the Air of intention behind the words and that intention is of One  Source.

Is there enough space to find common air? Yes! When more humans go here there is less stress, conflict and war.

Good Nowness Dear Humans

By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – June 16, 2012

My Entry NOW

Good Nowness Dear Humans,

We the Air Elementals, the Sylphs, have come to speak with you this day. We are so honored to be able to have a voice for the ears of humanity. Always, we have floated past you without your knowing. We have often whispered in your ear, and some of you even heard us. Unfortunately, very few could understand us.
What we have been saying all these millennia is that we are happy to feel your breath within our sky. When you breathe out your sorrow, we feel sad and concerned. When you are frightened, we feel it as anger and wish to comfort you. And, when you breathe happiness we feel joy and wish to join in on your play.

However, our lives are at a different frequency. Therefore, all we can do is express the emotion and intention of your breath. We glow with your singing and wither with your tears.

Do you know how much of your essence you release into the atmosphere with your every breath? As Elementals we are bound to express our creations in alignment with your breath. We Sylphs are vital to the life of all beings, as we bring oxygen to the mammals and light to the plants.

Our plant friends are aware of our service and sway back and forth with the power of our movement. Our animal friends are aware of us, but generally ignore us, except for the birds. Humans have called us Faeries or bugs.

Some have batted us away, and others, especially children, want to play with us. Many stories are written about us, which makes us quite glad. However, few humans are aware that we serve Mother Gaia to clear Her atmosphere, and raise its frequency when possible.

We love to do our work in the wilderness or where there are few humans. However, the air over many of your cities is almost intolerable. We take turn working over these cities, as many of us have actually perished from air pollution.

There was a time when humans honored us and tried to keep their air clean, but then they withdrew much of their assistance. We wondered if it was our fault, or if the humans had gotten lost again in their greed.

However, our needs are simple. All we need is more love breathed into the air to assist us as we transmute the polluted skies.

For a while, there was great disruption from a machine that pushed our Ionosphere away and allowed it to collapse back. Our supervisors, the Devas, tell us that humans are stopping that activity. If this is so, we are very grateful. Many of our friends were lost due to that horrid machine. In fact, we Sylphs do not care much for any machines and wonder why humans can’t make them quiet and clean like the big Starships.

The Beings on the Ships can see us and even communicate with us. They have told us to be patient a bit longer as things are going to get better soon. Actually, the humans are trying to protect more of Gaia’s beautiful places, which will clear the sky and fill it with the harmonious thoughts of plants and animals. Then we can get on with our plan to transmute Gaia’s atmosphere into its higher expression.

Our favorite places are over oceans and forests. We can relax there because the water and the trees feed us with their life force. To be fair though, we must say that more humans are looking into our sky with gratitude for its clarity and beauty. When we feel their appreciation and gratitude, our energy is renewed to continue with our work.

These humans are our friends. They know what we do for them, and they try to help as much as possible. They may not be able to control much of the pollution yet, but they can send us their love, which is so very much appreciated.

Even though you humans do not see us, we can see you clearly. Also, we can instantly feel your intentions and know the humans with whom we can share our Silent Knowing. We have much Silent Knowing because we are everywhere and can feel information as it resonates within our skies.

We absorb the many thoughts from all of Gaia’s life forms. Yes, all of Gaia’s beings have thoughts! Animals think. Birds think. Even plants think. It is just that most of the members of the animal kingdom, and all of the plant kingdom, think in a feeling, vibrational manner.

In fact, non-humans think in vibrational patterns. Most humans cannot read these vibrational patterns, but we Sylphs can easily understand them. These thought patterns in our sky are how birds can migrate and animals can find water or each other.

These patterns also influence the weather. Humans are unaware how much they contribute to the vibrational patterns of the sky. However, many children can feel them. Unfortunately, the children forget this skill when they become adults.

In many other “primitive” or “ancient” societies it was quite common to read these patterns to better navigate the land and sea, determine the weather and to gather information from the ONE. If you will listen to the sky, you will learn a great deal. Also, if you call us, we will assist you in learning to read these energy patterns.
However, no one can read them with the chemtrails in the sky. We have tried to tell humans that these white streaks are not natural. In fact, they are laced with chemicals that are very hazardous for us, for the humans, plants and animals. Why would humans want to harm the sky?

The humans who can talk to us say they trying to stop this problem, but they do not have much more control over the “destructive ones” than we do. Fortunately, we can see that there are new patterns entering the sky that are of a very high vibration. We can see these patterns and love to rest within them, as they are filled with love and joy. Our friends on the Starships and our Deva supervisors tell us that more and more of these new frequencies of light are coming into our atmosphere. We are quite excited about this information, as we are ready for a change.

We don’t want to complain, but we are ready to pull our beingness into the higher sky. By higher sky we mean the sky that is of the new light. We have looked forward to this new light for millennia and eagerly welcome it. It appears that some humans can also see the new sky, and when they can see it, they can almost see us. We think it would be wonderful if humans could see us. However, some humans are very difficult for us to understand.

On the other hand, there are other humans who are our best friends. They talk to us and listen to what we are saying. Do you think that there will more of these kinds of humans soon? We really hope so, as we could use some help. The frightened humans are very messy and leave the exhaust from their toys around to choke our plant friends and make the birds sick.

If any of you want to help us, we would surely appreciate it. All you have to do is to look up into our sky as often as possible and say, “Thank you dear Sylphs. You are doing a good job and we send you love and gratitude.”

Do you think you could remember to do that for us?

The Kiss of Air

Sweet morning dream about Him. In a house with my family. He stands with his back against a wall/pillar. Our mouths meet and we kiss....twice...not caring who is around us. Very tender and fleshy--real. Some drama with me trying to find certain clothes and it is taking a lot of time. He waits for me and we leave together hand in hand....again very tender and fleshy--real. There was a new Light quality with this dream but not Light as bright and white rather Light as in Airy and lifted. Which reminds me of the articles my friend Paul handed to me at the Summer Solstice fire. Articles from Elementals at The 2012 Scenario's New Earth Journal. I am happy to read what Air has to say.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Waves of the Whole

After many years I am no longer organizing community events and at times I feel like a ship without sail or rudder.  I no longer make waves but now let the waves of the whole come to me.  In this stillness I learn to see and breathe deeper.

Twice this week I was invited to participate in community events.  At one I will be an Elder letting the moment unfold as to what I contribute. I felt honored to be invited.  At another I will be a speaker at a Slow Food event and perhaps teach my Circle of Life class.  Last year there were 2000 people at the event and the good news is that I will be paid which is a healthy energy exchange.  Drum wants to be at these presentations so we may sing this earth chant:  “Earth my body; Water my blood; Air my breath; and Fire my spirit.”

We are planted in a Circle of Life and in this garden with water, air, earth and fire we receive and give seeds through the unconscious, subconscious, conscious and supra conscious  strata of our living.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Solstice

Blue sky and sun shine bright for Summer Solstice.  Community gathering at the Heritage garden with fire, food, drum and song.  Intense week with client who is verbally abusive at times.  It was suggested by his family that I walk out when he behaves this way.  No more trying to reason and find solutions when he is unreasonalbe.  He goes in and out of old negative patterns so I try to plant some seeds when there is an opening. I'm trying to activate some new patterns and muscles in his body, mind, emotion and spirit.  I asked if he would teach me to play a song on the piano...he reluctantly agreed which is a huge success.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Unconditional Love

 He informed me that I had written “Sinday” instead of Sunday.  What was that about?  The first thing that came to mind was Freud and the unconscious.  Later when I looked at it again I realized it was Goddess speaking.  She is Trickster!  So I conclude that Freud interprets the unconscious while Goddess IS the unconscious both very different angles.

As Sandusky drama involves crimes in the shower I am dealing with someone asking me to get in the shower with him.  I told him “no” a couple of times.  I saw that I was complaining to others instead of talking to him directly and that this was the same pattern I had with my dad until I was 40 and found my voice telling him not to speak to me in that way.  When I spoke up the other day he said it was just a joke and that all the other girls and his wife would have Iaughed.  This reminded me of the silence around my dads’ shenanigans.  Here we go again…another round.  A day later, in one moment I realized how I could tell him he was disrespectful and at the same time give him the reason why.  I drew four concentric circles:  body, mind, emotion, spirit and told him whole health is healing all the parts and respecting others is the same way.  I am more than a body!  This morning I read him a section of Peace Is Every Step.  He is receptive which is why I continue supporting him.

I woke up and thought about him.  Then communication moved through as one whole.  The words:  “I love you.”  This didn’t scare me and I didn’t try to retrieve the words to protect myself.  I am at a place of unconditional love without expectation or attachment.  Such a love carries power and passion neither of which I fear for this is Goddess energy.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Women Clothed With the Sun

This is a blog post from that I received from a "Sista" in our Redmond Red Tent circle.

As the sun rises at about 4.45am tomorrow morning, you may - if you have the correct eyewear and the sky is clear - witness a truly rare astronomical event. Only seven of these events have been recorded since the invention of the telescope, and they occur when Venus passes in front of the Sun, creating a dark spot that travels across the Sun’s surface.

These Venus transits come in pairs separated by eight years - the last one was in 2004 - and this will be the only opportunity to see this event in the lifetime of anyone currently alive on this planet, as the next one doesn’t happen until 2117.

So, as I was saying yesterday - here’s another once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. But what does it all mean, if anything? I wrote in an earlier blog post about the symbolism of the Venus transit heralding return of the solar feminine - that aspect of feminine energy that is bold, creative and radiant. The solar feminine shines not just through the success and expression of women, but through the power of a man’s emotions received in his heart.

This idea points to the return of the Goddess - and I’ve seen some predictions that this heralds the fall of the patriarchy. What I’m reflecting on, however, is that it might have something to do with feminine power balancing the out-of-control masculine power on this planet. You could think of it as an inner reunion between the masculine and feminine elements of ourselves

It’s no coincidence that Queen Elizabeth II is celebrating her Diamond Jubilee at this time as she is the embodiment of enduring solar (regal) feminine power. But her power is of a different era and we need fresh, new feminine energy to come into play.

This means women everywhere taking responsibility and stepping into their power wherever and whenever they can, being authentic and speaking their truth.
That’s the kind of feminism I can applaud: women clothed with the sun.

Wisdom A Core Issue

I forgot to include this in my Venus In Transit blog.  After I had processed the core issue I was standing at the sink drinking water and the words “self love” came in.  Did it rise up from South?  Did I see it from North?  No, it came in differently beyond emotion and mind.  I think it came from center core and a place of wisdom.  Wisdom is a sum of all the parts. Supra-consciousness? I suspect it is that purple-pink radiance that spoke recently.  Wisdom is union of N/S/E/W. Wisdom/enlightenment is a core issue!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Venus in Transit

3 am with core issues rising up (S).  I look at them (N) in new light.  I speak and write (E/W) to ground them (S).  This circular pattern of transmutation turns again and again decomposing matter like a compost bin. This circle is sacred healing space.

The core issue came through loud and clear:  I don’t trust men.   What does this really mean?  I know to the depth, height, and breadth that I can see clearly.  This is what I know now.  Throughout my life I have been drawn to men through sexual attraction and men who lust after women.  I call them womanizers.  Dad encoded the pattern and the men that I chose thereafter supported that code. 

Womanizers don’t focus light but rather diffuse it, scatter it.  I’ve noticed the way men look when they are with you but lusting elsewhere and that look is out of body.  They are missing in action.  They are not even at a surface level.  When I teach Circle of Life classes most participants stay on the surface and never go deep into emotional territory although this was not the case last week at Cascadia Community College with Creative Arts Club members.  This group was dynamic and open and a gift to me as teacher to see depth open up and be reflected on paper, on Circle of Life maps.

One of the men in my life was abused as a child.  He acted out his pain through womanizing patterns.  When I would call him on it he told me I was hallucinating.  It was crazy making!  He was a teacher.  This man wanted to write but never did.  He wanted to retire from a job he hated but never did.  This man lied to himself and to me.  I left him.  He died of throat cancer a few years later.  This man blocked energy from circulating through his systems spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically.  He blocked Light.

Spirit / North / Air
Emotion/ South / Fire
Mind / East / Water
Body / West / Earth 

I know that my issues with men and sex are entangled in my issues with food which is why it is critical that I ground all of this through the circulation and transmutation of Light.  This is enlightenment:  a process not a destination.  The process is the destination because Light is at the core and runs through all drama omnipresent.

My core issue with food is intensified.  Collective core issues are intensified.  The evil that we see and hear on mainstream TV is shocking.  Humans are acting insane, like demons.  Our personal and our collective unconscious (S) opens up and Light filters through to penetrate more deeply.  We are part of the process.  We watch (N) it rise (S) and receive it with loving circular arms (E/W).  Who is present to do this work?  I am and We are Light Workers.

I am Light.  I am dark dense matter.  These two merge more deeply and toxins hit the fan, ugly toxins, evil toxins, demonic toxins that have been held in Earth for ages. I focus at my core and let the heated process move. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Ritual and Myth

Months ago I took notes as I listened to Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyer on TV discussing The Power of Myth:
• By participating in a ritual you are enacting a myth
• Woman is a vehicle for life/nature / Man is a vehicle of society
• A ritual pitches you out
• A ritual must be kept alive
• Artists are the ones to keep ritual alive and in mystery
• Artists are the myth makers of our day • Impulse comes from above
• A shaman is turned inside out as unconsciousness is opened up
• A shaman falls into unconsciousness

Black Elk and The Sacred Hoop
I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy...but anywhere is the center of the world. Black Elk - Oglala Sioux

From The Power of Myth introduction by Bill Moyer: He agreed that the ‘guiding idea” of his work was to find “the commonality of themes in world myths, pointing to a constant requirement in the human psyche for a centering in terms of deep principles.” “You’re talking about a search for the meaning of life?” I asked. “No, no, no,” he said. “For the experience of being alive.”

On page 142 of The Power of Myth is the diagram of a circle: “Pedagogical stunt.” Plato said the soul is a circle. I drew a horizontal line across the circle to represent the line of separation of the conscious and the unconscious. The dot in the center, below the horizontal line, represents the center from which all our energy comes. Above the horizontal line is the ego, represented as a square: that aspect of our consciousness that we identify as our center. But it is very off-center. We think this is what is running the show, but it isn’t.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

We Won! - No Zip Lines in our Back Yards

"Dear citizen,
"We are writing to inform you that GravityWorks has withdrawn its proposal for a zipline facility at Gold Creek Park in pursuit of another location. Consequently, we are cancelling the June 6th public meeting. Working with partners and the community, King County Parks has a goal of creating collaborative and sustainable projects and events that create recreational opportunities, while preserving our 26,000 acres of open space as outlined in our business plan. As part of this process we have appreciated the input you have provided and your engagement in this effort. We hope that you continue to enjoy the park and please do not hesitate to call or email if you have any questions.
"Butch Lovelace ~ Program Manager ~ King County Parks ~ 206.263.6267

Core Issues

As a child I grew up next to a candy store and ate candy almost daily. Mom was a great cook and we had dessert almost daily. I remember how I craved the new “Davy Crockett” bread that came out. It was more than white bread; it had some brown in it and texture. I remember craving parsley and would get that when we went to Fife’s Poodle Dog restaurant for fish and chips which was not very often due to our large family and tight finances. Now I work to sort out the emotional, mental and physical wiring of my core issue with food. Inflammation talks to me and lets me know when I am not centered at my core and am eating off balance. Will this merry-go-round ever stop? Will this never-ending tape ever end? Yes, it is thinning as I am no longer unconscious. Yes, I am learning more about my self and Self.

Yesterday I looked at a cookie at Noon and chose to eat it rather than sitting down to a balanced lunch. My emotional attachment was louder than the structured intention that I had once again put into place. Negative self-talk played out the rest of the day. I am my own best critic. I see that I am out of body when eating off balance. When grounded—-using logic to uphold emotion-—I am balanced and at my core. Last night in a split second I saw/heard/sensed (non-linear is circular and includes more than one level of experience) a critical thread-thought coming in from the right of my head (NW). In that same split second I saw/heard/sensed something at center that stopped the old negative message before it got through (N/S). I then experienced “radiation” in my head as if a contact had been made. I sensed I had made contact with the “demon” behind that negative pattern; the puppeteer holding the strings. Instinctively and deliberately I held that time and space. I stayed with it face to face. It was definitely a new and direct contact with my self and other forces that have wrapped around/controlled this core issue.

As I lay down to sleep a hologram came into mind's eye. It was purplish-pink with an E/N/W arc and radiating, pulsating beams were moving outward toward me. Today I think about the pineal gland and chakra and it's color.

Dream: I am with a few people. We are being stalked. Then small objects are being thrown at us. We are in direct line of fire. Then I look closely at tree and see the attacker in between the limbs. As I make contact he falls from the trunk [core] of the tree. He has a rifle and comes after us. We flee. Other drama then look down at my feet. My left foot is bare; my right foot has a shoe and is one that I wear currently.

My client is home from the hospital 9 days early. My life is now full of doctor offices and hospitals. I am appalled at the way the nurses push pills. He has 8 different medications. When he told one of his cardiologists that he wanted to get off some of them the doc’s response was that he needed to add one. I learn that my client should not eat many green leafy vegetables due to one of his meds. And that one med needs another med because of its effect. In the rehab center my client was regularly served desserts with meals. I did not see fresh salads being served. What a corrupt system! Who is the winner here? This is a systemic core issue! At least we have a President and First Lady who are aware of this issue and working on it. I appreciate their leadership!

Sexual relationship is a core experience and thus core issue similar to food. People indulge in fast food and fast sex that is available everywhere. This indulgence does not nourish our Soul individually or collectively. The mainstream media is another core issue that does not nourish our Soul. The media should be held liable because of the damage it is doing to people’s mental health and psyches. Our medical system is liable in the same way. It is time for systemic change because enough parts are enlightened and thus evolving to the next level of intelligence. Radiant health is the picture of intelligence.

Yes, this is a conspiracy theory but one I wonder about since men act like wild raving animals rather than Humans who are Being emotionally intelligent. Who implanted the negative and self-destructive code at our core? Who tampered with our DNA? Who or what is behind our linear drama and keeps us stuck? Humans have hearts…who works to close them? White Light prevails and pushes through matter making contact with Darkness. This, too, is a core issue.