As I
was walking the dogs yesterday I realized the “equator” line I saw around me is
a shield that is assisting me in not taking dramas personally. I am also being
reminded by my Light Body when I am being negative. This “seeing” is unfolding
along parallel lines of letting go old relationship with empty food. The N/S
and E/W lines are gyroscopic as balance reveals itself. Balance is healing! I
recently found a quote for a chapter in my book: “…a gyroscope will always return to
equilibrium however far it is pushed one way or the other.”
George Orwell
I had to return to the library as I forgot to
print something. Another detail missed. I checked my stove. Red beans and
squash cooking. They would be okay until I got back. Driving to the library it
dawned on me (is “dawning” instinctual and Delta or Gamma brainwave of
unconscious mind?) that I didn’t turn the heat down on the stove under the
simmering beans. Ugh, another missed detail! I saw this as another example of
how I look with eyes in this realm but I don’t see. Thinking about this (thank
you Logical Male!) I realized that I don’t engage my frontal “thinking” lobe of
brain (is this not Beta brainwave?). Will I ever learn this? The instinctual pattern
seems to be getting more dominant as I find myself increasingly out of body,
missing details.
Everything in my life expands and contracts
in rhythm. Relationships are this way. I go days, weeks, months without
contacting someone. The only constant “obligation” or “response” ability” is
with family. I simply like a lot of still space. I contacted Robin Alexis
yesterday out of “impulse” or “instinct”. Days ago we had agreed that I would
contact her husband to schedule a reading. I let the timing be. After speaking
with Bob I “got” that I was interested in doing energy healing with her
regarding mental illness resulting in yet another shooting. I messaged her on
FB. It’s as if I act via unconscious, or Delta/Gamma frequency of brain waves and
my actions take me into Beta where I understand why or what. It’s a new
dynamic/reality/relationship of brain-body.
I was thinking that Tracker had changed. He
had not been in energetic space harassing me. Last night when I went to bed I
sensed someone close, wondering if Tracker was hiding somewhere in my house. I
thought, “So what, nothing can harm me, I am safe,” and that whoever, whatever
is present has to answer for their own intention/action. My emotion was steady,
unafraid. At one of Tracker’s lectures, early in my connection with him and his
school, he mentioned that he slept in closets. I was the only one in the
audience who chuckled and thought that odd. It took me a long time to
understand this “red flag”.
This morning I awoke at 4:30 and went back to
sleep…time of Dawn when Earth is kissed awake by Sun. (Is Earth in brain wave
state of sleep as well?) I was thinking about the “itching, burning” sensation
at my upper back, also realizing there is an area on my left foot that is
experiencing the same sensation.
I am dancing with a man across a large
dance floor. We are a couple. He wants to spend time with another woman. I am
fine with that and inform him that I was free to spend time with other men. I
experience no emotional drama around this. I feel safe, whole, at peace.
Suddenly in the midst of dream drama my whole body lifts up off the bed as if I
had received a jolt of energy. I felt/saw lines of electricity move out from my
body. Something strange was happening to me so I started to pray and say
positive affirmations. I had to focus my mind to do so. I had to go deep. Then
I notice I am pinned down. My hands feel cords, solid cords, not the slippery
pink ones of shamanic realm. This is matter realm. I pull and pull on the solid,
black cords. I start to scream for help but cannot. I moan “UHH……..UHH”, again
and again. I am more determined so as I pull on cords I start to rock my body
upright in bed…louder, stronger. Then my two daughters in this lifetime open
the door and ask if I am alright. I see by the look on their faces that they
observe something. I now look and see black cords wrapped again and again
around my legs, below the knees. Same cords I hold in my hands. Cords are
threaded through a dark blue round solid disc, the color of my car. Next to my
bed is a shelf with a “contraption” that has silver wires in delicate twists
and turns, one after another. I ask my daughter what it was. She said,
“Scanner.” When I saw the wires I “got”/“knew” (more instinctual brain wave) I
had seen this before I went to sleep…or on my way to sleep.
Whew! I am seeing this as Gamma Ray territory
and that I am moving between brainwave frequencies and realities. I want to
connect with Robin about this as she can see these realities. There is so much
going on behind matter. This is also why I want to work with her regarding
mental illness. At least this is what moves now. Life is so fluid it can change
in any nanosecond.
I just texted my daughters asking if they had
a strange dream and thanking them for rescuing me. We included “white Light” in
our goodbyes. One daughter commented: “That means a lot to me.” Light increases
in my blood family and I am so deeply grateful!
I just now remembered what I was thinking
prior to my dream! I was thinking about the “cord” at the top center of my head
and how it is a light beam now radiating horizontally trying to “get out” of my
skin. I wondered what this light beam is connected to…what source, what sun? Also aware of a pattern in the dream that showed up twice:
purity of emotion which means unafraid, accepting.
I will call in to today at
Noon aware that I may be disconnected as before. I suspect Tracker/Hacker which reminded me of
personal computers he damaged via hard drives. Made me wonder how brain is
similar to hard drive of computer. I googled the question on my phone and was
led to:
talking about a new computer that is more efficient, using the retina of eye as
a model. If brain is so much more advanced than computers why do we need them?
Why are we not exploring inner space and the upper chakras/endocrine glands
that pave the way to higher frequency and intelligence? Are we being blinded by
outside forces? Is Tracker being used? Is mental and emotional imbalance the
way dark forces manipulate? Light is the only healing force. Process Light! (Transmitter was shown in the ted talk…maybe
the gadget in dream was a transmitter? Maybe a scanner is a transmitter?) I continue to wonder who/what is blocking Light from transforming matter? Who advocates for technology and machinery instead of the Sacred Feminine and Mother Nature?