
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Timing of Events

Community Threads sold more books to 7 Cedars Resort/Casino and the Duwamish Longhouse may purchase some. The chair of the Duwamish tribe (who invited me to dinner with her!) said that she wished she had them for the recent potlatch so that it could have been read to the children! I'm very happy about the development of relationships with my Native American family.

I'm also grateful that the winds of spirit put me in the right place at the right time to support a young Native man so that his poetry could be heard after the 1000 Drums event that he's been working so hard to promote. The timing could not have been more perfect!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Earth Vibrations

3.4 Earthquake here on the Eastside of Seattle at 5:20 AM today. The vibrations woke me up...I listened...She evened out so I didn't have to decide where to go to be safe. Her power is amazing...She's got the whole world in Her hands.

I went 10 days without TV or radio and now I don't want to turn this noise on again.

It was so quiet in nice!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Went to Evergreen State College and the Synergy/Sustainability Conference to hear Dana sing. After the concert I heard one woman say to him, "All your songs are prayers." And then another said, "I am glad that you exist." It moved me to hear others articulate appreciation for Dana. Those of us who gravitate toward and resonate with Dana's music are a unique group of folks worldwide. Dana gave his first lecture on Personal and Community Empowerment. He sang an amazing song called Walking in Power. Dana has a vision and has been working on a project for 10 years. It's about good news and positive action that people of all ages can engage in locally. Project by project positive change can happen on our planet as previous systems fall. It's time for sustainable action and living. Time with Dana is emotionally charged and it's awkward to say goodbye so often I don't.

Some relationships are positive and provide an experience of addition. Others are negative and provide an experience of stagnation. I notice a new pattern in myself regarding communication with both positive and negative relationships. It's a flow to express positive emotion/thought even as one is making oneself vulnerable and at risk of rejection and abandonment. It's not as flowing for me to express emotion/thought in negative or chaotic relationship. I have to use more logic it seems. This lesson around communication has been life long as my family didn't communicate beyond the surface. Honest heart/mind communication is like a laser beam and is certain to create change in oneself, with another and in one's whole field. The lesson here is not to have expectation or attachment because change is around the corner and that change depends on those in one's field.

I've been thinking about "love thine enemy". I could not relate. However, if I change "love thine enemy, friend, lover" to mean "be honest with" then it makes sense. Love has to do with being honest. It's a pure energy that emits from heart/mind. Such expression decreases inner and outer pollution and makes the whole more light and bouyant.

Honest communication is associated with the discomfort I've been feeling in head, neck, shoulder. It has to do with the throat chakra which is the connection between head and body.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

White Light and Boundaries

White light is one field that holds all the colors. Colors have boundaries and know their appropriate place in the spectrum. It is not a caste system. It is a circular design by divine grace.

Those who are conscious do not look down on those who are less so. Rather the natural outreach of love is to lift up and make the whole bouyant and light.

Love has boundaries in its field of grace. Love has order and design: Law.

Laws of integration and disintegration are in process on Mother Earth.

Home Again

Amazing that I could spend a week with my family and not feel the need to flee for solitude. My core was strong and I felt clear and healthy the entire time! I saw that my diet has changed drastically. As sister gravitated toward sweets and carbs I chose to eat healthy. (Fresh mango and lime juice -- from the tree outside our house -- yummmm!) I told her it had to do with my eyes and a lack of attraction to sugar. I also told her that she was killing herself. Sad to watch and to know for myself how much work it is to change eating patterns that are substitutes for emotional love. Without consciousness one acts like a zombie...buying foods that kill. Without consciousness there are no compass points that give one boundaries.

My vacation revolved around supporting my sister and my niece's wedding. I had about 3 hours to myself and visited the turtles on Puako Beach. Brother had done plumbing at the Gemini Telescope and took us up one night to look through the telescopes. Wow...incredible to drive from Hilo up past the clouds and into blue sky. Love all those circles on the moon! So much to learn about the stars and planets!

Met an incrdible tree that brother says is a Norfolk Pine. Much different from the six feet tall one in my little home. Hawaii is definitely a paradise. With the lines drawn from the Pacific Northwest to Hawaii I wonder about the land under the sea...Lemuria. Turtles are keepers of that ancient land.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Fog and pressure set in again Wed AM c asing discomfort. The pattern seems to be in a t that includes head, throat, neck, shoulders and upper back. Reminds me of a brace for a kite and the wing chakra. I was starting to wonder if some outside force didn't want me to give my Circle of Life talk. Very surreal.

Brother with curly hair and big brown eyes encouraged me to go to the Pokua beach and see turtles. Said it would be relaxing. He showed me turtles. After I took several pictures I stood upright on the lava and felt a clean circle/aura around me. I commented about it to my sis and if it was a meeting of destiny!

Brother drove me East to my talk. Rainbows were on our left/North, we drove under it and then rainbow was on our right/South. What a sweet moment to share with my bro. I've never spent so much time with my usually mean a conference or spiritual retreat. I think I'm getting grounded!

8 people at my talk. I asked each one to introduce themselves and say what the circle means to them. Lorraine, staff person at Tu Tu's House, drew an image and talked about it. It was the exact image I had seen in my seeking for solidarity. This was and is confirmation that the conscious body of God/dess is alive and well! Three familymembers attended my talk. The two women commented how the mapping experience brought up grief and self-awareness. I so appreciate their support!

I noticed the high school art teacher at the class had written down my comment that "healing oneself is healing the planet". Wow...maybe she'll share that with her students.

I was so clear yesterday...thank goodness that pressure has passed for now.

Lovely wind here and blue waters. Sacred space.

Also realizing that low vibration and those who project it can be assimilated in whole conscious body and channeled appropriately. It's part of that t process.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ancient Spell

Tracker follows me to yet another land mass surrounded by waters. His toxic presence felt. He wants to be the center of orientation but Goddess is more than a sexual object to be toyed with and manipulated by lower vibrational life forms.

Early AM I put out a call to Beings of Light asking for an image to assist with the dissolution of Tracker. That image came is very ancient and holds the code and unravels the formula of black magic spells and illusions. The hall of mirrors is seen for what it is.

Mother Ship flies through sea of space. Her compass pointing to Her North Star. It is a new pathway guiding evolution of the Human species.

Force of Impact

Two currents converged in dark waters having intense impact on this land mass. For several days body felt the force of the impact. As if centripetal force shifted to centrifugal with body parts scattered and head and feet disconnected. Fog set in. When fog lifted parts of compass were visible and a new North Star was in clear view. The aching at the back of neck, upper shoulders and upper back continue. What new pathways are being charged...what new field? This impact has to do with that moves all things.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

May 9~Mother's Day Gift

Feminine Power will radiate in honor of Mother's Day at 11:00 AM today with Barbara Marx Hubbard. I will join them from one of my two circle gardens.

I offer my Mother's Day gift here/now. I have a vision and have set it into motion (setting sail). I have talked about it with my friend Dana and have sent out "seed" packets to Liz at Mishka Productions, Deepak Chopra and Michael and Rickie Beckwith. My vision is to present a Circle of Life "ritual" in honor of earth's four directions/seasons/elements and Earth and Sky at a Celebrate Your Life event. My Circle of Life ~ mapping one's story book leads the way. So many of my seed visions/ideas have not seen light and yet each one has generated substance (maybe compost that is turned under) for the next step of outreach. I trust the process and though I feel a little foolish at times in these endeavors I let go of my ego body and trust spirit that puts the wind in my sails.

I am sensing/hearing from somewhere that if the thought is grounded the act is done. Can that be true? I don't quite agree because it would mean that the physical realm is not needed. That action is not required for something to be reality. It would mean a more refined level of expression...and it would mean I'd better take care in what I think!

Love to our sacred Mother this day of May 9 2010. Magic unfolds.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

God/dess Consciousness

Setting out with intention to unravel the formula and learn the code requires wind in the sails. To not set out indicates lack of wind. The sea between bodies of land mass is new territory that requires compass with directions E/S/W/N.

There are beasts in the sea determined to prevent passage by creating cross currents, disturbance and black magic. I pass them by on my way to Light.

Soul consciousness
Sol/Light Consciousness

Winds and waters change in current and temperature causing land masses of consciousness to join in new formation. As Light penetrates the densities of matter and the strata of human consciousness there is increasing evidence of a unified field. This enlightenment is revealed by the whole body: conscious, sub-conscious, unconscious through soul and solar Light. More than two eyes are witness rounding out the magic.

When two bodies relate light to light “foreplay” is a new experience that involves the whole first and the parts second. Why? I think it has to do with this substance called “consciousness”. Consciousness is one part of the love affair. It’s definitely new water with new wind. My sails are set and I’m getting new readings of the compass points!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Setting Sail

Water surrounds and connects land masses. Waters are smooth and clear or rough and cloudy depending on the expression of wind currents.

Light shines land to land and sets something new into motion. Unknown waters present both challenges and opportunities.

The journey is in the sails.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Yoga Hello

Music played a huge role in my experience with Goddess on Orcas Island. Dana's music always resonates with my soul and listening to Goddess music while driving mountain roads overlooking mystic islands added to the collective song. It seems as if there are pockets of singers who are singing the same song. As if no one individual singer takes the lead in our one eco-voice. This diversity is wholesome and natural. Each artist must follow their heart and let their music flow. The vibrations do create a collective Earth Song.

On the ferry home I was sitting yoga style to give my spine and tail bone a rest after all the driving. A young woman walked past me and smiled with a nod of her head. She acknowledged my body language. This connection sent a sweet smile through my whole body and being. We are one collective song and we know one another through body language.
Developers are grooming our city council for more "big box stores". Several of us are speaking at City Council tonight. I hope to fit this into 3 minutes:

Dear city Council Members:

If you’ve seen the movie Avatar, Food Inc or the Japanese film Princess Mononoke you’ve seen the usual drama and story line of human greed vs. Nature. Human greed manifests through over-population, over-development, over-consumption, over-eating, over-drinking, over-drugging, etc. Greed creates imbalance and goes against Nature’s ecological flow of health and sustainability. Greed hurts the individual, the community, the human family and our home planet.

According to the Earth Policy Institute, there is abundant scientific evidence that humanity is living unsustainably. Returning to sustainable limits will require a major collective effort. Ways of living more sustainably can take many forms from reorganising living conditions such as ecovillages, eco-municipalities and sustainable cities; reappraising economic sectors through permaculture, green building, sustainable agriculture; work practices such as sustainable architecture; using science to develop new technologies through green technologies and renewable energy; to adjustments in individual lifestyles that conserve natural resources.

Sustainable Cities or Eco Cities support long term health of human and natural systems. Our goals include returning healthy biodiversity to the heart of our cities, agriculture to gardens and the streets, and convenience and pleasure to walking, bicycling and transit. We visualize a future in which waterways in neighborhood environments and prosperous downtown centers are opened for curious children, fish, frogs and dragonflies. We work to build thriving neighborhood centers while reversing sprawl development, to build whole cities based on human needs and “access by proximity” rather than cities built in the current pattern of automobile driven excess, wasteful consumption and the destruction of the biosphere.

A sustainable city or eco-city supports long term health of human and natural systems. It is estimated that around 50% of the world’s population now lives in cities and urban areas. These large unsustainable communities provide both challenges and opportunities for environmentally conscious developers. In order to make them more sustainable, building design and practice, as well as perception and lifestyle must adopt sustainability thinking.

Sustainability is the capacity to endure. In ecology the word describes how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time. Big box stores are not diverse and are not productive over time. Big box stores give every city the same look. Is that not boring? Is that not an insult to our creativity, our imagination and our intelligence? Let’s not fall for the status quo…let’s make Woodinville unique with a charm of its own. Big box stores do not have charm. Apple Farm Village and Willows Lodge are examples of charm…green charm at that. Can we not use this model of “green charm” for our entire city and sustain this as a vibrant “design standard” in our zoning codes?

Orcas Island

I awoke Sunday morning to vivid image of red/brown scales. The scope of the image reminded me of my serpent/dragon skin but this was quite different. I later wrote "tree bark". When I arrived on Orcas Island I automatically/subconsciously drove to Cascade Falls. On the hike ancient fir tree trunks popped out at me wearing those red/brown scales. We embraced! I love trees; trees love me. I walked off path and sat to listen. Above me was an empty bird's nest. Humans will never duplicate the mystique and power of Goddess. Humans can, however, participate in Her magic and contribute to Her wonder. She appreciates that. How do I know? I feel it, hear it, smell it, taste it, see it. I beam it.

The two-day retreat on Orcas Island was rejuvenating. I had no idea how much I needed the green moss and open space. After hours of solitude and quiet I was able to reconnect with Goddess song that is both stimulating and nurturing. Does that mean that Goddess is both male and female?

Watching an Eagle glide on wind currents made me wonder if Eagle feels exhileration in that moment or if Eagle is simply acting out mechanically. What would scientists say? It really doesn't matter what anyone says because I project my reality onto my environment. Enter quantum physics.

Light is teacher inspiring and informing. Light shines through matter or hits blocks that communicate discomfort and disharmony. Darkness is part of this Earth plane reality. Darkness is also teacher. Darkness plays out one way when one is unconscious: the effects produce more chaos. However, when darkness plays out in consciousness the effect is increased order. Darkness is part of our human journey both within and with others. It's a joy to learn this dance in consciousness of love. And what comes through now is that love includes the whole so the impetus is always upward and onward. It's a force of e-motion. Trees, moss, water, eagle carry e-motional intelligence that produces increased Love through matter. Matter is required for love's expression on earth.