
Monday, September 27, 2010

Standards & Transparency

A woman friend who is much younger than I am was telling me that she wants to spend time with a second lover. I responded by saying that there is no double standard. If she is going to choose to have two lovers she will need to allow her lovers to do the same. I asked if she'd talked to either one of them about the other.

For many years I've had the idea that I could have a transparent and honest relationship with a man/lover. That we would be totally honest. I realized this is impossible when ego reigns because ego, as a part, is self-centered. Mature love is the only substance that will allow transparency and clarity between parts.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tension & Change

Disagreement = tension
Tension = distance
Distance = separation/break of orbital relationship OR a holding pattern in space
Holding pattern in space = change
Change = evolution through time
Time = Love
Love = Peace

Grange volunteers will work 2 quarter sections of the circle garden.
Bastyr volunteers will work the other 2 quarter sections.

Grange volunteers will rototille and plant grains. Bastyr volunteers will sheet mulch and plact heirloom crops. This way the circle is inclusive. This we we can work side by side and learn about two different processes.

Perhaps next summer the garden will look less abandoned and more abundant through TLC.

Tension is an opportunity for change and that change depends what's in the hearts of people.

Friday, September 24, 2010

A Quickening

I can charge full steam ahead and sometimes step on people's toes. I have alienated people with my words. I guess I forget about people's feelings. I have apologized to several people man after two years! It's that ongoing lesson about balance in this world.

I'm here at my office -- the library -- printing out volunteer opportunities for a local couple who have a small farm. They are not able to keep up with everything so I've been helping them with organizing and yard work. When I printed the flyer a woman saw it and said that she'd like to volunteer and if she could have extra copies she knows othes like herself. She's been sober for a year and is working to set up a clean and sober house for women. The woman with the farm is wanting the place to be a healing center. This seems to confirm that intention.

This is an example of how quickly the parts are merging these days. I'm in high gear to keep up. Hope to slow down soon...depends on the current in this river of life.

Capacity of Body

Dragon time is intense with a lot of new activity as parts fuse. It's as if the body with nerves and muscles is being stretched to new capacity. This new development is part of that evolutionary process. Can the body hold the new vibration and charge? Of course! If not the new momentum would not be happening in the parts and in the whole.

How does one manage the new intensity of fire/heat? Moment by moment in listening and responding. It's an ongoing learning process.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's Dragon Time!

Deepak had a quote on Facebook saying that time didn’t exist. I don’t experience that. Inhale / exhale = time; ebb / flow = time; day / night = time; spring, summer, fall, winter = time; feeling = time; thinking = time; acting = time;
Evolving human consciousness = time.

In subtle realm there is no time; all is One. In dense matter there are parts of that One whole. The parts speak and express through time and that expression is e-motional. Not ego emotion but energy motion = universal e-motion. Matter and spirit are parts of one whole and through evolution (turning e-motion) time does live and breathe….exist. This is my experience.

Last night’s ritual was full of wonder and magic! I mentioned dragon in a group of new people and turned to a man to learn that he has a dragon farm off I-90! He also teaches classes about dragons. As we were talking a large dragon face appeared in the night sky looking down at us. This dragon's immensity reminded me of the being I saw at Esalen in the shamanic workshop. Dragon was/is very red and gold…once again. An Asian man used a sword in the ritual and as soon as I saw the sword I recognized Archangel Michael. At the end of the evening he was holding the sword and I went up to him and mentioned Archangel Michael. He gave me the sword to hold. The sword was made by a Native American and has buffalo bone handle. There are two dragons on the sword handle and sheath. Ted was wearing a black robe with a large dragon on the back. I’m inviting these two men into the Evolutionary Leaders group. And Ted and I will visit the dragon farm and Fred! Ted also offered soul whistling and he expresses/dances with his hands similar to tai chi. It’s the same way my body likes to move in relationship to spirit/chi! Once again I am so very grateful for the magic of parts coming together so easily in manifestation.

Welcome Dragon! in the parts and in the whole. Dragon reminds me of kundalini’s spiral/coil as heaven and earth join forces at the heart of matter…and head and hands! Parts of One whole in sacred union = sacred breath = sacred time.

I have to concentrate on details in time. I sent my letter to the editor with the date of October 22. I have to concentrate on grounding my brain with my feet and where I am and when. My brain/body is very comfortable BEING and simply likes to vibrate. It’s a space of bliss. It’s overwhelming when there are too many details, too many parts, to handle. To balance stillness with action is an ongoing lesson in this time/space. Two more parts of One whole.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Gravitational Tension

I sat next to a woman last night at the city council meeting who is interested in the Transition Movement and who is on the Planning Commission. It amazes me when connections are this easy...and this ease is increasing! It's as if the parts are ready to fall easily into place. As if inner communion and outer community are aligned at a new level.

"Tension" between parts involves gravity and attraction. It's the stuff that keeps orbs moving in space/time. Orbs at all all realities. Not all orbs are meant to be in one system. Like atoms with parts; garden with flowers; orchestra with musical instruments; song with notes; planet with people; galaxy with planets; universe with galaxies.

Dragon force generates fire making all things new near and far. Our bodies are lining up in higher vibration as new thinking, speaking, acting create new systems for the good of the whole.

I am so grateful for the integration and its manifestations in the world.

October 22 Ritual

When I first met Steve Gomes he invited me to his Invocation of the Sacred Feminine
-A Participatory Summoning Ritual to Invite an Increase of Sacred Feminine Energy into Earth Manifestation. It will be held tonight 7:30-9:30.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Parts in Balance

Transition Summit with 60 in attendance was historical – the first to be held in the US. We are Transition Cascadia with many parts. A Native American, Bud, asked about prayer at the beginning of the day but he wasn’t heard. I had felt the same thing and had envisioned drumming. Later in the day he passed around a wooden ball for all to add their energy. When I held it in hand my serpent appeared in mind’s eye. I told Bud about this and he asked about the color and type of serpent. I didn’t get these details and he suggested the serpent has to do with the work I have to give. Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson suggest snake has to do with transmutation/fire/magic. After hours of summit talk, talk, talk I had a headache. I needed to shift gears. In the past I would have put this out there and advocated for Sacred Feminine energy. This time I was still and content. At dinner there were two chairs left in the room. I approached a man and asked if I could sit down. I was immediately embraced by his aura. He asked me questions that opened up my experience of imbalance. He heard me and encouraged me to say more. Four of us had a dynamic conversation as one man at the table was very left brain…we talked about energetic differences and found balance in agreement. It then felt right for me to be the spokesperson for our little group and I was able to talk to the whole circle about the sacred masculine and feminine and the importance of inclusion of diversity. Others in the whole circle supported more balance of head, heart and hands and someone even suggested that we do a project in the next community when and where we meet. I will now read Rob Hopkins Transition Handbook and invite the community to participate in Transition Woodinville.

Nine people from the Evolutionary Leaders event attended the first meeting. This was an absolutely amazing response. I had emailed and called people. Outreach and inclusion is how community is built! Some of us are more comfortable with flow and less structure; others are the opposite. I notice that people (myself included) can get both defensive and offensive when it comes to their way of being and doing. I wanted to assure everyone that each one is heard and that what they bring to the circle is valued. During the meeting Steven commented about the good way I was facilitating. That’s another first from Steven! I had not been heard or seen earlier in life and that pain and that healing taught me to listen to others and include them in one circle. (“Love” comes to mind for myself and others.)

I am and we are giving birth to two bodies: Transition Woodinville and Pacific Northwest Evolutionary Leaders. Transition has a component called Heart and Soul. I’m thinking that PNWEL might play a role here if the group is so drawn. I want to integrate the parts and my work within the parts.

I told Steven that I didn’t want to work a mainstream job. He suggested I create my own job and do mind mapping. When he suggested I cut out pictures from magazines for a map a familiar scene entered mind’s eye: a cabin in the woods! I have seen this cabin before in vision.

Today I contacted Claire at the Root Connection, our local CSA. I told her about my interest in supporting local farms and working for our agriculture valley. I told her if I retire this fall I could work part-time. I am letting other people here in the valley know that I am looking for part-time work. This feels so right and I can breathe more easily now. I am looking forward to getting off unemployment with its constant job searching and ground in work that I want to do: work that is sustainable and evolutionary!

I notice that I now have male friends in my life….as well as female. A good balance! I am grateful that my life is grounding in community right here under my feet! I think there is a chakra located at the feet and its black.

There is natural tension between parts because the parts are diverse. This is true at micro and macro levels. A "sweet spot" is found when the parts balance and harmonize. I find this true within my own parts of heart, mind and body and with other individuals and within groups. Our work is to bring the parts together in balance of sustainability.

I turned on CNN earlier today and heard an anchor talk about the American Dream. He said the definition is a house, wealth, materialism and added that is not his dream nor is it the dream of many others. He suggested the American Dream is evolving. It so reminded me of the values and action of Transition Initiatives around the world.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Indigenous Being

Still on that mountain top. I'm no longer planting seeds -- I'm the seed that's been planted -- I'm in reality now. My work is under my feet: local neighborhood, local gardens, maybe a local job. The mountain is high but very contained and local. This is sustainable.

I'm in feminine BEING mode. It feels very indigenous which has to do with heart and spirit rather than color of skin.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Orbital Space

Relationships are orbital. Some orbs hang around my sun self for short term and others for longer term. Each orb gravitates to a solar system. One's responsibility is simply to shine in Truth of Love and let a system manifest through adaptation, evolution and more adaptation. "Survival of the wisest."

Some orbs want to come into my space but due to their toxic nature I say NO. This is compassionate by setting boundaries that support my health and well being. A conscious force field is in place and I watch what comes in and goes out of my field in space.

Each solar system holds its parts in solidarity until it's time for one and all to shift. For quite some time I've seen with mind's eye Earth on fire with purification. Those afraid of death can't understand the glory and rapture of such a shift. Those who are conscious of multi-dimensions are not afraid and hold space for those systemic shifts in space.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Guardian Angel / Oversoul

Consciousness is being aware of the energy that moves in one's earth body and in that awareness making adjustments so that chemical balance reigns.

Guardian is with me louder than ever. It's as if I'm at the peak of a mountain and I have no room for error. When I am critical of myself (a pattern from childhood) a voice tells me the Truth. When I am critical of others that voice tells me the Truth.

Guardian seems to be at the center between my ego and soul self. Would this be an Oversoul, an Angel? Both represent wings of transcendence and allow one to adjust inner language/dialogue so that nerves and muscles of earth body can be more aligned in Light and Love.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Evolving Motion = E-motion

Evolutionary Leaders event in Redmond was "over the top" which doesn't mean excessive or indulgent. The words fit the image that moves with inner eye: energy moved around and over the top of North creating an evolving arc and spiral. Such is the motion of evolution....

In spite of the rough livestream we were able to appreciate words from the LA event. I was glad to hear Deepak's gravity of tone and specific grounded areas of concern; Jean Houston's creative storytelling; Michael and Ricki's energy; Greg's intelligence; etc...

Due to local response we will create a Pacific Northwest group. My vision is to be in Washington DC 11/11 as well as do a local event. Time will tell....

I talked about the mascot/spirit ally for the night via my banner with salamander logo that came through a dream years ago; spiraling energy; N/S line of force created; circuitry created in closing circle with right/dominant hand in left/receptive hand moving energy E/W. The whole evening reminded me of circle drum reverberating, vibrating. Language included linear and non-linear angles/realities and I was comfortable with it and so were others!

I have never experienced such engagement, support and positive energy at an event that I have organized. I think it's because of the love and respect attendees have for the speakers/visionaries/authors who spoke from LA. It's time for the parts to be part of a larger whole which Evolutionary Leaders provides.

Now to follow up with folks and take the next step.