
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pleiadian Message 2012

Pleiadian Message 2012 - A Wake Up Call For the Family of Light

My friend who is a grounded, intelligent and successful businessman sent me this YouTube. It aligns with thoughts I've been having about outside forces trying to be in control of human consciousness. It's time for us to take responsibility for our brain bodies. We are "system busters" and star people of Light.

Conflict = Change

I had the choice as to whether to put all my feelings about how I was treated out in the open or keep them under ground. I almost kept them buried but inner male noticed and pulled me toward communication. Perhaps I've been silent enough in my life.

The result is that I look like the "bad guy" for doing what was right for me to do. My feelings were not heard and her response was linear creating blow by blow accounts of what transpired justifying her position. What a waste of time trying to communicate with linear mind when my feelings are non-linear! However, I feel empty and clean because I communicated fully. How others respond and how they see me is their responsibility. I was true to myself and lost someone who I thought was a friend.

Conflict is a good opportunity to get to know someone. It is where roads cross and change one way or another. Because I don't feel heard or understood I will not be spending amy more time with this person. I am aware that this relationship could change in the way past conflict has. Conflicts can turn around and those who turned away do turn back around again. It's an amazing process.

I have the ongoing choice as to who is in my orbit close in and farther out. Yes, we are all in the same universe but we choose those to be close. This is loving design. This is Agape resonance.

I still value this is true for each one. I do not value her behavior that she keeps justifying....guess that is her identity.

People talk about being vulnerable when in love. I feel vulnerable when in conflict such as what I just experienced. And, as I was shown by inner male, this fear of voicing my feelings can be transcended. I accept all consequences for being true to my feelings unconscious, subconscious, conscious.

I am also aware...this relationship is Karmic.

Africa Speaks

I took this photo at the First Baptist Church in Seattle when I heard Jean Houston speak. I signed up on the spot for her next day session. I noticed the two serpents and black face on this image; pure observation without thoughts. If I had been trained/educated in this world would my mind have been this silent? Or would I have immediately gone into the splice and dice mode of dissecting the parts and making conclusions/opinions?

Yesterday a friend who attends Antioch College introduced me to fellow student Eze who has a village in Africa. He is designing a college for his village with “change agents” bringing information in and learning from elders there. I learned he had been at the Heritage Garden cleaning up the lettering on the boulders. I told him about the Earth Day ceremony I was thinking to organize at the Garden as we did last year with Rob and Liz from the Puyallup Tribe. He wanted to go back to the garden that afternoon so I joined them. He spent hours focused on cleaning the mossy soiled lettering. We had an opportunity to talk and consider how a ceremony might play out. He found an old gas can and pipe on an edge of the land – drum! He saw this as an honor to metal and Zeus. We talked about circles and he drew one at my feet in the dirt next to boulders with words “charity” and “fidelity” (Grange text). He showed me his circle that included initiation, union, death, ancestors. He told me that the women in his village know when a ceremony is to take place (it’s not on a calendar) by connecting with the stars, planets. The women create a circle space for the men and then step back. He actually walked backward to play this out. My brain-body took this in reminding me of the stories I’d heard from Michael Meade. I invited women from the Red Tent women’s circle that I am part of. One of them questioned why I was inviting men to be at the center. Wasn’t that the same old paradigm? I mentioned that men represent my inner male.

This morning I remembered! A black man who is on my “cross road.” He shows up on occasion and did so a couple weeks ago. He is more gray than black—a big man with a pleasant face and presence. I think he is an Australian aborigine. At Jean Houston’s event a woman was wearing a vibrant scarf and I commented that it looked aboriginal with its colors and dots. Yes, she had bought it there. Years ago my heart opened up to Tracker because of his stories about aborigines. It is a “blood line” – comes through here/now. Again, could I receive this free flow of words if I had been trained in this world? Reminding me that not all education is linear. Antioch for example!

I value the richness of cultural threads weaving a tapestry here in my life—a life simple on the outside but multi-layered and multi-dimensional on the inside. Dragon Speak. I noticed when I was with Jean Houston that Dragon Speak flowed. I noticed that when I wrote her a letter Dragon Speak was present. Here on this blog I am free to let Dragon speak. I guess I am feeling more free to speak it on Facebook and in daily life. What is Dragon Speak? It’s an opening for flow of image, word and language. It is whole brain/body intelligence. I hope to speak it increasingly with others in the “village” Eze spoke of. He is clear on his role in the ceremony: holding the village around the fire. And new fire it is…as we moved the previous pit. Digging our new fire circle will be the first ceremony. And I didn’t know this until I wrote on this blog. Evolution happens!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Garden Plots

Not so long ago I was moved by men’s sexual energy. Lately I am not. Standing next to my new “brother” I noticed that after I gave him a warm hug he kept his energies contained. There were no “solar flares” leaping out into my energetic space. I think I noticed that he noticed and will ask him. The impression made on me was that we were two orbs with space between us. What is this space if we are all connected? What is this substance that holds the parts?

I am having drama with two women friends. The energetic field in between was not being nurtured because of actions done, words said. I let them both know loud and clear that I was not happy with their behavior. We’re all like flowers in a garden that need water, air, earth and fire in balanced proportion. I am not accepting anything less than the best nourishment. Are we willing to learn and grow together? As always time will tell.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Thank You Dr. Jean Houston

Heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Jean Houston for spending time with us women of wisdom in Seattle. I feel that I have a new friend who speaks my language: Dragon Speak. Yes, Dragon was present. Beloved Dragon though other women referred to Dragon as shadwo and dark.

Parts of the conscious body are being pulled together. This has a direct effect on the subconscious and unconscious bodies. The aligning of these bodies is causing resistance from humans on this planet. Be not identified with that which is passing away. Be identified with Light that is pulling matter together into new systems.

I have a friend who is working with Galactic beings and talking to me about Reptilians...would they be a race? I don't know about a reptilian race. I do know that I have reptilian allies of other worlds. Interesting how reptiles are painted with a negative brush. He's also asking Angel Michael questions on my behalf. This man has become a comforter to me. A total surprise that evolved because of the choice he made not to lust after me but to see me as a sister. How do I know? He told me so. I am watching this man expand and deepen and the new quality of love between us is safe and pure. Thank you.

Lots of drama going on around me. I am very surprised at the solid boundaries that are now part of my nature. This is definitely masculine as my feminine is the one who goes with the flow. My masculine is speaking loudly: "No, that is not okay with me." It's an inner paradigm shift.

I have noticed a defensive pattern when I hear that someone has criticized me or when someone does so in my presence. It dawned on me that all I need to say is, "I'm not perfect." Why the defense? Because for so many years I wanted everyone to like me. Because for so many years being spiritual was being sweet and gentle with everyone. I wear a new coat around me and it gives me space to....laugh! The drama and suffering goes out the window with a hearty laugh.

Which reminds me that spending time with Jean Houston made me very happy. I was in my element as she gave language to my experience and language to experience in this world that I've never known. It was very stimulating to all my systems...and that is happiness shining bright. I plan to spend more time with Jean.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Comfort Zone / Aura Song

A couple days ago I heard a voice say loud and clear, "I'm out of my comfort zone."
I looked around my world to see what that meant. I was in a frenzy...eating while standing, eating hurriedly, eating more of those foods I am working on eating less of. I got my drum...ah...balance again. The good news is that I am creating a new orbit/garden/pH balance that is giving me warning signs when I start to get off track. And more good news is that I am responding/acting before my body goes into inflammation.

I am reminded of the movie about the autistic woman Temple Grandin. She built a wooden container to calm her down -- inspired by cows!

I think of the aura and how that is a container of energy. How does one have a healthy aura? Let's ask the physical, mental, emotional, psychic, astral, cosmic bodies that are designed to hold Law and Order.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Soul of Soil

I asked a permaculture expert about the Heritage Garden...what would he do with it? He said he would sell it and noted several negatives about it. I don't see my garden in the same way. I see it as nurturer of my soul. That is my expertise. I/we may not produce a lot of crops and the space may not scream "success" but how I love being in Her space. Being is not the same as Achieving.

Perhaps the buttercups can live with my vegetables, flowers, herbs in my home garden. It would mean spending more time there....and I do have more time these days. I love semi-retirement!

Choice Points

He pulls me in to push me away then pulls me in to push me away….again and again. This energetic pattern creates an orbit, a comfort zone. There have been more than one “he” creating these orbits in my life and I notice my own pattern: over time something changes at my core and in my consciousness that has to do with chemistry, fire, feelings. Which one comes first? Does it matter? They are all connected.

Instead of engaging in the familiar arcing pattern I choose to move on in a straight trajectory bypassing the old orbit. I think Gregg Braden uses the term “choice points”….these are my choice points. On how many levels is this choice and change occurring? How many bodies are involved: physical, mental, emotional, astral, psychic, cosmic?

Choice points are not full of sadness or regret. They are times of liberation and freedom. Choice points of conscious change transcend “forgiveness” because they are not about ego dramas. They are about chemistry, core fire and feelings. One is simply acknowledging laws of nature that move in one’s inner and outer life.

I used to think I cut chords with people but now I see it differently. I see it as trajectory change. And perhaps there is a cutting of a chord in this process. Love still exists for the other person and myself….not for the old pattern. And friendship is possible in a new orbit that honors the new chemistry, core fire, feelings. Egos hang on to the old filled with fear and regret.

A SCALLOPS member in another city told me about someone in their group who was not cooperative and ended up leaving the group. I commented that it is great the way people weed themselves out. He thanked me for having such a positive outlook. Our personal and collective orbits are gardens. There is ongoing weeding to be done to create homeostasis. As gardeners we learn to align with Natural Law and Order.

Reminding me that I have weeding to do in my strawberry patch as the buttercups are dominating. Yes, the same buttercups that yelled at me for pulling them out. Perhaps it’s time to replant the remaining strawberries in a different location in the garden. Perhaps the soil is depleted after so many years of holding and nourishing the same strawberries. Perhaps even my vegetable/fruit/herb/flower garden has a “choice point” of change. The buttercups have a lot of room to grow outside my garden….and that’s where they are welcome. It looks like they cannot be in my garden at all because it is their nature to spread. I honor their root system, green branches, leaves and beautiful yellow flowers. However, as a Gardener aware of the whole I am responsible for sustaining balance. Would they be happy in a pot in my garden? Is that a way to relate to them? I will ask them.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

ONE Light Body

I woke up this morning and wrote this. I did have doubts about posting it on Facebook but this journy is not about my ego fears and insecurities. I am coming out!

I am coming out – as a mystic – no longer concerned about being different and not fitting in. It’s time to talk my walk. 38 years ago I hit bottom, turned toward spirituality and in my first meditation met Archangel Michael who has been with me ever since.

I often wake up in the morning with information (left brain) and inspiration (right brain). For years I’ve been sharing these insights on my blog. Now, I am guided (which is beyond choice) to share with a larger community/family. This guidance is a Higher Power that I experience as Light: Sunlight, Moonlight, Rocklight, Treelight, Waterlight and all that beams in Nature. And this guidance is a Higher Power through Christ Light, Buddha Light, Krishna Light and all who beam through human form. It is ONE Light.

As humans we have many bodies: physical, mental, emotional, psychic, astral, spiritual. Are these bodies connected in Light? Or are they broken and stagnant in disease? Insight this morning is this: What attitudes, thoughts and feelings do we feed our energy bodies? This food is as vital as that which we feed our physical bodies.

Let's choose foods alive with Light so they cycle through us and into the world. My healing in Light supports your healing in Light. Your healing in Light supports my healing in Light. We are ONE Light Body.