
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Holographic Transition

I almost forgot! When I was experiencing inner space and outer space as a singing bowl I had the sensation of a hologram. Multipresent.

Friend Lisa with Pull Together Now! asked me to send her a description of my talk Weaving Transition Through Peace and Happiness. This is what I send and am able to speak this way with this group:

Planet Earth and all Her living systems are in transition. As children of Earth we Pull Together Now! focused on peace and happiness. This higher vibration sets a positive tone and is the music behind our walk and our talk, our projects and our events.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Tibetan Singing Bowls

It wasn’t a conscious choice to connect with singing bowls.  It was unconscious as I rummaged through my book case to recycle a few books.  Several years ago I had purchased How to Heal with Singing Bowls, Traditional Tibetan Healing Methods by Suren Shrestha after a powerful session with such bowls.  I wanted to attend more sessions but I couldn’t afford them and I’d worked hard at getting out of debt. 

I read that Vedic and Himalayan chakra systems are different in some respects.  They are the same in that they work with seven planets Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Sun, Mars, Venus, Moon and seven elements tin, lead mercury gold, iron, copper, silver. 

Each Tibetan singing bowl begins as a molten mixture of the special seven sacred metals. It takes three to four people to hammer each bowl.  One holds the hot metal with blacksmith tongs while two or three others alternate hammering and chanting, infusing the bowl with healing intentions even as it’s being created.

Chakras are energy centers in the body corresponding to neural networks branching out from the spinal cord and glands in the endocrine system.  When these centers are balanced one’s life becomes more balanced physically, emotionally and spiritually. Each chakra is associated with a note, color, seed mantra, body center and various human qualities.

The sound of the scale interval of a fifth is relaxing, soothing and centering to listen to. Teachers of Tibetan singing bowl therapy from ancient times set up their singing bowls in a pattern where they strike the bowls in intervals of fifths because they feel this sound is beautiful to hear, and the vibrations of the fifth are especially good for balancing the heart chakra. Harmonic vibrational research theory by Dr. Harold Gradstaff Moses, director of the Institute of Harmonic Science in Phoenix, Arizona, indicates that the musical interval of the perfect fifth (a mathematical relationship of 3:2) and the resultin harmonic overtones have the ability to favorably influence the parasympathetic nervous system while modifying the listener’s state of consciousness.

Last night I did one of the practices:   Center yourself and follow the breath.  On the inhale bring your attention to the issue or specific chakra with the intention to clear negativity and to heal. As I did this I was aware that each chakra is a singing bowl and in doing this a most amazing SHIFT happened. I was inside my body and not outside thinking or looking in.  This shift of position was very significant reminding me of my salamander (representing kundalini) so many years ago and how I was looking out his/her eyes and how I had evolved into salamander/serpent/dragon.  I also felt that I was inside the singing bowl of the cosmos.  It was definitely a new overarching position in consciousness. The whole energetic experience was a conscious circular weaving of my chakras from within my body.  An amazing shift that is difficult to convey via words.

As more of us sing together from balanced hearts we change those around us.  I forget the word but the environment begins to resonate with us. This “politics” of heart song is powerful medicine.

Speaking of medicine my blood work had nothing significant out of balance and the naturopath sent me away with a breathing technique for stress and suggested Bach flower remedies.  I was told that my “inflammation” may not be inflammation but they had no answers.  The waves of heat do remind me of hot flashes from the past and I begin to wonder if my body is experiencing “fever” and burning up toxins as it monitors my blood sugar telling me when I eat the wrong food or too much of the wrong food.  Aging is not fun in some respects and in other respects this is the best time of my life.  I love being single, free and independent not having to answer to anyone.  I love being with family, friends and community.  I love my job most of the time.  I love my gardens.  I dance to my own music without anyone pulling or pushing me.  Yes, it would be nice to have a physical lover but in the past that has lead to emotional attachment and lack of freedom/space.  So, I like my life as it is right now as I respond to the attractions and learn from the dramas that weave in and out as singing bowls. It is very self-centered and cosmic-centered…so fun!

As I write 7:30 AM I hear a hot air balloon over head and house this early morning.  I do love this valley but it would be nice with fewer cars.  That bright yellow and red balloon landed in the field nearby.  I bought kites for an ocean get away with family!  More fun!

As I write 11:08 AM I take flowers from my valley to a high school classmates’ mom.  He and another classmate passed away this month.  And I take veggies, flowers and gifts to Raelee’s first birthday with family.  Life is full!

Theater Nine

It's the strangest thing to be seeing myself through inner space. Glands, organs, and systemic flows. Very subtle, non-linear awareness but yet full of connection. Years ago numbers 7, 8, 9 revealed themselves to be magical/mystical codes in my life. When they appear I pay very close attention and am always reminded of my angels and a higher order. Most recently a massacre took place in Theater Nine in Aurora, CO. How can angels and higher order be part of such tragedy? What immediately came to mind when I asked the question is that us humans come to earth with agreements to sacrifice as part of karmic cycles. If this is true how would this awareness affect us humans? Would it not make each moment on this physical plane very significant? Would it not cause us to be more caring, peaceful and loving?

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Eye Witness

What does Qi Gong and Singing Bowls have in common? Whatever it is I am inviting both of them into my life. I read that each chakra and singing bowl sound is associated with a planet. Last week was like my earthquake dream with an extreme down on Tuesday and then an extreme up as I witnessed two "miracles" Friday: A healing with my client,between my client's family members and a healing with a home care nurse. I stood watching it all in amazement and heart felt gratitude. It's as if a shift is occurring! A shift that is more than a word and vision. Shift is now!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

What's New?

Another earthquake dream: I was looking up and felt sharp up and down rippling. I watched/listened with my whole being as it subsided. I had no emotion in response nor action. Jean Houston was then reading notes that I had written about it to an audience. She saw the serious look on my face and her tone changed. I am speaking in Montana next month at an event for Pull Together Now (I am a Board member). The title of my talk is Weaving Transition through Peace and Happiness and will highlight the projects I have been working on over the years and the Happiness Initiative which I am gradually introducing to local folks. One thought is for a sister city relationship and project to emerge between Woodinville and Missoula. Looks like my vacation from organizing is over. I'm looking forward to meeting new friends. Becoming more conscious of my unconscious habits and working to change them. What food am I choosing, am I sitting down to eat, am I breathing, am I calm, etc. In the process of healing I am wanting to get more exercise and its feeling good to do push ups! Never thought I'd say that but it must be an energy, nerve, muscle, cellular request. Feels harmonious. Aging is a factor I now deal with mentally, emotionally and physically. Always more to digest, process. Such is life!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Portal Breathing

Honest communication is important to me:  honesty from this visible realm to invisible realms and honesty from invisible realms to this one.  If I am not honest I cut off circulation within and around myself via all the” portals” that support me. Portals are on my mind because of the recent articles about scientists discovering portals of X connection (where there is an X there is a circle) in our universe or as I would prefer to say in our universal body. Reading the article I was immediately impressed that X portals are the way the Universe breathes life into matter. Portals breathe.

Mystery Man is not always mysterious.  He does come through loud and clear at times.  One of those times was when we recently exchanged a hug.  Our full bodied direct contact felt like nothing I have ever experienced.  There were places on my body and between our bodies that felt like openings. The airiness was as if our bodies were breathing together.  It was a different kind of charge and was no ordinary hug…this was “portal” magic.  The crazy making that upsets me is when invisible and visible realities do not align.  So, I let go of the crazy making drama and stay focused on portals…breathing life into matter that I am.

Semi-retirement brings with it more time for activities that I enjoy and so I find myself over active. This frantic pace is integrated with my imbalanced patterns with food so the deeper I go with one the deeper I go with the other. How do I put breath and relaxation at the center of it all?  Tai chi comes to mind and is how I want to move through my days.  Tai chi is active meditation through a moving body.  I can shift energy as I think about the chi flow that moves through my physical form.  This means I have to stay in my body and not get ahead of myself or outside myself.  There is so much to learn about relaxation of body, mind, emotion in X relationship with spirit that moves through when I am aligned.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Raising Chicks

Six new baby Plymouth Bard Rock chicks that make my client happy and I get to learn from him.  His recovery from heart surgery has been remarkable.  We are working on the emotional angle and becoming better friends.  Thanks goodness!  He liked the bass flute music at the Duvall Farmer's Market.

Another dream about Him.  One frame with the sides of our faces merging.  Who is this Mystery Man of my dreams?  Will he please step out from behind the current...meant to say curtain.  Two different minds speaking the unconscious and conscious. It is very confusing living two different realities but I am still happy at my spite of the drama.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy City

I was taking a break from organizing but a project has been gestating. That project is the Happiness Initiative and a specific plan has been in my head for a couple of weeks. In fact I wrote a "public comment" for the next city council that includes my vision. This morning at Tully's I saw a familiar face and owner of a local winery. He is a dynamic and good guy and I simply felt like asking him if he knew about the Happiness Initiative. He knew it through Seattle City Councils' work and agreed to endorse the project. The project just landed and flew...two directions/angles at once! Now, I will gather more people, get communication systems in place so Woodinville residents are inspired to take the online Happiness Survey. Our first Woodinville Festival in 2013 will be a perfect time to roll out our city's collective happiness profile. New work begins and I am happy!

Love Affairs

 How would I spend vacation time without a “to do” list?  How would I fill up time on this island? I felt anxious.

I drove North and unintentionally landed at Roche Harbor and Sculpture Park.  Life is an adventure as I often end up in places unexpected…no, I’m not lost…I’m on an adventure.  Cedar wax wing and dragonflies greeted me.  It was/is a meditative spot in the middle of the week without the rush of tourists.

The first thing I noticed at my cove cabin was the sound of water kissing the shore, the sound of water waving, breathing—aahh—relaxing.  I walked to the pond lush in green and as I sat an object crashed loudly through the trees next to me…an eagle and so close!  Vacation had begun.

I continued my day letting my body guide me as we explored the islands’ ley lines from one point to another.  My head buzzed in sweet vibration as I walked through trees and lush underbrush stopping here and there to view the waters’ distant islands and mountains. I did this ritual full circle all around the island!  In Hawaii I feel claustrophobic on this island I did not.  I seemed to melt into its heart breathing with her/him as both energies seemed present.  (I write in past and present tense because the island is still with me, a reality in this time and space).

At English Camp I learned that in the late 1800s the military set up camp on the site of a “midden” that was 1000-2000 years old.  How arrogant of the white man to dismantle someone’s home space.  Later I thought about taking my drum and singing for those native peoples.  I never did that physically as I felt somewhat timid.  I rationalized that the thought was enough.

Wildlife adds to the magic of this island with song birds, deer, fawns, eagles, fox, otters, invisible whales and plentiful plant life.  And at the heart of this island is a lavender farm…yummy lightness! 

Throughout my island adventure I kept noticing a charge (+/-) at the top of my head.  It had/has an uplifting quality and stays in place through the dramas of this world. I am contributing it to the new Ph balance of my systems as I eat less sugar, flour, meat.  Something new is happening in this earth body that I am.  It’s a living miracle to be hungry for raw cabbage and living food instead of empty sweets.

Arriving home I wondered at the buzzing charge that was everywhere on the island.  Was it the faeries?  Was it the Elementals?  Was it the island Deva?  Was it God/dess?  Upon falling asleep images appeared of Native People…yes, they hear/d me.  I will again take my drum and maybe, this time, sing them a song.

On vacation I fell in love with a land mass, an island, both masculine and feminine in living expression.

I experienced another love affair last week when I was “Elder” at a “village week” for young children.  Before I read my story Turtle’s Circle of Life one girl put a white silk scarf around my shoulders. She did this tenderly, speaking sweetly and looking me in the eyes. Her acknowledgement was very loving and I was enchanted by her.  I do notice lately that I am mesmerized by young people.  Is it my age that allows me to notice their radiance? Is it my age that allows me to circle back and be their age in a purity and innocence that transcends matter’s time and space?

Love affairs surround me!  It’s quite wholesome and contributes to this charge that holds/carries me and that I hold/carry.

I picked up several books for my client on emotional intelligence. “Emotional intelligence requires effective communication between the rational and emotional centers of the brain.”  This is the greatest love affair of all because it is this relationship that breathes life as and through positive and negative charge. It is this relationship of masculine and feminine forces that creates and sustains life through matter.  This charge determines quality of health, quality of life.  A partial charge is a weak life; no charge is no life. This charged “circle of life” breathes through pulsations and rhythms of charge, discharge and recharge.  Matter learns to hold this charge keeping us balanced and focused on positive orientation so we are not fooled by that which is changing and passing away. This charge holds us up/right!