
Friday, December 28, 2012

Moon Men

I met a nice man at a SCALLOPS event a few weeks ago. We met yesterday at Soul Food Books for conversation and mint tea. We talked for three hours!  It was fun talking with him open heartedly and freely. I had a couple of "ah-ha" moments as we processed thoughts/feelings and I thanked him for that. Maybe this is the new orgasm!  It's definitely a new 'spiritual" intimacy... and guess what? It's also a new mental intimacy that is the foundation of intelligence.  He extended a personal invitation and I heard myself reply, "I would really enjoy that." The full and bright moon last night suggested these relationships of new cycle/calendar are moon-like with lukewarm temperatures and middle ground. The moon is an intimate friend of Mother Earth and gives Her emotional body its cycles and rhythms.  The moon is a close companion/friend.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Mischief and Merriment

New WoMan calendar came in with emotional intensity…just as it should be in this “end” of times.

On the positive side I read Turtle’s Circle of Life to an audience at Soul Food Books on 12/21/2012.  It was spontaneous although some “under” knowing had told me to take my book.  And on this same side I am feeling enchanted by the respect and love I receive from my three children.  This love has nothing to do with any worldly accomplishment or wealth…it has everything to do with heart to heart connection.  Is this gift new or are my receptors new…or is it all new?

On the other side of the emotional and energetic spectrum I had a couple of “collisions” with people:

She slapped him on the face in a nonchalant way.  The next day he slapped someone else in the same way.  Where were they learning this?  I shared this observation with the Patriarch in their life and he tried to minimize it.  I laid down the line:  this is violence and it's not okayI wasn't comfortable speaking up to a strong male but I did!  Evil sneaks in when no one is vigilant.  Evil fills in a void.  The best thing to do to face evil is to name it.

I was talking with them about “happiness” and they started to dissect, debate and ask others for their opinion.  The woman was “in my face” aggressive about research on the word and its meaning.  Say what?  And these people are self-aware and walking a spiritual path?  And she wonders why I am not attending her woman’s circle?  This woman has hard edges and I don’t enjoy her company.  Yes, she’s unhappy…yes, she is in grief.  Why the aggressive and “know-it-all” front?  The bottom line for me:  ‘Happy” is not a noun, an object to dissect and debate.  Happy is a verb, an emotion that carries an energetic vibration.  One knows it by expressing it.  Others know it by experiencing it…if their ego mind is malleable enough to see and hear it.  Ego mind is the demon whether in the White House or in a local book store.

I disengage from external male “beloved” and “point of focus.”  The result?  Mischief and merriment as a visitor shows up in pointed hat and shoes!  S/He appeared just after I was noticing a shield between me and my emotional body; a shield that put my emotional drama far, far away; a shield erasing emotional reality.  I think of androgyny as Truth and notice a buoyancy of freedom.

A new myth:  S/He is born into a green / blue world, seen as a whole person (no original sin of separation), welcomed and celebrated for the gifts that only S/He can bring.  S/He is encouraged to listen to her inner selves and develop relationship with logic and feeling. S/He does not search for anything external to make her/him whole and happy.

There was a photo of Wayne Dyer on Facebook with a full beam smiling face at the same time I started to write "mischief and merriment."  Something new is underfoot.  Yes, in the midst of a crazy world.

The Newtown massacre showed a lot of number 9's...a number I have been shown is associated with Angels and Light.  Why would this show up at such an evil scene?  Today I got that this massacre could have been a lot worst and that Angels are with us and keeping the chaos contained. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  Keep an eye and ear open for mischief and merriment!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Toasting Water

I have an evolving friendship with a Native American man who plays flute and many other instruments.  I attended his Reiki Soundscape event at East West Books recently.  Paul is like water:  fluid and free flowing.  He is open and responsive in a warm hearted way.  During the break he showed me something about how his people do energy work.  I would like to tell that here but need to ask his permission.  We had dinner together and toasted to water!  He invited me to his mothers’ birthday party at the Duwamish Longhouse.  Such personal invitations from men are very unusual in my life.  It will be fun!

Reiki was powerful!   Earlier in the day I had texted my kids:  “As a family let’s pray for all children…8 pm tonight, Saturday.”  All three responded.  At 8 o’clock my hands were outstretched in Reiki to another human being.  Soon thereafter I felt a “grabbing” at my heart and knew that we were emotionally and psychically connected as a family.  Powerful how a tragedy can unify in Love.

Do I want to learn Reiki?  Do I want to offer Reiki treatments to people?  No, but I would like to offer healing energy to Mother Earth.  What would that be called?  During the night I started to do a type of energy work that is new to me and will ask others about it. 

More change…tis the season!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Season of Change

Happy Holiday from my family to yours.  (Parker, Raelee and Sierra.)

I am thinking that it’s time to change the word “Beloved” to “Friend” to relieve the pressure of old roles and expectations that is just beneath the surface..  This change of language is significant and reflects change at deeper levels.

This is definitely a significant time on the calendar as relationships change in my personal life.  It’s like a wave crashing to the shore taking away the old and bringing in the new.  Sometimes a relationship will end for a time and then come back around stronger.  Sometimes relationships don’t come back around at all.  And sometimes relationships blossom unexpectedly.  One example is my older sister who has started to communicate with me at a deeper/higher level.  She has done a lot of inner work and I so appreciate her opening up to me in a new way.  It’s so fun to tell her she is “sweet” and “dear” as I’ve not had these feelings about her and thus never said these words.  Love streams in from unexpected hearts and I’m soaking it up happily! 

I’ve gone through a grieving process and see that my conscious mind is the last to know why!  I grieve at loss personally and collectively.  I grieve as we let go of one cycle and move into a new one.  A lot of thick muddy debris comes up with grief but in the creative organic (all elements present) process the debris clears out and one has increased understanding and sight. 

Do not fear emotions….let them wash over you and move you to new ground and new sight.

It is now the media’s responsibility to focus on news that is happy and positive to balance the dark tragedy of the school massacre.  And if not the media, who?  We are broadcasters of that which is holy and healthy because we are aligned with Light and Love.  We pray for those in darkness and sickness.  We pray for health, well being and happiness.

I am writing from Soul Food Books and am feeling more comfortable here these days.  An unexpected change.  It seems to be the season of change.  We will party here 12/21!

 Bless Mother Earth's children. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Jean Houston & Edgar Cayce

A heavy cloud hung around me for days.  I was sad, cried easily, and my neck/atlas sore.  It was as if the bottom had fallen out and a cross current vortex surrounded me.  I was in dark depression, a void.   Wisdom told me to be grateful, stay in the moment and take it a step at a time.  I did just that in between dark emotion.  It was a weaving experience.

Yesterday I woke up and felt much better.  I had decided that I would focus on what I value at my core/who I am at my core and spend time in 2013 with Jean Houston.  I went to her website to see if she had 2013 events posted.  I saw on email that she was repeating her online 3 Keys to Discovering & Living Your True Purpose.  I don’t have internet at home because of the hacker who damaged two computers so I went to a coffee shop, ordered a decaf latte and listened to Jean.  Now it’s 1:30 am and I’m buzzing.  Why don’t they get my order right?  This has happened twice this month! 

After listening to Jean’s passionate presentation I knew it was right to register for her 7-week online course, Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose.  It was a challenge to focus on listening and after 30 minutes I was on information overload.  My head hurt.  I may have to spend time with Jean in another way…probably in person when I can use all my senses.  I’m not sure what my capacity is for this online experience.  I notice when I am participating in conference calls with the Happiness Practitioners that I get emotional and want to talk…too much…I get too exuberant.  So, I am not sure how I can balance my senses, emotion and logic online.  I am willing to dive in to find out.

I’m reading Edgar Cayce, An American Prophet by Sidney Kirkpatrick.  His life story is fascinating and comforting because he, too, talked to little people, fairies and sprites and felt out of place with people.  He too played solitaire when alone!  I think his trance readings would make good TV…instead of crime mysteries we could marvel at healing mysteries.  I wonder if people would respect the Source and the messenger.   Scientists were especially cruel to Edgar.  I find it fascinating that Cayce’s trance was interrupted when outsiders would put their hand or an object over his body as if he was plugged in to “Source.”

I just read that the Source said “Electricity is at the heart of all life” and “…energy is the mind seeking to find expression—the seeking is the energy, and that expressed is the matter.”  This must sound simplistic to quantum physicists but I think it is profound and that Cayce’s Source has much to teach us. 

That silver door that I drummed into awareness has an indentation on the right middle edge.  It’s not circular so it is not a door knob.  It is rectangular so I think it is for a key.  Thus, Jean’s 3 Keys presentation aligns with this vision.  And Dana and I have something in common regarding keys and I’m aware of that alignment as well.

Do I want to develop my psychic abilities?  Do I want to open that silver door to other dimensions?  Jean’s seven week course is going to assist me in these answers.  It will help me take new steps into 2013.

Something significant has shifted between me and my Beloved that has to do with “water” temperature.  (Water is so much like electricity.) The shift is the result of recent passionate and powerful contact that seems to have changed structure…molecular structure.   The pattern with him has been hot to cold and I can no longer do that.  I want/need more lukewarm water that has to do with conversation and friendship and that is unfolding now between us.  What is this phase of charge, discharge and recharge cycle?  I think it has to do with recharge and that to sustain this relationship I need more middle ground.

I’ve been using the Grange laptop since I served as Treasurer.  Last week the woman who doesn’t like me (how else do I say that?) asked that it be returned.  I am happy to do so I told her….and yesterday I bought a new one.  This is very symbolic….I have a new brain ready for new wires, data of intelligent conversations and a Jean Houston course.  Left and right brain are happy in their next phase of development…through thick and thin; hot, cold and lukewarm…of the unknown.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Eagle Speak

Wed AM Drumming  --  something I have not done in quite a while  

A “plate” appears…solid like steel, silver

I stop drumming and ask:   Underground?  No, it is vertical with something at the middle right edge.  A door?  What is behind the door?  An alien race?  A new opportunity?

How do I greet and welcome that which is behind the door? I hold out my hands…do I offer flowers?  Cornucopia appears.  I move my hands in different positions. 

Drum again asking questions letting hands move freely—listening to hands and drum for answers.  My body channels answers as drum beat picks up intensity.

Soon after I write an email to someone who once again wants to do something different than what I am doing at the Heritage Garden.  I ask for clarification and whether it’s time for someone else to be manager.  I want to move forward in a clear way.  I want an environment that holds harmony.

I had a conversation with a man on the phone whose tone got a bit aggressive.  I realized I was not responsible for his emotion!  Another man got “intense” with me face to face.  I stood my ground calmly.  I am sensitive to other people’s emotional tones and realize again that it’s from my childhood and even the womb.  When mom and dad expressed a critical tone I felt responsible— that I did something wrong.  Now, I see it and can separate from the pattern. 

As I look around my world I see a lot of unhappy people and feel sad...and this sadness keeps coming up.  Is it the 12/21 syndrome?  Or are we at the end of times where one door closes (sadness is appropriate it seems to me) and another opens?
Driving to the care center to see my client I thought about my orientation and how I would relate mentally and emotionally.  I was checking in. The image of a gyroscope appeared and I was holding it/him in front of me.  I got that I am a separate gyroscope (orb) and that I can manage that which flows least on my part. 

I manage emotions best when I am in my body grounded and thus conscious.  Without ground of dark matter I cannot be conscious!  Physical bodies with intelligence are required to make positive change so that our environments both individually and collectively are more happy, harmonious and at peace.

I felt my gears grinding (burn out) so I went for a walk in Saint Edwards Park on Lake Washington.  On the path toward the lake I felt something “large” and had to stop to listen.  I looked up and a large bird was flying toward me.  Eagle!  I watched it pluck a branch from a snag and fly around and off.  Another eagle flew in and around.  They must be reinforcing their winter nest!  On the lake I sat and watched a “dragon” log dance with waving sensual water.  Mesmerizing!  This magical diversity is why I love the forests.

Nature has many emotions that call for observance and respect.