
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Akashic Dragon Eye

The baby dragons that I saw below me on EarthRise hillside in California are from a time and place ancient yet present. S/He Dragon is from a time and place ancient yet present. The Akashic Record is now imprinting me. I also tune in to past lives of people I spend time with and I tune in to the “behind-the scenes” dramas of those I am engaged with.
The other day I had an intense conversation with someone in my family whom I love. She said some cruel things to me. I didn’t react. I did tell her that she didn’t know me at all and that I loved her. My core and nerves were clear and strong through it all. The experience was like an x-ray vision that rippled up my spine N/S as well as bands of waves E/W. Those waves took me back in time when we were together in similar drama. I feel as if I passed a test of unconditional love.
I don’t have that loving response with everyone nor in every moment and the negative dramas feel “x-rayed” from the past. The coming out/birthing of S/He Dragon is stirring up this akashic memory. S/He holds linear memory of energy and energy of memory non-linear.
I move in and out of Light and Dark. I am angelic and I am human. It’s a multi-world matrix. The “rules” keep shape shifting because I am resilient. I trust the process as the peace that passeth understanding.
A sacred object has come to the awareness (thanks to Marshall Jack) of those of us in the Nature Spirit Medicine circle. It is ancient and was given to a Native Indian woman by the Dalai Lama.  Part of it looks like Dragon Eye. This, too, is associated with the Akashic record. Lines are being drawn on Gaia as She flies through space in a Dragon Solar System – I was told by someone recently that the Mayans saw our system that way: as Dragon.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Light and Matter

Light is cracking open hardened minds and hearts of humans. New intelligence flows through logic (masculine energy) and intuition (feminine energy).  I call this S/He Dragon and have been experiencing this cracking open process for 40 years. My story is that this sacred feminine and sacred masculine journey has given me wings of flight.  What is your winged story that goes beyond/transcends this linear realm of matter?
Marianne Williamson who announced that she is running for Congress is an excellent example of S/He Dragon in flight ready to bring Light to earth. May she land on her feet.

At Jean Houston's event The Next Great Step a couple people asked me for a Dragon definition. I could not do that since Dragon was still being born/evolving.

A friend who is an editor asked me who my audience was-- was it Wiccan?  I responded that my readership is any Gaia citizen who is resilient in right brain.  He also sent me a definition of Goddess and the Sacred Feminine suggesting that I shape my writing to fit these definitions. He commented that I "bristled" and "reacted" to that.  Yes, indeed I did!  What male has the right to tell me what Goddess and the Sacred Feminine is after I have been in those arms for 40 years? Don't fence me in or try to put me in a box!

At Jean Houston's event the term "genitilia" was used  in reference to physical liveliness. It made me realize that my poles have shifted and my enlivened "genitilia" is now in the North and not the South. My brain is aroused by Light energy and that is the focus for this S/He Dragon Light Body.


Saturday, October 19, 2013

S/He Dragon

Friend Paul took me hiking up San Bruno "mountain." I went into S/He Dragon pose.

I read the land at EarthRise and thus saw baby dragons...I don't often read books. Paul reminded me that's is the way of aborigines/native peoples.

I sit alone while others chit chat and's the way I listen to inner guidance that has priority in my life.

I now have the last chapter for my book:  S/He Dragon / Egg to Birth

My head feels Light and on my body differently now that I am home.  My nerves feel more stable.  Was it the vacation without driving and external responsibilities?  Can I stay in this zone?

Privilege to Meet Rob Hopkins

My dear friend Paul assisted me in California and I didn't have to drive once! Love that man! I met Rob Hopkins in Oakland at the Grand Lake Theatre as he spoke about Organizing for Resilience. 

Conversation with Rob Hopkins and Gopal Dayaneni
rob hopkins tour

Rob Hopkins is a British permaculture educator and founder of the international Transition Town Movement. We are excited to welcome Rob for his first - and likely only - visit to the US. Rob has a no-flying pledge which he decided to break as our planet crossed the 400ppm threshold of CO2 in the atmosphere earlier this year in order to come to the US to make the case for investing in local action.

Rob launched the first Transition Initiative in Ireland in 2005. Since then, the Transition Movement has taken root in 43 countries, with 142 Transition Towns in the US and more than 1,000 around the world. Rob continues lending his energy, ideas, and voice to the Transition Movement as it grows and deepens around the world, in addition to working with his own community, Transition Totnes, to pioneer innovative Transition strategies and projects like REconomy and Transition Streets. Rob's new book, The Power of Just Doing Stuff, launched in June and has received rave reviews.

Rob was the winner of the 2008 Schumacher Award, is an Ashoka Fellow and a Fellow of the Post Carbon Institute, and was named by the Independent as one of the UK’s top 100 environmentalists. 

In the words of Bill McKibben:
“In the leaking ship that we’ve made of our planet, the Transition movement is like a flotilla of life rafts. And they’ve come not to pull us off the earth, but to help us patch it and make it right. There’s no one on earth who’s just done more stuff–and inspired more doing – than Rob Hopkins."

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Torus Dragon of S/He

Torus Dragon (Light Photons)

Dr. Jean Houston is a Master orchestrating Light through Matter. Through movement, music, ritual, poetic information we transcended ego body and greeted new Light Body of Gaia. This flow transpired through me and between me and others. As my physical being I am was born into Light of I Am I met other beautiful Beings of Light.  Beings that are as beautiful and giving as the trees and plants that I love. I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth at EarthRise.

At the end of the session I felt like being alone in stillness and I learned from a scientist that this is light photons organizing my matter.  There was much to hold. I walked back to the lodging area and as I looked down the hillside I saw many small dragons. What is their message? What is their meaning?

The two quantum scientists that joined us for a brief time, Bob Whitehouse and Mike with, integrated the parts of my story:  male, female, chakra rainbow, dark energy (Kundalini with wings). They presented their quantum story by using a torus object that was rainbow colored.  They said that light photons move the spectrum and the dark energy moves back up the core.  They included "masculine" and said that it is now up to the "feminine" that moves upward. Wow!  This was a perfect representation of my S/He Dragon!  Thank you! Thank you!

This "Dragon Body" is Light Body on Earth.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Dragon Salutation

 I am going in and out of "gutsiness."  I wrote the previous post as Life Force moved through me.  Hours later I was feeling flat and wondered why I wrote it. The feeling was of insecurity.   Yesterday when I awoke that force moved me to post on FBook that I was birthing a S/He Dragon.  Again, hours later I was flat with mental mind wondering why. These are my contractions of dark and light/matter and energy. They feel like swirling vortexes--the effects of Kundalini Dragon moving through my matter and my Dragon moving out into this world.

The "exercise" that came through inspiring me to write about Circle of Life in relationship to Hay House, I Can Do It, Vancouver and a Native Indian component is an actual body movement. This morning I got, as I asked the question, that it is a Dragon Salutation.

My host here in Santa Rosa assisted me with Circle of Life ~ Transition Gaia workshop in Woodinville.  After meeting Rob Hopkins last night and Transition US staff I am feeling that I will be doing more of these workshops that encourage participants to shift brainwaves, be receptive to images from the four directions of their lives and create a mandala map of their life. This relates to Inner Transition.

I am reaching out in this dimension of matter for ways to "plug in" this new life force moving through me. I see a S/He Dragon blog and FB page. I have several friends who are interested in participating and I hope to attract more metaphysical voices/faces.

I have several mid-wives to thank for being present the past few weeks in this birthing process:
Caroline Myss, Reid Tracy and the energies he represents, Camilla Blossom, Margret-Anne Cummings (new Chicago friend), Steve Gomes, Paul Quistgard, Rob Hopkins and now Jean Houston. The names remind me of a constellation and thus Draco.

Jean Houston's event The Next Great Step is the next phase of delivery.

I am not attached to any outcome. I write in the moment as energy moves through me.  According to response I make adjustments. Something new is being born and its evolution will be evident through being gutsy. How else could a S/He Dragon be born on Earth at this time in Gaia evolution?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Aquarius Dragon

I mentioned to Reid at the Writer’s Workshop that I might be sending him a "birth announcement."  I didn’t know it would look like the following. Why? Because this birth is through “commotion” of community in motion. This is how it is evolving and animating. Perhaps these are contractions.
1.    At the Writer’s Workshop I spoke to Nancy Levin about including a Native American thread at I Can Do It, Vancouver in May. She is receptive to further communication.

2.    I prepare for Jean Houston’s event The Next Great Step that includes a “platform” opportunity where attendees can have a table to share something.  I dust off my Circle of Life activity and coloring book and pull out my business cards. I will invite participants to engage their right/feminine brain to create their Circle of Life mandala story.

3.    In 2010 I introduced Circle of Life storytelling and mandala art to Native Indian tribes in Washington State. Pictures of my students are on my website at Native Indians relate to the circle as it is their identity as spiritual beings.

4.    Because I am animated I need energetic flow at Hay House events in order to sustain inner balance. I can feel restricted from too much left brain talk, talk, talk. Where is the right brain, feminine balance?

5.    Circle of Life mandala art contributes right brain animation so I am sending Nancy and Reid my Circle of Life book with the proposal that I offer a mandala art exercise at I Can Do It, Vancouver. This would fit in with a Native Indian theme.

6.    I share this on my blog with the whole before I communicate with the parts. I think this has to do with setting a vision in motion.

7.    I am grateful for animation that moves through me as I respect its guidance and direction.  This energetic whole is more than the sum of its parts of which I am one.
8.  Since Nancy and Reid do not know me I will ask my dear teacher Jean Houston to write an "endorsement" for me as I "pitch" my vision. All this coming through here and now. It seems so gutsy on my part to put myself out there like is because I am gutsy!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Dance of Chi

Human...I don't feel human. I feel animated! I don't want to talk or write about spirituality or kundalini I simply want to let it move through me.  And yet here I am trying to fit in by writing my story in a book. And I don't always feel connected to people and would rather be alone or in Nature.  It's all a bit confusing right now.

What is not confusing is the love I feel for people I hear speak via Hay House.  For example Marianne Williamson spoke at the Writer's Workshop this weekend. She was charged and gave me a charge.  It's this energetic kinship that keeps me connected to Hay House.  After 60 minutes of Marianne connection I needed to do some yoga stretches/poses just to honor the chi that was moving.  At break I did a few poses and joined another woman who was doing the same. I was quite surprised how specific and loud this chi was wanting to express through "yoga" outlets. I now see yoga as the body's natural dance of chi. How enlightening!  

I appreciated Reid's approachability and Nancy's receptivity at the workshop.  And I do appreciate this process of learning how to ground energy in the form of a book even though I'd like to fly away in bliss. A friend reminded me that a neighbor was a professional editor so I will interview her.  I am looking forward to spending time with Jean Houston at her event The Next Great Step and will ask her some questions about the writing process. 

I learn to ground energy through matter and a book....just like Kundalini grounding through physical bodies.