
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Blessed BE 2014

An epic battle is underway between Dark and Light. I know because I am involved which is the only way to know anything. My battleground is food. Though I am now turning toward living, whole foods I had a difficult time staying away from Christmas cookies. The herd mentality and family patterns during holidays can bring up old compulsive behavior. Several times my body started to break down with illness but I fought it off with apple cider vinegar and water, burdock tincture, raw parsley and green drinks. It was an intense battle as if a dark force had hold of me. I watched the battle from on high and now that it is past know that Dark and Light create a powerful vortex that lifts me up or pulls me under. I am now working with a family member who just received her doctorate in holistic health. For 21 days I will write down foods I eat, when, how, how much and how I felt when I ate. I now have my family watching me so I definitely feel accountable. I also have a copy of Marianne Williamson’s A Course in Weight Loss (thanks Hay House) that is excellent. My goal is to enjoy all foods in a balanced way. What does a balanced vortex of Light and Dark look like? I feel it as a gyroscope that does “dance” and shift but never nose dives causing disease. It’s another cycle releasing blockage and letting more light in and out. Heal oneself, heal the planet.

The book I write is an investment in myself and my story. Another investment I’ve made is purchasing copies of Transition Free Press from the UK. “Local news is global news—global news is local news” is my logic as I distribute this newspaper. At my son’s ECOSS annual event Richard Conlin, outgoing Chair of Seattle City Council, acknowledged me from across the room. I didn’t know that he knew me even though we are FB friends. I am meeting him Feb 5 to talk about Transition Free Press. I am also asking my son if his board members might like a copy of the newspaper. My thoughts are that if they are a distribution hub perhaps they could submit an article for the next issue. I would like to identify non-profits who are doing Transition work locally. Transition is connecting dots locally and globally and it looks like I want to assist since this idea I had a week ago came back around and into consciousness this morning. As usual I am not attached…simply planting seeds.

The other day driving to Tacoma to watch the Seahawks with family I surfed radio channels and landed on Mystic Radio. Robin Alexis was offering shamanic healing to those who called in. I recognized language of kin! Robin is spirited, genuine and a gifted healer. I am connecting with her and her partner Bob asking for a Gaia healing on their live program Sunday, January 5 at Noon. Just as humans need lost soul parts retrieved and cords of attachment severed so does Gaia! Robin is one who can offer this healing.

I talked with my Nature Spirit Medicine teacher, Camilla this morning. It is a new phenomenon in my life to talk to people about my inner journey. In the past this blog has been that receiver. The other day when we had our bi-weekly chat as a circle of women I looked out the window and the clouds were lined in orange as in my dream and above fir lined hillside…and there was an opening in the clouds.  I was able to share this as it happened with two-legged grounded women!  Camilla commented I was manifesting my dream. She always has wisdom to share. Camilla and I talked about meridian lines regarding inflammation we experience in our bodies when we eat too much sugar reminding us that Earth is also experiencing inflammation.

I am centered, calm and balanced. 
I am upright and at peace with food that nurtures me.
I am learning from past dark patterns and let them go. Light guides my way.

Welcome, 2014 and my “star” family on Earth and in the Heavens. Lines are being drawn and increases on Earth. Blessed BE.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Mother Nature

After writing for several hours last Friday night I decided, at midnight, to check emails. Reid Tracy had sent information about proven ways to profit by being an author. One way is for your book to be made into a movie reminding me that a week or two earlier impressions came through of just that…S/He Dragon, a movie! I felt/considered that at the time and thought why not? My story has had a profound impact on me…why not others? I’m not sure where that movie impression came from as it was “out of the blue” and not something I mentally transmitted, or an intention I set. There was a voice somewhere in my echo chamber that said not to be too confident about my book. And then I see/hear Wayne Dyer and Louise Hay teachings about positive thinking and I let potentiality fill in space. I’m grateful that I’ve learned to be/have been transmuted to be resilient in this way. Is not “resilience” consciousness?

I continue to fill in my S/He Dragon story with description and orientation that my editor says is needed. I notice that I say in one sentence what others say in one page. The challenge is I have been and continue to be in my Light Body and don’t always have language for this world. Can’t others read my mind and the negative space in between the words? No! My editor does give me kudos when I write sensory detail and explain “concepts.” I am not going to “explain” in a linear way, however, that is not who I am nor is it my story.

12/23 morning dreams: I am intoxicated with happiness and in the dream associate it with Buddha Belly. I share spiritual teachings with several men, there is good rapport. In air I see clouds that open in front of me...again and again. I set the intention to see beyond the clouds and a mountain scape with orange tone opens. Am I seeing from a space craft? I open my eyes further and see more; I open them again and see more…I open my eyes even more but now they open in this reality and I wake up.

I am writing chapter samples for my book proposal due April (I am on schedule…yay!). I want to share Chapter 1 and asked myself why. The reason is Love. Not only is Chapter 1 my foundation of Love as a young child, the writing has been a work of Love, and the sharing of it an expression of Love. Ripples of love move out from my core opening like the dream clouds.

Chapter 1                  Mother Nature

Growing up I was held by two different mothers. One held me on her lap imprinting my young brain on Mother Goose nursery rhymes; the other held me in the woods imprinting me on Nature. On mother’s lap I felt comfort and in Mother Nature’s woods I felt alive. Both gave me a sense of home.

Through changing seasons in the Puyallup woods and changes in my personal development Nature had been the primary relationship that fed all my senses. I tasted her sweet berries; smelled her wet spring and dry summer; heard her voices of wind, rain, thunder and lightning; saw her colors change; and felt her under my feet, over my head and in my hands as I used her generous gifts for my imaginary outdoor world. She did not withhold emotion in fact she was a constant expression of dynamic energy in motion and I enjoyed her company. I would not forget her for I was part of her. I never thanked her in a mental way. I did thank her by running into her arms and joyfully playing in her gracious love.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Amazing Maze

I had that recurring maze dream this morning. This time I made new choices. It was at an event to hear Lord Martin Cecil with the Emissaries of Divine Light. I didn't leave the site to go look for something forgotten or lost; I was hungry but knew that I was okay being hungry; my male partner and I were split up, he in the upper section me below, and there was no concern; I looked for my woman friend using logic and went around the maze section by section to locate her; I found her and other friends joined us. I decided I didn't want to be there any longer so I woke up!

Emotion took over and I registered for I Can Do It in San Jose. I am conscious of the reason: to celebrate with my spiritual family this Sacred Solstice and New Year 2014. As I am conscious of the spiritual substance present. One can plan and then e-motion, energy in motion, shifts ones plans.  Such is life in the Light of Love.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Avatar Crown

Late last week I hit turbulence and was thrown off course. It felt like an “avatar” wrinkle in time. I was not my cheerful and peaceful self. I was dark, even angry for no reason. I felt pressure in my physical heart as if it was being tugged by an outside force. Who or what is at the other end? Sometimes it’s a challenge coping with these unknown pressures and that’s when tears flow. This time there was a friend to talk to and she suggested that I didn’t need to know. That afternoon smiles and outreaching energy started to return.

Yesterday morning after I awoke I was scanning my radar screen and saw an open round, red wound with a V tap root going down deep. I used white light medicine to work the wound. A scab formed. I then sensed a black turban and asked who was wearing this garment. Again I used my healing medicine since I was not getting any indication of intent. Then I saw a green dragon in the distance with something in its hands. I moved closer to see what the object was—a golden crown was placed on my head. I am still very emotional. Something large is happening and I don’t know what it is. Another friend told me she had a similar sensing about something dark and that it was followed in three days by an earthquake.

I thought about the “ring of fire” this morning. Gaia needs to vent pressure from the depth of her core. Are humans here to assist in that process? Is that the purpose of e-motion, energy in motion? Does emotion move to sustain equilibrium of matter? How do we do that individually and collectively? The first step is through honesty and in that substance we receive guidance.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Light Body of S/He

The book I write started with the theme The Language of the Sacred Feminine.  Then She met He and the theme changed to S/He Dragon / The Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine.  The other day I asked about Dragon. There he was right beside me.  I reached my hand out to touch his neck, face and then I was on his spine flying. From this I "got" that this Being and I are One and that S/He is my Light Body! So now the book theme is just that.  What a never ending story is this book I write...or, rather, this book that writes me.

So glad to be working with an editor. I am learning so much!  It's an investment to be writing this investment in S/He!

I am also investing in Transition Free Press that is a newspaper printed in the UK and full of solutions and ways to be resilient at a local level. I am going to distribute copies to local sustainable groups.  It's a way to generate energy through Transition Woodinville. It's another activity without borders/boundaries.  People can learn to stretch from local to global with TPF.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Honest Wings of Flight

Last Sunday I awoke to the words “Your writing is beautiful.” I wondered if these were the thoughts of my editor as I had just sent her my nearly finished manuscript. Today she said my writing is “invigorating.” She gave me good feedback and now I have a lot of work to do to smooth out my “strong” writing.
Years ago when I first began my spiritual journey I thought about being a Unity minister. I found it awkward, however, to talk about spirituality. Now as I begin to write my book proposal and think about Marketing and Promotion I wonder how I will talk about S/He Dragon. Spirituality and S/He are not objects or nouns—they are verbs animating me. I love to speak in the moment extemporaneously. It’s that process of letting energy flow through my house of Being activating my unconscious and conscious minds and expressing through my emotional, mental and physical body. This is S/He Dragon.
In Nature Spirit Medicine apprenticeship class we are asked to identify and write personal values. I cannot do this as a mental exercise. I have to listen for them to speak to me. In other words I listen to my unconscious mind where the Sacred Feminine resides. Two values, Honesty and Freedom, rose up. Today another one speaks. This is the way it is for me and I think it is so because of my lack of outside in education and training. These days, however, I am interested in information about this world. Which reminds me: My editor says that I am a strong writer and need support with connectivity. Such is the story of my life! How do I connect my inner story with the outer world? How do I connect myself? Writing and promoting a book is the answer and I ride that learning curve.
I notice that I am enlivened by responding to other people’s outreaching light beams on Facebook. Marianne Williamson is a good example. Her posts are substantial in Light beam flow. I get the sense/see the image of orbs “refracting” Light orb to orb. This shining will “save” humans from extinction. (I looked up the definition of refraction and reflection and I will go with the word that came up for me even though I do not understand the linear definition) It’s the only thing that will so it’s critical to heal one’s fragmented self and re-member why we are here on this precious soil and once re-membered to work to protect this soil. Our homework here on Earth is rise up out of self-centeredness.
I have some things to say about two men who approached me telepathically. I blocked one and hissed at the other. But I have decided to say no more than this as I’m tired of telling this story over and over again. So, if they refuse to change I will! I don’t feel safe with these men. Deep honesty is what activated my wing chakra. So it is always a question as to how much do I say. Here, now I’ve decided to be honest from a new angle.
I am enjoying listening to Clarissa Estes Pinkola’s Women Who Run with the Wolves tapes while writing my book. I would love to tell dragon stories!  We’ll see what unfolds through S/He as I continue to listen. Often there are silent spaces… how does on market and promote through that? So many unknowns so I simply stay in the moment.