
Friday, September 30, 2011

Journey to the Universe

Brian Swimme’s Journey to the Universe film premiere in Seattle was a great opportunity to see friends. Notes from the film:

Philosophy is love of wisdom
Stars are our ancestors
Earth is more than alive – it is life generating
Encounters create choices and thus discernment/awareness
Structure endures
Wonder will guide us
We draw in light and convert it to food
Eye was formed in response to light
First language was carving symbols into stone
There is patterning in matter
When gravity collapses there is nuclear explosion
Gravity related to nuclear fusion
There is a natural urge to merge

As I see it the evolutionary leap that must happen is from outer to inner space exploration; from logical seeing to intuitive knowing. This will require a lot more stillness in individual lives and a turning and listening within. Humans will, once again, soul travel instead of space ship travel; meet neighbors telepathically instead of technologically; attune to elements and elementals for advice/counsel. Life will be very different. I don’t think just a few are meant to be “shamans” but that we lost this pathway in our development. Now it’s critical that we get on track and thrive in this way of Being that is sustainable: evolving into increased light and thus more aware of the larger whole.

My expanding universe has come to a halt. I am resting a lot more and achieving a lot less. My body and whole Being is insisting on this. I find myself attempting to fill up my schedule and get involved as before but I remind myself that I’m not there any more. I simply don’t have the energy. I am now getting paid to organize events and am grateful for this very part time job. I’m interacting as things come up in my daily life rather than seeking things out. I am at rest, content and peaceful. Nice to have more time to chat with people face to face. Less pressure being busy and more time to be relaxed.

Am I the only one who thinks that cancer is being glorified in pink? Am I the only one who thinks that someone without a sense of identity would create cancer so that they have a club to belong to? This sounds cold and cruel but it is an overview of the glorification of disease rather than a celebration of the vitality of wellness. Why don’t more people take a stand and have a voice for peace, clean waters, planting trees, etc? They are distracted by other forces.

Another issue that has come up recently is the amount of space craft debris. It’s criminal that humans are not being responsible for the entire circle of their actions; from the East of inspiration through the North of disintegration. Every thing manufactured should be biodegradable and returned to the elements. Humans are junk pile junkies on Earth and in our larger cosmos. This will not be allowed much longer and cleansing will happen via Natural Forces.

Life is good. I'm feeling so content today and wonder why. Why do I need to have a reason? Isn't this my natural state??

Monday, September 12, 2011

Polarity Management

I met Rich Henry at the Sacred Activism conference years ago. I spoke with him after the Unity service. He introduced me to Lynne McTaggert’s book The Bond and said that scientists have looked for the common particle in matter and found none. He mentioned electrons, protons, neutrons and, thanks to the inspiring conversation, I see that molecules also feel the pressure of change through spin and gravity. Molecules, the building blocks of electromagnetic energy = attraction = gravity. pH also came up at our Transition potluck. Language reflects consciousness.

I learned that Rich and Minister Tony are working with Polarity Management. It sounds exactly what the pH and emotional spectrum is all about. I will be looking into that…as I want to teach/contribute/be masculine! Perhaps I’m already doing that.

Tony’s words add fuel to my personal experience. Yesterday he talked about forgiveness is an attitude, how transformation allows change and doesn’t “fix”, what comes through us transforms us, accept that which comes through and that memory is being transformed.

I appreciate this Unity community where I can have different conversations than I can in my Transition community. This diversity reflects the structure of the body as there are many systems of coordination. One not better than the other or more right. All parts are critical...sacred.

Good to be on call with Transition US and Rob Hopkins today – another critical system in the whole body.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

pH Balance

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In chemistry, pH is a measure of the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution.[1] Pure water is said to be neutral, with a pH close to 7.0 at 25 °C (77 °F). Solutions with a pH less than 7 are said to be acidic and solutions with a pH greater than 7 are basic or alkaline. pH measurements are important in medicine, biology, chemistry, agriculture, forestry, food science, environmental science, oceanography, civil engineering and many other applications.

- / + is pH balance

Dark / Light

Acidic / Alkaline

/ Center = Peace

I can get too intense and outspoken about how I see the world and turn others away. I did this with the Fairy Congress and I see this happening with a few women in Transition. I emailed an apology today because I value their friendships.

It's a challenge for me to be around people who are highly educated or left brained...I do not see things the way they do. Do I speak up...or not? Do I speak of Fairies, or being telepathic? I do...and get odd looks/vibes. Perhaps this is one reason I'm attending Unity I can be myself.

My mouth seems to be a focal point of personal well being. What I eat and what I say are either acidic or alkaline...and the way I say it is part of that equation.

I am catching myself speaking negatively about other people. This morning I thought negative about someone. Another inner voice said: Turn that around and send her Love. I did! Bring in the new....out with the old. It takes practice through the balance of logical mind and emotional heart. And in so doing we do "get 'er done!"

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Galactic Center

As I was chopping cabbage Friday morning I felt a moment when I could not stay centered…that I was being pulled outwards spinning in different directions. This intensity has been going on for some time. It can feel like coming apart at the seams. I especially experience this in my compulsive/addictive relationship with sweets and overeating. Old patterns pull on me. This is part of that intensity of change. There are new choices moment by moment and the main one is to stop, breathe, be still. I suspect this pulling is happening with people collectively as well as with Mother Earth as we move into the 2012 galactic center of the universe. Gravitational forces are affected. Old micro/macro patterns are being put through the “wringer” as new ones are putting pressure on us to be born. This is a universal time of fertility in fire of transformation: a restructuring of matter.

Relationships are more personal now. This is a major shift in my life as I’ve preferred solitude and nature over people. Just this week I sat with various Transition friends to simply chat. I can now say that I have several male friends! At the Grange meeting the other night a couple of women were talking about my activism in the community. A woman standing next to me said “Trish is our strongest activist” and as she spoke she patted the top of my head. It was very sweet and genuine and my heart space vibrated a new pulse for some time after that. Annie at Woodinville Patch wants to “add a voice” to the article I submitted for International Day of Peace. We will do a phone interview Monday morning right after the Transition US conference call with Rob Hopkins.

I was asked to work Sunday morning at the Farm Tour. I chose not to as my body wants to be at Unity Church. Amazing! This is nothing I planned or intended. My body wants/needs the meditation, singing, and energetic field that I feel immersed in there. Nice when a choice is this clear!

As a female I am receptive and dominant. There is a third charge: neutrality. This is not stillness at center but an energetic expression on the e-motional spectrum. What determines the charge of - / + is the Great Mystery of merging collective forces swimming in the Great Universal Pulse. - / + are responses of Body in this realm of polarity. The Pulse is what holds these parts.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Quantum Leap, Quantum Pulse

pulse - definition of pulse by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus ...

pulse 1 (p ls). n. 1. The rhythmical throbbing of arteries produced by the regular contractions of the heart, especially as palpated at the wrist or in the neck. 2. a. ...

Impulse - Pulsere - Pulse counter - Pulse duration

A new Pulse moves through head, heart, hands. Pulse in the whole body is dominant, masculine, setting the pace and tone for the parts. If those parts act separately, on a tangent, there is disharmony and imbalance.

I stressed and strained a body part and my busy-ness came to a screeching halt. What a change! My whole field began to hold a different vibration. I noticed in my walk that there was a charge above my head and my whole body resonated with a new still quality. I was at rest yet in motion like a walking meditation.

I learn to hold a new charge that is both positive and negative. This charged pulse moves through the parts and is the whole.

In the forced stillness I feel lifeless, depressed. It’s like being consumed. Once again some voice reminded me that this was the dark before the dawn, that something new was about to be born in evolving consciousness. In the midst of this cycle I can never imagine what that is and have no choice but to yield full force to these e-motions that move me.

Monday, Labor Day, I intended solitude and went to my garden. Two Transition women friends joined me to get zucchini and we chatted about a regional calendar as we begin to plan for 2012. When they left two other women on bikes stopped by and commented about the good vibe there. Walking back with my wheel barrow another woman, a stranger, joined me and chatted the entire way home. My solitude was just that…within my contained space. The social outgoingness did not dissipate my energy field. I held myself in balance aware of the top of my head and thus my whole body.

The community calendar idea that was born Monday is significant as parts are pulled together from a larger region outside the valley. My new pt job is significant as I support community events for Olympic Nursery and Sammamish Valley Alliance. Being invited to a meeting tonight with three local men to debrief and plan ahead is also significant. I am being included in a larger whole! This busy-ness holds new meaning now that Pulse has revealed itself. I have new energy to connect the dots/the parts because seeing and being has evolved. To prevent burn out is my personal responsibility so that I can do this larger work of heart in heart body.

I have not reached Pulse Consciousness alone. For several years (seven, I think) I have done this evolutionary work with another two-legged male who lives in this realm. In this experience I have learned, cycle by cycle and season by season, to be receptive as he is dominant. It’s an attractive pattern/chemistry that works naturally. It’s an experience of Pulse….a song moving through head, heart and hands. I am very grateful for this man and our experience of co-operation and co-creation in and through Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine.

I look to this day with all its tasks. There is something new! I no longer feel overwhelmed by the work load. My circular map of the day holds positive/outgoing activity AND negative/inward stillness. They take turns around the wheel one after the other….a dance of balance. I see it now I have to manage it. This is an intense time of change!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Step Into the Circle of Life

For Transition Snoqualmie Valley's Right Livelihood Event

Circle of Life ~ Mapping One’s Story
Create a Right Livelihood mandala to take home.

The circle has meaning in cultures worldwide. Its round feminine design holds space for inspiration, creativity and artistic expression. Magical things happen in a circle. The Circle of Life ~ Mapping One’s Story workshop uses drumming in order to shift into right-brained, non-linear reality. In this receptive space students identify the circle’s four directions and journey into the East, South, West and North corners of their lives. Through colors, images, patterns, and words students create a Right Livelihood mandala that is as unique as each individual and story behind it. Step into the Circle of Life and map your story!

Singing Alive

Thinking about Singing Alive friends this morning and how I would have liked to have been with them this weekend. At the Herbal Fair it was so fun to have music and dance every evening and song every morning. However, I have things to accomplish this weekend so my life can be more balanced.

In the shower thinking about song I felt and listened to water and a second verse to my calendula song came through: The tune stays with me and that’s how I know this is the song’s signature on me, through me. It’s singing me. So fun!

Communal living is closer than I though:
Just when I thought I would be on the computer less and organize events less I am offered a job to do just that in our valley. I accepted and will see if I can handle it. Not sure what is going on with me. I feel burned out. Haven't been able to wash my car or clean my house for weeks...and that goes against my perfectionism.

I'm enjoying Unity Church's music, meditations and teachings. It gives me a sense of peace...and community. Perhaps I will teach Circle of Life through this network. Am already promoting it.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Circle Way of Life

Busy as a bee! Time to slooow down.

Harvesting calendula I wondered if it had a song for me. A song came through and I keep singing it in the field. Today I asked lemon verbena (heavenly!) if it had a song...still listening.

Thinking about communal living. Would be great to have my own cabin on a communal garden/farm. Body wants to start sorting through stuff and thinning out. Am I going to move?

Charge at North and South poles = spin = rotation = change = motion of e-motion.

Some Transition folks want more structure. I expressed my way of living in the moment listening/watching and structure is not a priority to me. I'd prefer the circle that has structure but also space in which spirit can move through the parts. How do I communicate that indigenous way of living/being? All I can do is be myself which does seem to polarize at times.

Working to find language to promote my Circle of Life class. I am teaching it in Tacoma 9/19 and at Transition Snoqualmie Valley's Right Livelihood event on 11/5. I have yet to get this off the ground and it seems to have to do with my readiness and comfort zone.