Cathy, I appreciate your skills and talents and all the work you have done to build SCALLOPS. And I do feel a heart connection with you. I would like to explain in a more logical way why I used the words “fear based.”
Your first email to the entire list of attendees stated this:
We had SUCH an incredible Spring Forward with SCALLOPS event on Saturday with 50+ people representing perhaps 25 communities. I am going to take a little time today to download photos and summarize what I learned from the day, but for starters just let me say it was the most diverse, joyful, well-organized, and well-attended SCALLOPS gathering I have ever been to! Thank you Trish and crew.
Since people who are enthusiastic followers of Zeitgeist seem to be showing up at (and offering to manage or publicize etc.) our events recently (there were 4 at the Spring Forward meeting), I think it is important to read this background article on their philosophy.
As Spring Forward showed, we have the capacity and the power to Spring Forward with many groups and philosophies, including Zeitgeist, Occupy, Bridge, Powerdown, and particularly, Transition.
Your next email to a few of us stated this:
Before we send out a list of attendees I'd ask the whole list
1) if they want to opt in or out
2) be really clear that we are not sharing the list in order to allow everyone to share their pet projects. Unlike previous SCALLOPS gatherings, there were a number of folks with "agendas". People running for Congress, starting movements (Zeitgeist, Chataqua), offering services (Bridge, Snohomish Diamonds, Solarize Edmonds Sun Slices, Bees), and even you Dave with your Eastside time bank. (I just noticed all of them are men, interesting)
The first communication felt inclusive and positive; the second exclusive and fear based because of your concern about new people/outsiders. As I mentioned in a previous email I felt like each one brought their “story” of passion and action. Your language sounds and feels to me like a lack of trust. For any event, circle or system to be open and fluid there must be trust so that heart energy can flow between the parts.
Regardikng agendas as one of the lead coordinators of this event I had to manage people’s agendas, people who wanted more time and physical space to promote their programs/projects. Because we wanted everyone (yes, we saw SCALLOPS as one part of that whole) to have a voice we had a strict schedule and a timekeeper. Cathy I told you several times that you had 30 minutes for your initial introduction—much more time than the others. At the event I told you again. Does this not show that you too had an agenda or story and does your language not show that you too have a philosophy?
We are learning to build new systems that are self-organizing and free-flowing. These systems are energetic and electromagnetic bringing people together naturally, organically. Let’s welcome people into communion of heart and soul, honest communication and a new positive experience of community. This happens beyond territorial identities (space based) and divisive (me vs. you) language. This happens when we value communion of heart and soul express honest communication and create positive community.
I did not take notes at the event as that is not my skill or strength. I listen to a different language…the language of the heart. For 38 years I’ve been writing poetry and journaling about this "Language of the Sacred Feminine." It’s a language mystical and transcendent. After many years of being in the womb of this creative process I am now disclosing myself and speaking openly. In so doing there are consequences and I let that be in trust and positive orientation that I see as Love.