Finding Balance / Peace
Many years ago Light, via kundalini spiral lines, grabbed me by the back of the neck and shifted me into another dimension. Since then Light has been my teacher transforming my parts of emotion, thought and action. The lessons are learned in an ongoing process of conscious evolution.
I begin to know a man who shines Light from soul. I notice that he is a teacher for me. I learn to adjust my emotion, thought and action to create balance and harmony with him. It’s a new learning process that includes more parts through lines and arcs of angles.
As a child I learned that I was not whole without a boyfriend, lover, or husband so most of my life had been oriented around finding a man to make me happy and whole. Where was the lesson that one’s primary relationship is with Light? How does one begin to teach this Truth of Love?
The media informs us that bullying in high schools is getting more ugly. I don't buy it and don't appreciate this imbalanced diet of dark news. Give us one healthy story for each toxic one -- better yet give us two healthy stories. Perhaps that will get us moving in the other direction. Why does the media continue to think that humans hunger for dark news? Why do humans put up with this insult to our intelligence? I heard that one state is banning some of the violent video games as some react that it is an abuse of free speech (the makers of the products). I hope the uplifting of standards continues so that "free" can mean a new quality of relationship.