
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Conscious Earth Body

AM: Thinking about our Evolutionary Leaders event tonight. Gratitude flowed in/out as I remembered my spirit allies of all forms. In mind's eye my arms reached up in a V formation to hold all those in heart/mind. V to honor heaven and earth. V as cross over point = X = as energy moves up and down spinal column.

This X energy/vibration also moves horizontally >< representing flow to and from chakras and other pressure points and centers of earth body. Energetic vibration moves in one conscious body on Earth. This movement as one whole system is what takes it "higher."

I am thankful to Michael Beckwith for his powerful story/email regarding the EL event tonight. I was moved to send it out to all my email connections. Our power is magnified as we join forces N/S and E/W.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

New Body Language

I felt it in my body but I didn't speak about it. Now, I have to rewind to that moment and honor the Language of the Sacred Feminine and Masculine. Yes, I give those opposite energetic poles recognition for a language that moves through me.

Yesterday when I was blogging here about the mountain top experience I felt a sensation in my body where I saw and felt myself in flight. It felt "inspired" from my core above solar plexus and below heart chakra.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Mountain Top

I'm on top of a mountain. The air is new as is my breathing. The terrain is new and I see where I have been and all around me in 360 full circle. I am relaxed in the here and now. And in this new place I apply for another job. Does one cycle ending mean another begins?

I have learned a lot about myself and others on this mountain. Here now I am letting go to flight...another mountain awaits.

Friday, August 20, 2010

My Cornfield

This poem is part of a book project entitled The Language of the Sacred Feminine. It's the story of my life journey and evolving relationship with inner Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine.

I love to plant, nurture and watch corn grow. There are so many unique parts that evolve with one another. For the first time this spring, summer and autumn seasons delivered corn that grew to full maturity. Every single corn kernel was in place giving itself to the body for nourishment. I continue to sing praises to corn.

My Cornfield

Herein lies my cornfield
spanning a space of many years

It contains rows and rows
of seed planted
in the soil of my life
and soul of my being

The rows were tended
over time and nourished
through life giving elements
of water, air, earth and fire

I offer this corn as living myth
its kernels full of nourishing symbol
imagery and imagination
inner sight and sound
mystery, dreams, archetypes
poetry and nature

Herein lies my cornfield
planting, weeding, harvesting, feeding
field of Self

Corn Circle includes these parts:

East ~ Planting
South ~ Weeding
West ~ Harvesting
North ~ Digesting and assimilating

Archangel Michael

I'm deleting this story from my website ( to make the website less personal and more business oriented.

My personal story holds many chapters. The most dramatic chapter was 36 years ago when I hit bottom. That dark time landed me on a spiritual path
and in my first meditation I saw the image of white feathers and heard the name "Michael". I learned from my metaphysical teacher at that time that
this was Archangel Michael who was visiting a lot of people on the planet. What seemed like no big deal to her was a big deal to me.

My world turned upside down and inside out. There was more to life than this physical plane of reality. I chose to let go of my addictive behaviors and started to listen within to my new Angelic friend and the Light that s/he carried. Michael has been guiding me ever since.

Choosing a spiritual path is not easy. Along with the bliss of transcendent identity (a whole body experience not a mental concept) is the pain of being in an ego body. The healing transformative journey is full of emotional pain that lessens as one learns to identify with Truth beyond ego suffering.

Due to my spiritual journey I had to make many sacrifices in my early life. An encounter with the force Kundalini took me out of my brain-body and I was not able to function normally. It was as if I was on a different wavelength and all I could do was to be still. This encounter affected my young family, my education, and career. Angelic Light was my guide and I kept turning toward it in both dark and light times of my life.

Once again Archangel Michael takes center stage in my life offering more inspiration and information. Michael is both male and female. S/he holds the strength of Truth and the gentleness of Love. May the Sword of Truth and Love prevail on Earth.


Spider Medicine

I see form and movement with inner eye this early morning: Thick black spider walks South to North toward a ledge with black seam/crack and towering white square wall creating 45 degree angle of solid dimension.

Medicine Cards
by Jamie Sams & David Carson

Spider ~ Weaving

Spider wove the web that brought humans the first picture of the alphabet. The letters were part of the angles of her web.

Deer asked Spider what she was weaving and why all the lines looked like symbols. Spider replied, “Why Deer, it is time for Earth’s children to learn to make records of their progress in their Earth Walk.” Deer answered spider, “But they already have pictures that show through symbols the stories of their experiences.” “Yes,” Spider said, “But Earth’s children are growing more complex, and their future generations will need to know more. The ones to come won’t remember how to read the petroglyphs.”

So it was that Spider wove the first primordial alphabet, as she has woven the dream of the world that had become manifest. Spider’s dream of the physical world had come to fruition millions of years before.

Spider’s body is made like the number eight, consisting of tow lobe-like parts connected at the waist, and eight legs. Spider is the symbol for the infinite possibilities of creation. Her eight legs represent the four winds of change and the four directions on the medicine wheel.

Spider weaves the webs of fate for those who get caught in her web and become her dinner. This is similar to humans who get caught in the web of illusion in the physical world, and never see beyond the horizon into the other dimensions.

The web of fate also represents a wheel of life, which does not include any alternatives or solutions. It is typically human to get caught in the polarity of good or bad fortune without realizing that we can change it at any time. If we are not decisive enough about changing our lots in life, we may end up being consumed by our fears and limitations.

Spider is the female energy of the creative force that weaves the beautiful designs of life. Her web has hundreds of intricate patterns which catch the morning dew.
If spider has dropped from her web into your cards today, she may be telling you to create, create, create! Look for new alternatives to your present impasse. She can also be warning you that you are coming too close to an entangling situation. Spider could be asking you to use a journal [blog] to write out and review your progress. If you do this, you will not forget how you are creating a new or different phase in your life.

Spider brings a message of a different kind when she sees you becoming a bit too involved in the weaving of your life plans to notice opportunity at the outskirts of your web. If this is the case, Spider gets your attention so that you notice that Spider caught you just in time, before you missed the opportunity on the edge of your web or reality.

The most important message from Spider is that you are an infinite being who will continue to weave the patterns of life and living throughout time. Do not fail to see the expansiveness of the eternal plan.


The contrary aspect of Spider is akin to the negative side of woman. Spider will eat her mate if she gets too caught up in herself to see the validity of honoring male energy. The warrior at her side is a strong balancing force. If you have become disdainful of your mate (male or female) and have felt very superior recently, you are not honoring either your male of female side.

If you are not presently in a relationship, you may have chosen a member of your family or a workmate to harass. This type of negative criticism only breaks down relations, and is a reflection of something you hate about yourself. If you are trying to feed your ego in this manner, you have lost the game. You are entangled in the web of you own illusion about who you really are. It may be time to look at why you are being critical and why you are feeling so weak that you must attack others.
If this does not apply to your situation, take a look at another message that contrary Spider medicine brings: lack of creativity.

If you fail to use your talents to get the web spinning, your lack of creativity can change into destructiveness. If you are feeling stagnant and unable to move in a positive direction, you may come to resent others who are doing well. This resentment will become a Black Widow Spider and eat you up, and the only none to mourn your demise will be you. Get moving, find joy and new ideas in the accomplishments of others, and use them to propel you into a new phase of creative spinning on your own web of delight. Observe Spider’s web and find pleasure in the ideas you receive from her universal language.

Here Now

Shamanic talk: Being “here now” is like being on a mountain top. I see behind me (South) with no regrets, no attachments. I see in front of me (North) with no expectations, no attachments. East and West are wings that balance me. Being “here now” is a transcendent dance – a circle of life.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Hopi Survival Kit

I was working in the large circle garden this morning and it felt like the work was a smudging of negativity on Her skin. I got that to maintain the health of our home planet we need to garden and work the soil. She needs us as much as we need Her. I'm reading The Hopi Survival Kit that someone left at my house...part of that Hopi survival and instruction is living in simplicity with the earth.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Birthing the Whole

I pushed Sustainable Woodinville at a local meeting last night. I ran into someone who wanted to ask everyone what "sustainability" means to them and who didn't like facebook. I spoke with fiery passion and pushed this babe forward. I simply don't see or do things in a linear and mental way. I see the whole. For example I know there are many organizations, businesses and individuals in Woodinville who value and live sustainability. I simply want to honor these parts through meeting them, organizing them and then identifying them as one whole. This is a process of inspiration, education and celebration. This is community threads. Now I have to do the grunt work of creating a website and facebook page...I like the other stuff but am willing to do it all. Until I go back to work or unemployment runs out.

White light represents the whole. Color Spectrum represents the parts. We now create whole systems that include light and color through language of sound: communication. Throat chakra is happy and sings!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Shamanic Tribe

Gene Tagaban is an amazing Native American (he commented to me once that we are all "native" which I so appreciate) storyteller, musician, comedian, etc. He's also a shaman who connects at this level. I noticed this when I was listening and watching him perform last weekend. He sees and hears beyond this dimension and expands the field. So, what does this say about shamanism? It says that its more than finding a power's about BEING one...and it's more than healing's about uplifting the whole field. I appreciate this man.

I met some women from Eastside Women in Business and could get involved. I'm simply not drawn. I am drawn to Native peoples/tribes/circles. I'm starting to realize that this has to do with shamanic roots and branches. I'm finding my way home.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Embracing Dialogue

Two men responded and I am happy! Stephen Gomes returned from Sundance and took time to meet to plan our local Evolutionary Leaders event. Robert Satiacum, Puyallup Tribe, called me immediately to say "yes" to speaking at the event with his wife. He spoke words of wisdom about the Facebook community saying how Native Americans are posting very positive messages which is very healthy for the community.

I had no idea my Facebook page would be a field for building relationship with my Native American relations!

I am being required to have deeper dialogue with myself! To go beyond old patterns and listen to the "arms" that embrace my whole self. Arms that have voice of wisdom and guidance. It's another layer of my Self!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Dual Speak

Shamanic talk:

Woke up to an image of skull and cross bones. Not very loving. What force is projecting that image on the field of consciousness? My force, your force, our force? I am seeing with those eyes at the back of my head and view a "pleat" in the fabric or a "split" mirror or "spliced" wire. Illusion of duality. We are of shadow and we are of light. In and out a revolving door that radiates and reflects, radiates and reflects.

Trish talk.

Someone asked me where I learned the Circle of Life teaching. I was blank…until I was at a party in front of a bonfire singing this earth chant: I walk your sacred ground, healing waters I have found, rivers flowing strong and deep wash away your tears; Mother I hear your cry, I feel your every sigh, I have come to comfort you, around the Medicine Wheel. After I sang I mentioned that I had sung this for my mom’s funeral service. And then I remembered! That’s the first time I did a Circle of Life story mapping…for my mom’s funeral service. This reveals to me that my brain remembers through association and not data input and output. I am not a machine! Often I go to retrieve information and it’s not there. My wires are wrapped differently.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hell and Holiness

I move along at a good clip and then life throws up a wall of grief and the dark night of hell begins. This cycle never ceases to amaze me. One must go through it and feel all the dark emotion and act out the pain. This time my body got sick because I was too busy last week to slow down...this week I had to. Anyway, I'm back to my energetic self again. But, it's not the same's a new day after a dark night! I'm getting even more active and we may be creating Sustainable Woodinville. It's an opportunity for Sammamish Valley Grange and the Sammamish Valley Alliance to be part of a larger network. I'm wanting to make signs and organize a rally to protest the expansion of development all around the valley where I live. What to say? Do I want to create more borders and division? Or do I focus on Evolutionary Leadership and promote that? It's a conversation to have as Sustainable Woodinville. We'll's a vision, it's a seed. I've planted so many seeds....

Regarding sickness...I think it's a time of purification and not a bad thing as uncomfortable as it is. I think all matter must purify in rhythmic cycles. Consciousness is gracious enough to let us see the light at the end of the tunnel. Consciousness is loving because it's connected to the larger whole that is holy.