Twilight: New Moon

It is interesting that Tracker’s dark antics have been key to my “initiation” as a mystic. Joseph Campbell speaks of such a theme in the “heroine’s journey.”
Yes, I announce my own initiation. Who else would do so? No one knows my journey better than me. Earthquakes and hologram speak through this ever changing brain body.
I transcend this realm of drama and weave the threads mystically as one whole. And I return again and again to play out the drama of the parts in this realm. Is this not a karmic dance of soul and self?
Dear friend Mishal suggested that I watch the Twilight movies due to my community of wolves. I recognized the psychic assaults in the movie as this has been going on in my world for years. Most recently Tracker attacks the throat and the sensation is one of choking. Why would anyone do this to another person? I have taught myself some ways of protection. I got that what moves out returns ten-fold. The assaults bounce back to the sender. That too is karma.
There's a Buddhist retreat center in California offering stipend, lodging and vegetarian meals for housekeeping and gardening. If I don't have that part-time job in place in the near future this is a possible option. I don't want to leave my family however. I left them at the front end of my mystical journey...I don't want to leave them again.
Life seems to be getting more strange and...thin. My friends and family keep me grounded.