
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Twilight: New Moon

It is interesting that Tracker’s dark antics have been key to my “initiation” as a mystic. Joseph Campbell speaks of such a theme in the “heroine’s journey.”

Yes, I announce my own initiation. Who else would do so? No one knows my journey better than me. Earthquakes and hologram speak through this ever changing brain body.

I transcend this realm of drama and weave the threads mystically as one whole. And I return again and again to play out the drama of the parts in this realm. Is this not a karmic dance of soul and self?

Dear friend Mishal suggested that I watch the Twilight movies due to my community of wolves. I recognized the psychic assaults in the movie as this has been going on in my world for years. Most recently Tracker attacks the throat and the sensation is one of choking. Why would anyone do this to another person? I have taught myself some ways of protection. I got that what moves out returns ten-fold. The assaults bounce back to the sender. That too is karma.

There's a Buddhist retreat center in California offering stipend, lodging and vegetarian meals for housekeeping and gardening. If I don't have that part-time job in place in the near future this is a possible option. I don't want to leave my family however. I left them at the front end of my mystical journey...I don't want to leave them again.

Life seems to be getting more strange and...thin. My friends and family keep me grounded.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Brain Work

My head continues to be spacey. I have to say no to activity and yes to stillness. It is this reason that I am choosing to honor my mystical nature as this brain work does not deplete my energy like other work does. Today I get to curl up and read about wolves. Busy-ness be gone!

Coming Out

Dear Clint & Sara:

I am coming out – as a mystic.

My first mystical experience was 38 years ago when Archangel Michael visited me meditation. Since then I have had encounters with many kindred spirits from other realms. I have written and blogged about this quietly and underground.

A few weeks ago I spoke to Sara about the harrassment I experience from a stalker in my life. I was seeking protection and support from community. Her words were reassuring and supportive and as she spoke I felt lines of connection surround me. Soon wolves appeared holding these lines of force. To my surprise it was wolves who showed up as my community of support. They continue to speak and be near.

I am coming out – as a mystic and would like to invite others to share their own mystical experiences through dreams, visions, insights, intuitive knowing, etc. I would like to host a Wolves in the Sky Talking Circle at Soul Food Books so that we can honor story threads that are underground and not being heard and so that we can honor the voices from other realms that need us to be their voice.

Thank you to Sara, Clint and Soul Food Books for being a portal for community. I plant this seed with you at the dawning of 2012.


Sister Trish
(part of mind wants to wrap around this “sister” word and figure it out…another part of mind says it is what it is…leave it be. I obey the latter.)

Wolves in the Sky

During sleep/altered state last week I experienced another earth quake. (What brain wave is this?) There were three ripples. I noticed the quaking was behind me and at the back of my head. Then in front of me I saw through some focused lens a three dimensional hologram. There was black debris flying about. Soon after wolves were pouring forth in a passionate stream East and West.

I saw War of the Worldviews: Science vs. Spirituality on CSpan/Book TV with Deepak Chopra and Leonard Mlodinow. At one point Leonard spoke of "wolves in the sky" as if some fairy tale. He repeated it a couple more times and bounced it off Deepak who denied any association. Excuse me gentlemen, but the wolves are speaking through you and to you. You missed an opportunity to honor these kindred spirits.

There is a field of knowing beyond science and spirituality. This field is mystical and needs no explaining because it is experiential and spontaneous. It is alignment of unconscious, subconscious and conscious mind. This field is not up for debate.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lines of Connection

My son texted me the other day expressing gratitude for a couple of things that were bouncing back from childhood. (How is time a factor of bouncing energy?) He has not been this expressive about emotions in the past. Some new signs of happiness are shining in his life and relationship.

Having fun emailing different SCALLOPS groups in nearby cities. I see the lines radiating out as a star shape. I am happy to see that there is response from these groups. My Transition work becomes regional and I start a new "good news" project.

I am logical and grounded and I need to shout that out! Last night at our Transition meeting I saw once again that I am the one who is task oriented and focused in getting the work done. Others have different skills.

I watch an ego body getting out ahead of me. Who is she? Who am I? Am I the Logical one connected to her by a thread...kite-like? I think to pull her back to a more rational place. I watch her have fun wearing new sensuality. Who is she? Who am I?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Life Force

At Occupy Bellingham I mentioned to friend Dana that emotions were bouncing off walls during the General Assembly. If there was no matter there would be nothing to bounce off of. If there was no matter there would be no shadows to reflect light. Light seeks relationship with's symbiotic (stream of consciousness here now letting the words flow without logic or research to see if they are accurate) Light is meant to shine through matter as one ranging spectrum. Earth matter does matter as sacred stuff of the universe. Let's not get so sophisticated that we don't see what's in front of us...ourselves in +/- relationship with all life and life force.

If matter is thinning and becoming more translucent and transparent would that not mean that the + and - charge is changing in relationship to and with matter? Such is my personal experience and thus my reality. When shifts happen one sees new reality.

Attended a "visioning" activity at a Transition Snoqualmie Valley friend's house. Nice not to work so much that one can flow with different invitations and activities. After cooking and eating together we sat and shared personal visions. In a split second my "good news network" project wanted to speak so I talked about it. One man in the group had answers to my questions and is eager to partner on the project. He already has a YouTube channel, the equipment and know how. The fun begins of planning this project and seeking funding. It started out as a SCALLOPS network but I am thinking that may be limiting so may call it SoundSolutions...streaming good news. That name may be taken already...more questions than answers right now. We want to invite youth to be reporters/interviewers. Will take a lot of coordination...what I like to do. More bringing the parts together into one whole. Re funding the whole supports the parts and the parts support the whole...this is sustainable economics...this is whole system design.

During the visioning exercise there was talk about being specific. How specific? How much room do you allow so that spirit can move? What showed up for me regarding specific was when I started to ask someone about her promotion timeline. She has two weeks so I asked the circle to encompass that time/space. As I was leaving I mentioned a time line of my own and asked for conscious support. So my words in the moment taught me that specific for me referred to timelines...rather odd I think but I am not the one in charge. I learn from what is reflected -- what bounces back and that is often through language via word symbols. A symbol as shape holding energy until it is comes to mind. My head is spacey is this flow of consciousness....I let it all be and get on with my day. Another job interview.

Watching, emoting, learning, adjusting...cycles of conscious awareness.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Beyond the Veil of Matter

Occupiers are angry and say so as their emotions rise to the surface. Men who were sexually abused as children break through guilt and shame and rise to the surface to express their pain. This collective truth telling creates a void in the subconscious and unconscious psyche. The void is ready to be filled with new substance. I'd like to help fill it up with "good news" through the SCALLOPS network herein Puget Sound.

Dream: I felt my space rattling and heard dishes clatter in the distance. I held steady. Then we rolled counterclockwise to NW then we rolled clockwise to East. I held steady...riding it out then decided to get up and put on jeans and see what was going on outside. People were walking about as if nothing had happened. end of dream...

I ran into him several times at the NW Herbal Fair. At one point I had to laugh and so did he...was the universe pulling us together? I ran into him again yesterday at a Solstice volunteer event making headdresses for the upcoming Feast. He sat next to a woman I used to live with many years ago in the Emissaries of Divine Light community. There is something in the space between myself and this man. There is something emanating from his face and eyes. There is attraction.

Last night I was dancing in the dark with some one/force. I kept seeing this new man's face. (What is real and can I trust my senses is always the question.) The aligment of the potent lines and angles reminded me of sacred geometry and... solstice! I called my woman friend to ask about him. This morning he friended me on facebook and his profile says that he is single and interested in women. I wonder if he flies kites? I am ready to press into matter....male matter. It's more than least the way hormones used to move through me. Hormones now include one whole system and not just lower chakras. How does e-motion interplay with hormonal flow? These forces want to express in me and through me out to another to receive in turn. I feel very clear about saying so.

More dream or altered state of consciousness:

Then something very strange happened...very quantum physics. I was next to a man wearing a black dress shirt. I know him in this realm though have not seen him for several months. I touched his arm and my hand went through a "veil" and into another dimension with him. I pushed more of myself through and was in front of him. I touched him more to press into matter only to discover that this "matter" was not physical. My hand went into the "plasma" quite a ways before it hit more solid substance. I sensed that this man had this experience before...that he was familiar with this realm.

Today I lose more hours at work. I feel at peace about it as my social security pays the bills and I need little to live on after that. I have another job interview tomorrow. What a strange "reality" this is. I ground and feel content thanks to friends who are attuned and with whom I can share these levels of my multi-dimensional living.

Friend Mishal tells me matter is vibrating energy so there is no matter really. I like matter. I like touching a man's arm and feeling muscle. I like digging my pitchfork into earth to lift and turn over. I like touching a tree....I like dense matter. Why do I have to deny that level of reality. Can it not be part of an energetic and vibrational spectrum. Why do we discount earthy matter? Why can't matter emit light and still hold material charge? Too many questions in my life that is turning upside down right now.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

High as a Kite

I'm light headed today and having trouble thinking in a linear way. At work I had to really focus and pull my brain body together to get some simple tasks accomplished. It can be a struggle when my head is in the clouds.

As I work in and with community I often feel that I need to know about this issue and that. But that is not my role nor my skill. I don't have to hold all the details...others do that much better. My role is about injecting emotional content.

Last night at a Cities Need Farms and Farms Need Cities meeting I had trouble engaging. I wondered if I was no longer interested in farming. Then the dynamics changed as emotion was injected. I started to feel charged about the conversation and started to express that. By the end of the night the whole meeting and circuit held a positive emotional charge.

Emotion is key in our Transition. It lifts us up and connects us so that we can evolve into new territory of dimension. Emotion will balance thinking and all will be new. Female and Male harmony.

I feel like I'm floating....where's my anchor?

Monday, December 5, 2011

Unified Light Beams

Upper world downloads e-motion

Lower world uploads e-motion

Middle world of Earth receives and releases via unified light beams

Arrow down
Arrow up
Arrows out from middle

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Middle Earth

At my birthday get together my friend Mishal was saying that she wants to start a chant circle, a kirtan. The three men expressed interest in playing music. One said that he had a didjeridoo another wanted to play the harmonium…………. I was conscious of observing a new community activity being born. A birthday gift I received with gratitude.

At Dana’s concert in Olympia there were tapestries on the wall behind the stage. One was brown in tones and designs the other black and white. These patterns kept shape shifting into wolves. Dana is also wolf like.

I noticed three different levels of e-motional expression at the concert. One was unconscious, unfiltered void of grid lines. Loving e-motion moved spontaneously from this core space in response to relationship and it surprised me. Another level was subconscious holding e-motion that moved in response to /through my own fears and insecurities. A grid is here with lines holding dark shadows. Another level was conscious action through deliberate choice based in love and gratitude. The grid here is aligned with underground e-motion of negative, open space…like pores. Are these three levels of expressions aligned with lower earth, middle earth and upper earth? I think of RJ Stewart…I have notes from one of his workshops somewhere.

There was a reverberating resonance at the concert. I wondered at it. Where was it coming from? Was it my connection with Dana? Was it the community of like-minded people? Was it the Occupy movement across the street? Was it the activity of three levels of psyche playing out on this stage called Life? Was it all of the above? This resonance is sweet, tranquil and….overarching.

What comes through here and now are the words Communion, Communication, Community. Words hold negative space and positive grid lines. They are symbols that give us language and their intent is to create connection.

I opened the blinds and saw a dragon fly insect reminding me of a scene from Lord of the Rings where this type of insect was a messenger. Flying ones, four legged ones, swimming ones, crawling ones are allies transcending all three levels. When we re-member those missing parts of One-Self we connect with these allies. My wolves remind me of angels.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A New Basket

At my birthday party a man kissed me on the cheek. Another one affectionately ran his fingers through my hair from the top of my forehead to my neck (reminding me of my wolf relationship) and it was a bit of a shock because of its intimacy. The top of my head is very sensitive and active with a new kind of "sexual" charge. Last night another man firmly hugged me with his right hand on my left side of body and his left hand on the right side of my body. I see these as unconscious gestures of love from men in my life. This is so significant! I have a new quality of masculine love in my personal space. Gratitudes!

At Dana's concert in Olympia a woman invited my friend and I to sit at her table. At the end of the night she purchased a basket and put it on the table. It was rectangle, not circular...musculine in shape and it was empty except for a cupcake. One basket is detroyed in mystical realm...a new one manifests in this one. And what a perfect place to fill it up with Occupy Olympia South across the street, the state capitol South (I sense it's South but I am not very grounded in this realm of linear detail) of that, Dana's inspiring songs, stories, motivational speeches and the Olympia community.

It is a good Birth Day! I celebrate more with family for dinner and g-kids overnight. Gratitudes....

Friday, December 2, 2011


I was about ready to thank Tracker for leaving me alone when he played mechanical tricks. I watched as what used to affect me now bounces off me. The movie Men Who Stare at Goats portrays the way he tries to get under my skin. His antics are so very far from Spiritual Heart surrounding me as well as resonating from my core.

I then had a dream: A basket was covered with a half lid. A female doll was placed inside the basket with her head at the top and covered by basket. A male doll was placed inside and on top of her. The basket was sealed up. I watched emotionless. Then…I sent my wolves in to destroy the basket. One wolf keeps a piercing eye on Tracker—tracking.

Black magic trickery = sorcery = voodoo. What was bound is unbound. What was attached is unattached. What was hooked is unhooked. What was thread is unthread. Basket of trickery is seen in the Light of Love and Truth.

Werewolffrom Women’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects:

Werewolf superstitions arise from the belief that most ancient deities and their followers could put on the nature of certain animals by wearing their skins or masks. Such “shape-shifting” customs gave rise to bull gods, cow goddesses, goat gods, horse gods, and ram gods not to mention all the numerous deities of Egypt who could become crocodiles, beetles, hawks, hippopotami, jackals and birds as well as the monkey, elephant, tiger, and cobra deities of India. Wolves were revered as psychopomps or carriers of the dead, the same as dogs and vultures. Worshippers of wolf deities wore wolf skins and regarded themselves as honorary wolves. Such “werewolves” were sacred to Zeus, Lycaios (Wolfish Zeus) at the temple on the summit of Mount Lycaion in Arcadia. Zeus’s devotees lived nine years as wolves in the forest then resumed human form if they had not eaten human flesh. It was said of Zeus’s wolf temple that people lost their shadows by entering its doors—a later characteristic of werewolves.

Up to the seventeenth century A.D. Latvian peasants “became werewolves” by similar means on Midsummer, Pentecost, and Lucia’s Night to save their crops from “sorcerers” who would carry barley, rye and oats away to hell.

Certain Irish tribes claimed that their ancestors were wolves, and prayed to wolves as their tribal totems for help and healing. One Irish clas was said to become werewolves automatically every seventh year. This “becoming” seems to have been a ritual transformation, as German folklore said a person might become a werewolf by putting on a wolf skin.

Diabolization of werewolf legends was assured by the fact that wolf clans worshiped the Goddess as the Great She-Wolf, Lupa or Feronia, “Mother of Wolves,” other names for Diana of the Wild Animals, later declared queen of witches.