
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Living System Intelligence

I shared the film Measure of Happiness at a Rotary club this week and was well received.  As a result I have some contacts to make in a new community.  I think Rotary would be an excellent local and global partner for the Happiness Initiative.  The work is to open those doors, introduce it and sell it.  My goal would be to show the film at a District Conference....will I have to become a Rotarian?  They also have an excellent grant opportunity.

I am getting negative feedback from a couple of the larger SCALLOPS groups regarding my Coal Train Report Card talk on December 13.  As a result I will not be able to speak as a SCALLOPS rep at the hearing.  I was wondering if I could give the talk from the angle of the Happiness Initiative but received a negative comment from someone in that regard.  So...I will see what unfolds in this process.  Working within a network is a challenge...because I can't do what I want to do.  However, feedback gives me boundaries and direction and the outcome will be what it is. I do believe organizations are living systems and I get out of the way and let the intelligence play out.  And yet...I so want to speak and reverberate my heart in happy intelligence.

My musician friends Narayan and Janet sing Sanskrit mantras...and I love singing is soooo nourishing and intelligent!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Happiness in Process

I met with the Director of our Chamber of Commerce last week.  He watched the film Measure of Happiness.  His first response was that he doesn't want government doing the driving.  I asked if the Chamber would like to drive the Woodinville Happiness Initiative.  He was ready with the usual constraints: lack of staff and budget.  He suggested I contact Cascadia Community College and UW Bothell.  He also offered a tent space at the Celebrate Woodinville event in August 2013 for Happiness and Transition.  Time will tell if there are enough engaged people in this community to warrant those spaces. In the meantime I'm meeting with John De Graaf as he has ideas for contacts at UW Bothell.

I'm thinking about reprinting Circle of Life booklet (hiring a friend to edit as it feels choppy) and am interested in teaching this class again in Hawaii as a friend now lives there. Turtle calling!  She really "got" what the class is about when she invited me to Cascadia -- she is an artist and goddess.

I hold several threads and am letting them weave loosely...which means I am not driving this process and am letting it unfold through others.


I wrote this earlier this month and have decided to post it:

Swarm intelligence or Not.  Today I am aware of the latter in my personal life.

At a grange meeting I offered to give a Transition report and was informed that I could not…that Transition is no longer a committee.  What?  Later I asked for a written statement from the Grange Master so I could inform TW members at a business meeting.  The Master emailed in response that he had a change of mind and was selecting an investigative committee to look into whether TW fits with Grange mission.  No statement came through.  I am aware of being grateful for Grange support and also aware of the woman who brought the relationship down.  I think of karma—past, present, future.

I see TW members discouraged because we don’t have a unified project and we don’t have numbers of people responding.   Everyone seems to be going different directions lacking common feedback loops. 

I hear self-righteous permaculture people putting others down because of the way they are doing or not doing something.  I’m really tired of this arrogance from permaculture “experts.”  This is not intelligence!  This is ego and not sustainable!  Where’s the emotional intelligence expertise!  Know-it-alls have blinders on and do not see opportunities for community—they totally miss the spirit that is present in the parts.  Know-it-alls dismiss anything that is different. 

Relationships are ending and I feel sad.  Logic informs me that dark follows light and doors that close make room for new doors to open.   

I move forward with my Happiness project planting seeds in new ground though feeling sad…an emotion informing me of change around me. 

Why does change make me sad?  Maybe because this loss of relationship lacks swarm intelligence…and yet...this is also intelligence arranging the parts in new order.

Human Potential ~ Human Power

+ / - = contact = charge = discharge = recharge.  I hold this circuit with another and listen in the process receiving images/words:

Male / female contact generates energy.  Humans are sources of energy.  Humans are batteries.

Humans generate solar power.  It runs through our earth system.  I see lotus design that captures solar energy charging, then releasing and then recharging.  Hands have a role to play in this solar powered lotus apparatus.  Hands focused can move energy just as the mind can.  Hands focused can generate solar power.  Lotus opens, closes to open again in rhythm with Nature and thus with Cosmic rhythms.

Should we not be capturing solar flares’ explosive energy rather than fearing them?

There is much potential here regarding human development energetically.  I know there are people already working on these concepts and it’s time to step it up.  It’s time for a shift into a new field of energy:  human power!

For many years men in my life have taught me about relationship to Sun.  It’s been more than a personal mythic journey metaphor.  The evolution of this creative process/journey has brought me to a place/time that is more focused/grounded both internally and with another.  There is so much more for men and women to do together other than to procreate and overpopulate the planet. 

Once we step out of lower chakra domination and move into higher energy intelligence we will see new possibilities with new eye. 

Humans look outside themselves for answers when the answers are within awaiting our arrival.

Friday, November 23, 2012


New charge, new portal, new pathway.  New as never before.  At one point I saw rays of light penetrating mountain top.  Lotus in blossom North and Lotus rooted South as the shift continues through human bodies, minds and hearts and through one Earth Body.

I notice that I need some sort of container to hold the energy.  I create that with my hands as if holding chi but it is more than chi…I am holding a flesh and blood body.  I help identify “edges’ that give this life force a channel for flow of expression.  Hands and arms reminding me of wires of new circuit!

For years I had my hair highlighted and when I was unemployed stopped.  My hair grew out white/grey/blond and I was starting to feel washed out.  I went to my previous hairdresser and asked for some high and low lights.  She messed up big time (didn’t even charge me) and my hair now looks like I’ve been through a fire with assorted blotches.  I’m hoping I can even it out.  Why the impulse to change my hair color?  I think it has a lot to do with the fire that is now moving.  It must be like getting a tattoo…a rite of passage perhaps.  I look rather wild/free…and feeling the same!

I picked up friends from the airport at midnight last night.  That is the time to fly….4 cars at the terminal.

My granddaughter has 20+ items on a Christmas list.  I need to model something different.  My birthday is near and I am going to try to find a hospital or retirement home where we could go as a family and contribute gifts from the heart.  So when they ask me again what I’d like to do for my birthday I can have something NEW to suggest. 

A new heaven and new earth…so it is written.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving Egg

I just now fed and watered the 6 chickens and was surprised to see an egg on the hay floor.  The three "dummie" eggs should be in their nests...and they were.  We now have our first egg laid by a Plymouth Barred Rock!

As a reward I am letting them out for a few hours.  I hope they are safe until I can retrieve them.  They have been cooped up for many days. 

I'm taking the egg to show my client in rehab.  I am so hoping he doesn't have to have his foot amputated.

Mythic Journey as One Body

I received my answer!  On TV I did see an entertainment show that expressed emotional intelligence through feedback loops acting in respect/love.  That show is The Voice. 

I want to make clear, clean, direct contact with a specific feedback loop.  It is not easy and has taken time because so many factors and layers are involved.  This is sacred work!  Last night in process of making contact I experienced Alice in Wonderland phenomena. I was all over the place and strange images were coming in around me. Iwas being bombarded!  At one point I was in the chicken coop where I feed chickens and looked around asking what the scene was telling me.  All very surreal and distracting.  The experience reminds me of the rings around Saturn and the debris around a comet and how one, two and more are tested/required to go through those hoops. (I think it's actually an alchemical process.) could be the effects of solar flares that feedback loops produce!

It is definitely a mythic journey traveling to the core of sacred contact whether that is within oneself, another or others.  Once you have the key there is no where to go but to the heart of the matter.  And there are many keys that keep unlocking new pathways and doors.  That key is Light whether a tiny spark, a ray or a sunny orb.

I saw on the news that there was a very significant solar flare but that it didn't hit Earth and take down our power grid.  There is another one due before the end of the what I think I heard. I think the collective Body of Light and Love on Earth's swarm intelligence acts as a shield protecting matter and giving us more time to evolve in alignment. Yes, much like the defensive dome now used in the war zone of Gaza.  I suspect this is the prophecy for 2012.  A prophecy that has more than one potential outcome.

Again I see the scene in The Dark Crystal where factors near and far come together in alignment breaking up the dark and bringing in the dawn of a New Age.  My passion for spiritual, psychic, emotional, mental and physical contact is an electromagnetic force that I cannot/do not control.  I am pulled and pushed by it and I do trust its Intelligence and Love.  No, it's more than trust!  I am part of that Force and know it as it flows through me.  So I will correct that statement:  I am pulled and pushed by it and I know its Intelligence and Love.  And I will correct that statement:  We are pulled and pushed by it and we know its Intelligence and Love.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Love & Sex

I watched American Music Awards last night.  Pink’s performance took me back to age 25 when I was at the lowest point of my life.  I was in chaos internally and looking in all the wrong places for love.  Pink’s performance left me with that cold, dark, barren sensation of hell.  Yes, hell is cold!  Its energy put me into the lives of people addicted to drugs, alcohol, sex, food, etc.  It took me into territory of abuse.  Was this artistic expression?  Not for me.  Artistic expression uplifts and inspires. This performance gave me a sickening feeling because I have been in that chaos with men.  Chaos that leads nowhere like the war in Gaza.  For me this performance added substance to that war.  It was disturbing...and yes I am sensitive. 

Where is the sacred?  Where is spiritual intimacy that respects and supports Life?  Where is Love?
Love IS sexual
Love is union
Love is relationship
Love is contact with all life
Love is the whole in expression and sexually charged!

Talking with a friend is sexual, gardening is sexual, singing is sexual, eye contact is sexual, cooking is sexual, writing is sexual…life is sexual and includes the whole body not just lower parts.

Sexuality is more than physical.  Sexuality is spiritual intimacy.  Sexuality is Love.

Swarm intelligence is sexually charged and creative giving birth to new life.  Feedback loops are the new genitalia.  What would that look like, sound like on American Music Awards?


Friday, November 16, 2012

Coal Train Song by Dana

Intelligence Shift of 2012

I now know what the key is to swarm intelligence!   I know because I just experienced a swarm intelligence rush that transpired in 6 days:

  • ·         Attend Dana concert about stopping coal trains and meet/learn  from about a scoping meeting to testify against the project
  • ·         In email to Dana I casually say that stopping coal trains makes all of us happy  (an ah ha moment with uplift)
  • ·         I want to testify Dec 13 at the Seattle Convention Center as a voice for SCALLOPS  (It’s not should I, could I, would I…it’s I want to...lens focused and inner gears lined up/charged)
  • ·         I contact Cathy Tuttle a long time leader of SCALLOPS.  She is in agreement.
  • ·         I receive confirmation that I can testify as a SCALLOPS rep—I have two minutes
  • ·         I receive Dana’s coal train flyer and start sending it to SCALLOPS groups asking for endorsements
  • ·         I participate in a Happiness Initiative conference call with other “practitioners” and in response to coal train action Laura informs me that Bhutan stopped big hydro by using their measures of happiness
  • ·         I write my talk around a Happiness Report Card
  • ·         I receive three quick responses for endorsements:  Sustainable Bothell, Sustainable Redmond, Sustainable Bremerton
  • ·         I attend Sustainable Seattle’s awards dinner and learn from John De Graaf that there is an actual report card that I can take as a visual to the talk Dec 13 (Sustainable Wallingford endorses)
  • ·         At the awards dinner that felt like a Green Chamber of Commerce with mayor, businesses, non-profits, health professionals, local food/farms, etc  I saw people light up in response to the Happiness Initiative (many examples of swarm intelligence at this dinner from greenways to Bullitt Center)
  • ·         Same day I receive an email from Lisa in Montana with Pull Together Now.  She has good news from Merle.

Wow!  What a rush!  What an amazing dance of intelligent parts moving as one whole body.  And what is the ingredient that holds us all together?  Feedback loops!  Not sluggish, not inert, not toxic but charged, buoyant and healthy loops moving with coordinated feedback!

The opposite experience happened when I was feeling enthused about connecting/collaborating with someone and asked for her phone number.  She said to call her after Thanksgiving.  That response felt like cold water on my charged interest and gave me feedback about what adjustment to make personally.  I am emotionally enthused/charged a lot and it has different effects on people.  Do people think that I am coming from ego?  Truth is I am coming from the capacity of happiness!

On the other side of the veil:  I am receiving feedback that I didn’t ask for—telepathically.   Twice this week I “picked up” negative information from people in my life and my emotional body responded with negativity.  This was not the overall energetic charge that is associated with this person or that.  This was more specific in that I was picking up their thoughts and even actions (like watching and hearing them on a screen).  I noticed my reaction and thought how odd that my emotional body would feel so strongly about telepathic information.  I engaged my logic, asked questions and did some serious self-talk.  Instead of reacting I would watch how this would play out through time. These negative experiences put "drag” on swarm intelligence.

Intuition is a window of emotional information.  Logic assists by processing the information through an emotional body.

Logic can keep me centered along a wisdom path and let me know when I get off course.  

Logic is an intelligence meter that holds the lines and intuition fills in the lines (like positive and negative space)

Intuition + logic = Words and Language = Action

Language connects us heart to heart, mind to mind and body to body in swarm intelligence. 

Emotion expresses through the logic of words, language and action..

Language has healing potential.

New body of emotion and logic uses language of intelligence in its action

Language of intelligence replaces weapons of war—on people, wildlife, habitat.

Mother Earth is Happy.

Notes from a United Nations Happiness Initiative doc and a picture of swarm intelligence!  Yay!!!!

1. a fundamental human goal is the deep abiding wellbeing and happiness that comes from living life in full, in harmony with our communities and fellow beings and the natural world. Realising this vision requires a healthy
balance between all parts of our national and global wealth including our natural, human, economic, social, and cultural wealth.

2. This balance is absent from our present system, which prioritises economic growth at the expense of nature and people. The current paradigm now threatens the survival of humans and other species, and is no longer an option. We need a fundamental transition to a new economic paradigm that serves human happiness and the wellbeing of all life on earth.