Thursday, June 27, 2013
I appreciate the Hay House interview with Gregg Braden highlighting his book Deep Truth. I always learn so much from him and he always acknowledges something about the Sacred Feminine which makes me happy. Gregg is a weaver of science and wisdom and I appreciate his art. He mentioned that science makes false assumptions. Quite a bold statement from an earth scientist. During the interview Gregg spoke about cooperation and mutual aid as the law of nature. How did we humans get so far from this "deep truth"? I am getting that it's best not to dwell on that but to keep moving forward in Light of Love. This supports Gregg's comments about a new world emerging and that there is no judgement; it's a learning curve and we are now ready for new information. Gregg has a gentle heart and intelligent mind...a good mix for a Gaian teacher.
I was watching Nova on TV and a program called Earth from Space. I heard and saw how the spin of Earth’s core creates a strong electromagnetic field and how this is the first line of defense against the radiation of the sun. For something to spin does it not need a positive and negative charge for it to be alive and moving? In my simple way of seeing things I see that the negative charge has been weak and missing in action. This has to be activated in personal and collective expression which is not talking about it but accessing it and releasing it from one's core of Being.
The show featured dynamic images of how the electromagnetic field reshaped in response to intense waves of solar "weather." I thought it was a perfect picture of resilience. I learned there is a second line of defense one of the effects of which can be seen in the aurora borealis. The image reminds me of the whispy energy I have been feeling lately...other worldly. The show also showed clearly how the human footprint is affecting both levels of defense.
I am thinking about the spin of my personal core and my electromagnetic field. What causes spin and what is it? I think about e-motion—energy in motion and the voice and force of the Sacred Feminine. It’s time to go deeper into the core of awareness and expression so that we can support Earth’s spin and electromagnetic field that is changing so dramatically. As much is disintegrating much is also integrating. It’s up to the conscious body to hold a specific pattern of energy. What is that pattern? It takes many voices to answer that question. And what do all our voices look like? The aurora borealis?
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
A Gaian Imagination by David Spangler
A Gaian Imagination
David's Desk is my opportunity to share thoughts and tools for the spiritual journey. These letters are my personal insights and opinions and do not necessarily reflect the sentiments or thoughts of any other person in Lorian or of Lorian as a whole. If you wish to share this letter with others, please feel free to do so; however the material is ©2013 by David Spangler. If you no longer wish to receive these letters please let us know at Previous issues of "David's Desk" are posted on
I had nearly finished this month’s David’s Desk when I woke up in the middle of the night with a very clear voice saying, “Write about imagination.” As this was not the topic I had been writing about, I was reluctant to start over again, especially as I’m already late getting my essay out to you. But when I awoke again this morning, I felt the same urging to make imagination this month’s topic.
Back in the Seventies, my primary inner contact, a being I called “John” said to me, “The challenge for humanity in the future is to learn to think like a planet.” This is a theme I’ve been exploring in my upcoming issue of Views from the Borderland, my quarterly esoteric journal. After I’d finished the journal, which is what made me late getting started on David’s Desk this month, and sent it off to be printed, I kept getting a recurring comment from my inner colleagues which said in essence, “It’s not just ‘thinking like a planet’ that’s important. It’s imagining like a planet.” Another similar comment was made that Gaia [the term I use for the planetary Soul, i.e. the vast spiritual being that really is “thinking like a planet”] was “the imagination of the earth.” The difference that was being suggested was that thinking was a processing of information that maintained a separation between the thinker and the thought, but imagination was an act of entering into and sharing the identity or reality of that which is being held as an image. It is integral to a process of becoming, a way of holding a concept so it becomes alive and can take shape and substance. In my Manifestation Card Deck, I call this “inhabiting.” It’s the difference between thinking about a person and, as the saying goes, “walking a mile in their moccasins.”
I normally don’t write about topics that are too esoteric here in David’s Desk. This is partly due to the broad nature of the readership—not everyone who reads and enjoys my monthly essays is all that well versed in or even interested in metaphysics and the inner worlds. My intent is to provide easily accessible, inspirational thoughts and insights each month, often indulging my love of puns and wordplay, as I did last month writing about the spiritual equivalent of a Higgs particle.
But in for a penny, in for a pound. Let me see if I can do justice to the ideas formulating around the key word of imagination that I did not have time or space to add to my journal.
The general attitude towards incarnate humanity and our future on the part of those inner beings with whom I’m in regular contact might be described as cautious optimism coupled with fiery hope. That is to say, they are aware of the problems we face and while recognizing the possibility of our failure to meet them adequately, they are also very aware of our potentials for new vision and transformed behavior. That’s where the “fiery hope” comes in. But with this hope comes a recognition that if we are to successfully navigate the challenges of the next few decades, we need to learn to think differently about ourselves and about our world. Although by now the words are practically clichés, we need to think holistically, ecologically and systemically with a deeper awareness of the interconnectedness and interdependence of all life.
However, what marshals the “fiery hope” and sets transformation into motion isn’t simply a new world view or a new way of thinking. It’s an ability to imagine a new way of being, to actually see ourselves in a new context, acting in new ways, feeling within us a felt sense of what this is like. We need to change how we conduct ourselves upon the earth, but change flows out of a will and will flows out of imagination. If I want to break a habit, it’s often not enough to will myself to do so or try to force change; I need to imagine the “new me,” the person I can be when free of this habit, and allow this image to become real enough that it supplies fuel to the transformational process.
So can we imagine ourselves as Homo Gaians instead of just Homo Sapiens? Can we imagine ourselves and our world the way Gaia, the World Soul, imagines us and the earth?
When I think of a “Gaian imagination,” three things come to mind. First, it is an imagination of diversity and complexity. Just look around you at how diverse and complex life is. By contrast, human imagination and action is often reductive, seeking simplicity and conformity. We can easily imagine living in a world where everyone thinks and acts as we do, a monocultural world, but can we imagine living successfully and peacefully in a world filled with many different ways of being? Can we imagine actively honoring and supporting ways of being different from our own?
Think of what it took to imagine giving women the vote. Think of what it is currently taking to imagine marriage between homosexuals as well as heterosexuals. For that matter, imagine yourself being good friends with a gay couple or encouraging someone in his or her sexual orientation though it may be different from yours. Gaian imagination is not “one-size-fits-all.” It encourages difference and uniqueness.
Second, the imagination of the earth is open to possibility, experimentation, and change. Again, we have only to look at the fossil record or at the wondrous diversity of life on earth right now to see the truth of this. On the other hand, human imagination is often constricted by attachment to the familiar, and a fear of change. Why is it so difficult for people to accept that human behavior is causing catastrophic climate change? One can point fingers at the influence of vested interests such as the energy companies whose existence, wealth and power depend on the continued use of the fossil fuels. But a more compelling reason is that we have grown accustomed to a world created and energized by such fuels, and it’s become hard to imagine other possibilities.
Can we imagine ourselves successful and prospering in a civilization that doesn’t depend on fossil fuels? Can we imagine such a civilization having a technology that serves us at least as well and brings us at least as much pleasure, if not more, than the technology we have now? Can we imagine what steps we might take right now to bring such a civilization into being? If not, why not? Why is it hard to imagine ourselves making new choices and exploring new possibilities that take us along a middle way between what we have now that is familiar but unsustainable and some catastrophic apocalypse? We seem to have no problem imagining our doom. Why can we not tap our inner resources of possibility and imagine our success but in new ways different from business as usual?
Thirdly, the imagination of the earth arises from what I think of as a “conscience of the whole.” It’s an organic imagination, one that demonstrates an ethic of connectedness. By contrast, our imaginations often express narrow self-interest and disconnection from any sense of being part of a larger wholeness. We can imagine new things, new possibilities; what we don’t imagine is how they fit in an integrated and harmless way into the larger community of life and planetary being. Thus we can imagine strip mining for coal or fracking for gas but not imagine the long-term consequences to air, water, soil, and people. We’re not good at imagining consequences, in part because we may not care about them as much as we care about ourselves and our short-term benefit. We forget that a Gaian imagination includes in its considerations connections and consequences over hundreds and thousands of years. It is an imagination that cares.
This is, I think, the core point that my inner colleagues wanted to get across. We need imagination to navigate our future successfully; we need to be able to think beyond what is familiar, comfortable, and safe. But this imagination needs to be grounded in an ethic of caring and love and a vision of a wholeness that extends through time. This is the heart of what a Gaian imagination means.
There was one other point my late-night visitor stressed. “There is a need,” this being said, “to clear your imaginations in order to see anew.” This is an important corollary to the three points I just made. Imagination needs emptiness and a clear space in which to work as much as it needs images to inhabit. Media of all kinds bombard us daily with thousands of images inviting, imploring, even demanding that we imagine the world and ourselves in this way or another, often to our detriment and the detriment of our planet. We need to be discerning about the images that we accept. Taking an “imaginal fast” now and then seems a good technique to clear our minds and to give ourselves a space in which new images can arise from our own hearts and wisdom and from the heart and wisdom of the world.
I, for one, am confident that we can do this. We can find a clear space within ourselves that is open to possibility and we can summon up a Gaian kind of imagination. A great many people are doing it already. But as we do, we need to remember that it’s not simply an imagination about our future or about what our society might look like in the years ahead. It’s also an imagination about ourselves, and this may be the most challenging of all. I can easily imagine a society based on renewable energy, for instance. Can I imagine myself as capable of bringing such a society into being? Can I imagine myself making whatever changes would help bring this about? Can I imagine myself as an agent of a better human future, whatever form that may take? Can I imagine myself as a source of love, able to think about and care for the good of the whole of life? Can I imagine myself as a seed of a new humanity?
That is the Gaian imagination that we need, and I think the earth—Gaia itself—is depending on us to find it.
Lorian offers David Spangler's journal: Views from the Borderland Quarterly as a subscription service with 4 mailings and 2 online discussion/dialogues with David over a year. Click link to read more about the Quarterly along with samples of the material included. New subscription year for Views from the Borderland Quarterly begins this month with journal #1 mailed the 3rd week of June. Register here.
Visit the Lorian website to read the Lorian blog, view a short video or past David's Desk posts and learn more about other classes and self study work available.
David's Desk is my opportunity to share thoughts and tools for the spiritual journey. These letters are my personal insights and opinions and do not necessarily reflect the sentiments or thoughts of any other person in Lorian or of Lorian as a whole. If you wish to share this letter with others, please feel free to do so; however the material is ©2013 by David Spangler. If you no longer wish to receive these letters please let us know at Previous issues of "David's Desk" are posted on
I had nearly finished this month’s David’s Desk when I woke up in the middle of the night with a very clear voice saying, “Write about imagination.” As this was not the topic I had been writing about, I was reluctant to start over again, especially as I’m already late getting my essay out to you. But when I awoke again this morning, I felt the same urging to make imagination this month’s topic.
Back in the Seventies, my primary inner contact, a being I called “John” said to me, “The challenge for humanity in the future is to learn to think like a planet.” This is a theme I’ve been exploring in my upcoming issue of Views from the Borderland, my quarterly esoteric journal. After I’d finished the journal, which is what made me late getting started on David’s Desk this month, and sent it off to be printed, I kept getting a recurring comment from my inner colleagues which said in essence, “It’s not just ‘thinking like a planet’ that’s important. It’s imagining like a planet.” Another similar comment was made that Gaia [the term I use for the planetary Soul, i.e. the vast spiritual being that really is “thinking like a planet”] was “the imagination of the earth.” The difference that was being suggested was that thinking was a processing of information that maintained a separation between the thinker and the thought, but imagination was an act of entering into and sharing the identity or reality of that which is being held as an image. It is integral to a process of becoming, a way of holding a concept so it becomes alive and can take shape and substance. In my Manifestation Card Deck, I call this “inhabiting.” It’s the difference between thinking about a person and, as the saying goes, “walking a mile in their moccasins.”
I normally don’t write about topics that are too esoteric here in David’s Desk. This is partly due to the broad nature of the readership—not everyone who reads and enjoys my monthly essays is all that well versed in or even interested in metaphysics and the inner worlds. My intent is to provide easily accessible, inspirational thoughts and insights each month, often indulging my love of puns and wordplay, as I did last month writing about the spiritual equivalent of a Higgs particle.
But in for a penny, in for a pound. Let me see if I can do justice to the ideas formulating around the key word of imagination that I did not have time or space to add to my journal.
The general attitude towards incarnate humanity and our future on the part of those inner beings with whom I’m in regular contact might be described as cautious optimism coupled with fiery hope. That is to say, they are aware of the problems we face and while recognizing the possibility of our failure to meet them adequately, they are also very aware of our potentials for new vision and transformed behavior. That’s where the “fiery hope” comes in. But with this hope comes a recognition that if we are to successfully navigate the challenges of the next few decades, we need to learn to think differently about ourselves and about our world. Although by now the words are practically clichés, we need to think holistically, ecologically and systemically with a deeper awareness of the interconnectedness and interdependence of all life.
However, what marshals the “fiery hope” and sets transformation into motion isn’t simply a new world view or a new way of thinking. It’s an ability to imagine a new way of being, to actually see ourselves in a new context, acting in new ways, feeling within us a felt sense of what this is like. We need to change how we conduct ourselves upon the earth, but change flows out of a will and will flows out of imagination. If I want to break a habit, it’s often not enough to will myself to do so or try to force change; I need to imagine the “new me,” the person I can be when free of this habit, and allow this image to become real enough that it supplies fuel to the transformational process.
So can we imagine ourselves as Homo Gaians instead of just Homo Sapiens? Can we imagine ourselves and our world the way Gaia, the World Soul, imagines us and the earth?
When I think of a “Gaian imagination,” three things come to mind. First, it is an imagination of diversity and complexity. Just look around you at how diverse and complex life is. By contrast, human imagination and action is often reductive, seeking simplicity and conformity. We can easily imagine living in a world where everyone thinks and acts as we do, a monocultural world, but can we imagine living successfully and peacefully in a world filled with many different ways of being? Can we imagine actively honoring and supporting ways of being different from our own?
Think of what it took to imagine giving women the vote. Think of what it is currently taking to imagine marriage between homosexuals as well as heterosexuals. For that matter, imagine yourself being good friends with a gay couple or encouraging someone in his or her sexual orientation though it may be different from yours. Gaian imagination is not “one-size-fits-all.” It encourages difference and uniqueness.
Second, the imagination of the earth is open to possibility, experimentation, and change. Again, we have only to look at the fossil record or at the wondrous diversity of life on earth right now to see the truth of this. On the other hand, human imagination is often constricted by attachment to the familiar, and a fear of change. Why is it so difficult for people to accept that human behavior is causing catastrophic climate change? One can point fingers at the influence of vested interests such as the energy companies whose existence, wealth and power depend on the continued use of the fossil fuels. But a more compelling reason is that we have grown accustomed to a world created and energized by such fuels, and it’s become hard to imagine other possibilities.
Can we imagine ourselves successful and prospering in a civilization that doesn’t depend on fossil fuels? Can we imagine such a civilization having a technology that serves us at least as well and brings us at least as much pleasure, if not more, than the technology we have now? Can we imagine what steps we might take right now to bring such a civilization into being? If not, why not? Why is it hard to imagine ourselves making new choices and exploring new possibilities that take us along a middle way between what we have now that is familiar but unsustainable and some catastrophic apocalypse? We seem to have no problem imagining our doom. Why can we not tap our inner resources of possibility and imagine our success but in new ways different from business as usual?
Thirdly, the imagination of the earth arises from what I think of as a “conscience of the whole.” It’s an organic imagination, one that demonstrates an ethic of connectedness. By contrast, our imaginations often express narrow self-interest and disconnection from any sense of being part of a larger wholeness. We can imagine new things, new possibilities; what we don’t imagine is how they fit in an integrated and harmless way into the larger community of life and planetary being. Thus we can imagine strip mining for coal or fracking for gas but not imagine the long-term consequences to air, water, soil, and people. We’re not good at imagining consequences, in part because we may not care about them as much as we care about ourselves and our short-term benefit. We forget that a Gaian imagination includes in its considerations connections and consequences over hundreds and thousands of years. It is an imagination that cares.
This is, I think, the core point that my inner colleagues wanted to get across. We need imagination to navigate our future successfully; we need to be able to think beyond what is familiar, comfortable, and safe. But this imagination needs to be grounded in an ethic of caring and love and a vision of a wholeness that extends through time. This is the heart of what a Gaian imagination means.
There was one other point my late-night visitor stressed. “There is a need,” this being said, “to clear your imaginations in order to see anew.” This is an important corollary to the three points I just made. Imagination needs emptiness and a clear space in which to work as much as it needs images to inhabit. Media of all kinds bombard us daily with thousands of images inviting, imploring, even demanding that we imagine the world and ourselves in this way or another, often to our detriment and the detriment of our planet. We need to be discerning about the images that we accept. Taking an “imaginal fast” now and then seems a good technique to clear our minds and to give ourselves a space in which new images can arise from our own hearts and wisdom and from the heart and wisdom of the world.
I, for one, am confident that we can do this. We can find a clear space within ourselves that is open to possibility and we can summon up a Gaian kind of imagination. A great many people are doing it already. But as we do, we need to remember that it’s not simply an imagination about our future or about what our society might look like in the years ahead. It’s also an imagination about ourselves, and this may be the most challenging of all. I can easily imagine a society based on renewable energy, for instance. Can I imagine myself as capable of bringing such a society into being? Can I imagine myself making whatever changes would help bring this about? Can I imagine myself as an agent of a better human future, whatever form that may take? Can I imagine myself as a source of love, able to think about and care for the good of the whole of life? Can I imagine myself as a seed of a new humanity?
That is the Gaian imagination that we need, and I think the earth—Gaia itself—is depending on us to find it.
Lorian offers David Spangler's journal: Views from the Borderland Quarterly as a subscription service with 4 mailings and 2 online discussion/dialogues with David over a year. Click link to read more about the Quarterly along with samples of the material included. New subscription year for Views from the Borderland Quarterly begins this month with journal #1 mailed the 3rd week of June. Register here.
Visit the Lorian website to read the Lorian blog, view a short video or past David's Desk posts and learn more about other classes and self study work available.
To Wayne Dyer
The fog lifted and I saw that I had more to say to Wayne Dyer. The first paragraph reflects what came through in the afternoon. The second paragraph reflects what came through at night when my right hand reached out to touch his face. This is getting to be a pattern! But then something new as angel wings wrapped around him with more words to say. In this current of Light and Love I am transparent and say it the way it moves through me. I'm seeing Light as receptive Feminine and Love as active Male. What a sacred responsibility for both Female and Male and I am reminded with an image that one current and circuit always includes both polar opposites. I'm now seeing this new cycle that is now in motion as one of Love which does reveal an evolving body of Light on Earth. And it is good! Light + Love = Life
Dear Wayne:
Your new book I Can See Clearly Now sounds enchanting. Stories that reveal the mystique of our lives honors the Sacred Feminine...that negative space through which life moves and has more to do with Being (inner journey) than with Achieving (outer achievement). Thank you for sharing the stories of your life that weave who you are so that others can see more clearly who they are.
I wrap angel wings around you and say: You are loved. This quote comes through in response to your interview with Reid: "Who you are speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say." Your Being is loved as is your Doing. Your back supports you through these energies in motion in the same way your back is supported by these energies in motion.
Light & Love,
Dear Wayne:
Your new book I Can See Clearly Now sounds enchanting. Stories that reveal the mystique of our lives honors the Sacred Feminine...that negative space through which life moves and has more to do with Being (inner journey) than with Achieving (outer achievement). Thank you for sharing the stories of your life that weave who you are so that others can see more clearly who they are.
I wrap angel wings around you and say: You are loved. This quote comes through in response to your interview with Reid: "Who you are speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say." Your Being is loved as is your Doing. Your back supports you through these energies in motion in the same way your back is supported by these energies in motion.
Light & Love,
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Thank you, Wayne Dyer
Just listened to Reid Tracy and Wayne Dyer. Wow! Wayne can be intense! There were a lot of words and stories flying and at one point I had to take a breather to slow my intake process down. Too much input for this brain. Wayne talked about "something moving the checkers around" in our lives and I'm wondering how that relates to us creating our own realities. It does seem that there is something larger moving the parts around and yet this could not happen if I was not responsive. Oh, I just got an image...water...we are in water and moved around by the currents. So, how does this relate to us creating our own realities? I have several reality threads that are in the process of being woven and I am not attached because it is "Thy will, not my will." I know that to mean there is a gracious creator that can bring more into creation than I can image. S/he can do this because of the One synergy of the many parts. I let go to this synergetic current as the parts fall into place. It's all unfolding from receptive response at a super conscious, conscious, subconscious, unsconscious and super unconscious level...the Sacred Feminine in all matter. Another image...the "supers" are joined as two serpents creating One circle space.
Mother Ship
Yesterday I visited a woman named EagleSong at her small farm in a nearby city. She just returned from England where she participated in a Totnes Transition Town event regarding Inner Transition. I'm hoping to interview her and post it on the Transtion Woodinville website. I learned that she has a passion for labyrinths, has visited several of them worldwide and is creating one on her farm of which I hope to help create. A family from another farm further North was there and we had a great time together. Pictured are the two children.
Something came over me while at this farm and enveloped me in deep centeredness. It was like being in still waters. Later that night this energy was still present like a cloud and early this morning that enveloping effect was so “thick” that I had to take a nap (at 8:30 am? – I had things to do!). When this substance wraps around me there is no choice but to go into it. As I was resting I went deeper and deeper. At one point a message came in and I caught it on a thin thread: “Mother…calling.” I caught the impression consciously and let it be without any translation.
As I was taking my client on errands this morning words filtered in from out of the blue: “Mother ship.” And with that I remembered that the process of being enveloped in a fog and having to nap happened the exact time of John Denver’s death.
I then remembered the time Jean Houston was at a Windstar Symposium and talked about aliens. The rumor mill was that JD was not happy. Perhaps I can ask her about this when we have our Salon group chat in July.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Thank You Louise Hay
I listened to Tracy Reid's interview with Louise Hay on the World Summit Series and found it uplifting and intimate in the sense that it felt like a living room conversation. Tracy is very one of the guys. And Louise is an inspiration. I appreciate so much about her especially the "inner ding" reference to intuition, her nutrition tips and that she is living a childhood at 80+ that she didn't have as a child. From this interview I have the sense of Hay House as a family. Very well done! Looking forward to more interviews.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
New Cycle, Season, Day
New cycle, season, all things are made new in relationship with Sun, Moon, Stars, Planets.
I thought life was going to be full of solitude since Transition Woodinville and Heritage Garden activities have ended. Nope. I watched friend after friend contact me this week wanting to hang out. I am happily surprised. I think something shifted when I made the conscious choice to attend the Fairy Congress. I chose to open my heart letting more Light out...does that mean I have more room now to let more Light in?
I've been mentally processing a cycle that has passed. A cycle that had to do with outreach and organizing within communities. For many years that organizing had to do with bringing together parts into one whole. I had a mission that was centered in Goddess. This did not always make me popular. However, it is what was moving at my core and my comitment was to listen to Goddess. Looking back I see myself as emotionally intense. I am in a new place of peace now without that mission and something feels very large and bright. I don't know what that means exactly. A new cycle for sure. It's as if something has settled.
Several times while writing my story book an internal voice has said, "This book writing is too this or too that." All negative. Another voice is quick to respond, "Just keep writing." I do that and am starting to feel good/confident about the chapters that are developing. I love the process of listening within for guidance that is both logical and intuitive. It's very nurturing, rewarding, creative.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Fairy Social
I just now decided to attend the Fairy Congress later this month. It will be a time for solitude if I choose and a time to socialize when I choose. It will be so much fun listening to Brooke Medicine Eagle and many others, singing with Morgan, dancing and drumming, eating good food, communing with the land again, meeting new people and reconnecting with old friends. I had a choice as to whether to stay home in solitude or go be with people who share Fairy love. An easy choice! has a sweet video on the FC website. Michale Pilarsky has done a lot of good work over the years to produce this event.
Friday, June 14, 2013
"Far Out"
I am reading my archived blogs to help me write my book. I often sound like an alien. If I am then it would be perfectly natural not to fit in!
Speaking of aliens I’m starting to sense the “rapture” I am experiencing as other worldly as if I am beaming up or something is beaming in. It is a new dimensional-less phenomenon and some days I feel as if part of me is somewhere else and part of me here. What is this "thinning" experience?
The other day I had the impression of a large dragon behind me holding up the orb of Gaia. It reminded me of a movie that showed a huge space craft rising larger than earth’s horizon. Recently when I look at the clouds in the sky I think about space craft and aliens…I will now use the word “star” people thanks to my Native Indian friend who used that term the other day at his concert. Thoughts about this larger “home” bring a smile.
I’ve been thinking about John Denver recently and have started to listen to his music. On my spiritual path of 41 years I’ve been attracted to musicians…perhaps star people are musicians! I did have a heart/soul connection with JD. At his Windstar Symposium I heard David Brower speak and John had written a beautiful song for him. I’m realizing that David is associated with the Sierra Club and how that male energy came through (via ghost like substance) when I opened the Sierra Club magazine. Lately I had the thought that JD is “captain” of a space craft. This is bizarre to my left and logical brain but that is not the language I speak. (I considered not sharing this but it is what’s moving and I am honest inside out--it is this honesty that sustains my flow of evolution. And…I honor my engaged and active imagination which is imaging sight or inner sight a verb rather than a noun.) Jun 25, 2012 – It's no exaggeration to say that David Ross Brower was the heir to John Muir and the most influential environmentalist of the 20th Century.
On a couple of recent FB posts Deepak said his intention is that his words and actions bring joy and happiness to others. I don’t relate to this and responded that this feels “sticky and entangled”. Not sure what this says about me or my journey. Maybe I am reptilian and more cold than warm? I don’t feel this way or see myself this way however. All I know is how things feel alchemically. My words to people are more often, "Take up thy bed and walk!" It must be why I don't have a fan club or lots of this realm anyway.
AM Dream: Jean Houston is standing in my doorway considering the size of a room in my house that I am viewing. She determined via diagonal line that the room was too oblong. Then I invite several women to my house for lunch. Carolyn Myss shows up as if she were a close friend. She hangs out asking questions and I invite her to stay for lunch. I panic because the lunch consists of tortillas, a filling and rice and it will take time and I’m not sure how to coordinate it all. I want to just sit and chat with Carolyn but it would be rude to send the other women home. I call out for help from the kitchen but none of the women respond. It’s as if the task is my responsibility alone. I check in on Carolyn and she is sitting on a patio swing reading a book. Cool, that this dream house has an outdoor patio with swing. And cool that I spent some time with Jean and Carolyn!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Elemental E-motion
What did I do with the attraction that built up two weekends ago with that man at his concert in his home? I planted a kiss on his cheek. The room, his long hair and shirt were black and when I dove into his cheek it felt like I was falling into darkness reminding me later of the time I skydived and let go from the wing strut into air. (The hanging on in the strong wind current was not easy; the letting go was.) I noticed the energetic kiss dissipated core/emotional pressure. It is similar to to the emotional touch I planted on another man’s cheek a couple of months ago. Kissing and touching is love in expression…such is my nature.
What is the pattern of this emotional expression? It is much like a tornado touching ground, a volcano erupting, earth quaking and water rising. Does e-motion leave a path of destruction or a path of construction? Human emotional expression definitely brings change in the same way nature’s elemental e-motion does. I suspect the heat of the planet and the heat of human temperaments is the sum of repressed and suppressed (not sure the difference) emotion. When energy is allowed to move the elementals and elements are balanced and happy. I also suspect that in this loving universe the human species will evolve out of lowest chakras and learn expanded ways of relating and loving. I see this way because this is my is not a concept or theory.
I purchased my first smart phone. At first it was like a wild horse that I didn’t know how to manage. Phone calls went out that I didn’t intend. How did doing this produce that? I do like this phone because I can access FB at anytime and it has GPS. I am enjoying responding to Deepak’s posts again as well as posts of Gregg Braden, Wayne Dyer, David Ji, Jean Houston, etc. I like being part of that circuitry and having input. I appreciate the way Hay House is supporting so many authors because it supports the “good news” of healing and happiness. It’s good to see this community grow. I do want to see more about healing Mother Earth/Gaia. Inner healing naturally leads to planetary healing and it is time for that bridge and that flow!
I am experiencing blasts from the past: Blasts of childhood memories when I played outside all day and came home to a yummy meal; blasts of childhood memories when I smelled the wind and soaked up the sun all day long. The blasts are “floating” or lifting sensations reminding me of that new “red” energy. They are also like wispy white clouds reminding me of ghost substance. There is something ethereal yet substantial about these currents.
Rob Hopkins is visiting the US this fall and we hope to bring him to Salish Sea. I so value the work of Transition even though my local group is not active and relationships have changed.
I continue to write daily letting the Language of the Sacred Feminine guide me. S/he, who is the earth under my feet, S/he, who is the wind whispering caressingly. This earth/air cycle is new…as all things are made new because of loving relationships in all dimensions past, present and future = now!
It is good; it is Goddess; it is God. Gratitude. And that's the Truth no matter what my emotional or mental state. Gaia knows this well.
Monday, June 3, 2013
I was holding a sign with others on the I-90 floating bridge as cars and trucks drove by some honking in agreement: Coal Free PSE. Early on an eagle soared above us...all the Sierra Club folks thought that too! At one point I looked down below and saw logs, greenery, beach and water. I noticed one log had a silver chain...strange. Later I looked down again and I saw my spiral salamander who came to me in a dream years ago. It wasn't as if s/he was on the ground below as an object. Rather s/he was emanating through space...making a presence. When this happened a second time I got that I needed another nudge to get the message. When I asked what the message was I remembered that I had seen a dragon in this Lake Washington years ago. What does that mean? This lake is a vortex, a portal holding space. When I drove over it again yesterday I saw Mt Siquak to the South and I knew Mt Baker was to the North...not sure the line. I don't get much information from my other worldly friends and use my imagination (image seeing). I am comforted by their presence and that is enough.
I was at a concert the other night and as I was listening to upbeat music I looked out into the forested back yard and was drawn to two deep and dark trees. I found myself linking arms around their trunks and doing that swing: grab the tree w right arm and turn right...grab the next tree w left arm, turn left. I will ask my square dance friend what this is called. This was my first dance with least in this form.
Attraction. It's a confusing animal. When it happened the other night I enjoyed it because it brings out my femininity. There are very few men I am attracted to (I'm talking heart/soul attraction that is more than physcial) and vice versa so when heart strings pull it is a gift. But then my mind wants to know what it means and if there is something more I need to do about the feelings and the connection. Life is much more simple without cupid! I'm telling the little winged one to go away and let me be at peace with my garden, writing, etc. Heart strings can get tangled...and I have been there and done that.
Oh, another energetic "thing" happened. I was reading my first copy of the Sierra Club magazine and this male energy blasted through. I looked up from the mag and it was as if a man was standing there. I have no idea what that was about but I am noticing a lot of masculine energy in this club that I am associating with. It's good for my inner male and my left brain!
Are my other-worldly enchantments more interesting and fun than this world of events? I think it's what makes me feel like a misfit when I cannot share my experiences...I cannot cross them over here except on this blog. I'm calls!
I was at a concert the other night and as I was listening to upbeat music I looked out into the forested back yard and was drawn to two deep and dark trees. I found myself linking arms around their trunks and doing that swing: grab the tree w right arm and turn right...grab the next tree w left arm, turn left. I will ask my square dance friend what this is called. This was my first dance with least in this form.
Attraction. It's a confusing animal. When it happened the other night I enjoyed it because it brings out my femininity. There are very few men I am attracted to (I'm talking heart/soul attraction that is more than physcial) and vice versa so when heart strings pull it is a gift. But then my mind wants to know what it means and if there is something more I need to do about the feelings and the connection. Life is much more simple without cupid! I'm telling the little winged one to go away and let me be at peace with my garden, writing, etc. Heart strings can get tangled...and I have been there and done that.
Oh, another energetic "thing" happened. I was reading my first copy of the Sierra Club magazine and this male energy blasted through. I looked up from the mag and it was as if a man was standing there. I have no idea what that was about but I am noticing a lot of masculine energy in this club that I am associating with. It's good for my inner male and my left brain!
Are my other-worldly enchantments more interesting and fun than this world of events? I think it's what makes me feel like a misfit when I cannot share my experiences...I cannot cross them over here except on this blog. I'm calls!