
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Transition and Fae

Two women contacted me asking if there was going to be another Transition Woodinville Discussion Course. So, I am offering it. An initial Steering Committee is in place and we are developing a website and plans of action. I think that we have a good foundation and infrastructure to launch our Great Unleashing in April 2011 for Earth Day. We may have enough partners to offer Transition activities every weekend in April. Woodinville has many Transition "parts" that simply need to be brought together. That is the fun work I get to do and I'm so happy when people show interest and more than that...contribute!

A face in a window appeared as I was being still. She is on the right side of the sqaure pane that has green vining leaves and violet blue flowers draping the right side. When I attempted to draw her face I couldn't. She is too ethereal. She definitely has two soft eyes. She beckoned me to go out the window with her so I did. We journeyed a bit. She seems familiar and I sense I've seen her in a book about Faeries. I think of the May Queen and all the plants/shrubs/trees that are budding out around my little house and in my valley. RJ Stewart also came into consciousness...I know him from the Fairy Congress years ago. I listen, watch and ask for understanding.

Fae via Google:

A fairy (also faery, faerie, fay, fae; euphemistically wee folk, good folk, people of peace, fair folk, etc.)[1] is a type of mythical being or legendary creature, a form of spirit, often described as metaphysical, supernatural or preternatural.

Fairies resemble various beings of other mythologies, though even folklore that uses the term fairy offers many definitions. Sometimes the term describes any magical creature, including goblins or gnomes: at other times, the term only describes a specific type of more ethereal creature.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Flash Mob

I first saw flash mob via Rob Hopkins' Tontnes UTube post. I then saw on TV a flash mob in Lacey, WA as teachers danced in a school gymnasium. This phenomonan speaks of hope as "cells" in the Body (both conscious and unconscious) join together to dance and sing in unison. It's an outburst of emotion and action that negates the negative flashes via violent gangs and greedy corporations that take rather than give. Hope is busting out at the seams and continues to be the focus for those with Eyes to See and Ears to Hear the Good News.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Goddess is Born

Goddess is born in every moment rising up from Earth and down from Heaven. Weaving North of Winter, South of Summer, East of Spring and West of Autumn. She gives and She takes away.

Goddess speaks through voice, sees through eye, hears through ear, smells through nose, touches through body, intuits through brain/body. She will not be held back in darkness for this is her Time to Shine.

May the LoveLight of Goddess shine in our lives in every moment. May we honor Her natural, organic and creative processes that are pure in heart mind with Old Satan of EgoMind shrinking in size and in power.

May we bow in humility and listen in Sacred Silence. As we celebrate a Christian Holiday we honor all Light Beings past, present and future. Light of Love transcends and weaves all the parts into one harmonic whole. Peace prevails on Earth.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Truth & the Great Lie

Some people reading this blog will not understand my stories/experiences. My family does not so how can I expect that of strangers. I live in a multi-dimensional world and have stories both Dark/Negative and Light/Positive that I have not told. It is "risky" being different in this world.

I am aware that behind people's pattern of whining and complaining is fear and insecurity. I'm aware of this dark negativity because I lived there and it was awful--barren and empty. I am so very grateful that I was able to leave that space time, offer self-intervention and integrate Light of Love into my consciousness and life. Sometimes this intervention has to happen externally by someone or a collective group saying that certain behavior is no longer tolerated. Intervention is critical for healing.

We had our last discussion group for Transition. One of the circle questions was how our life had changed as a result. One woman said that she is off of anti-depressants. Another said she no longer feels alone. Another expressed gratitude for her 80-year-old dad who taught her skills that are now part of Transition Reskilling. This is the Heart and Soul of Transition...inner transition where true change happens. This personal transition ensures that we are not engaged in politics as usual.

At a social event someone was asked about her sick mother-in-law. "She's dead," was the reply. I questioned the cold and flat "dead" and asked if she was not in heaven. "No, she didn't accept Jesus." I responded saying that Creator is loving and doesn't leave anyone out. I added that my view is how she and I differ. She didn't get mad and continued in her happy way. Does she think that I'm a sinner also? This distortion of Jesus' teachings is the Great Lie.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Manifestation on Earth

Found a black heart rock near my washer and dryer in the storage room. I had recently given a heart rock to a friend to offer to an ancient cedar tree he was going to visit. Odd that this rock should appear at my place. I didn't know where it came from, how it got to me or the energetic intent around it so I asked what to do with it. I immediately got to put it into soil to neutralize it. I had felt a dark cloud of energy hanging around so perhaps this will dispel that. Yes, I am aware of dark forces that try to sneak in and around. I protect myself.

It's happening more frequently that I have an idea or thought thread and then someone or something pops up for this thread to wrap around. It seems to be a quicker turn around time for earth manifestation. It's as if the parts are waiting for instruction/orchestration and are happy to play their part.

I notice that people in some groups are resistant to new ideas and say that this or that won't work for this or that reason. That's not my style at all. I see a possibility and dive in. I don't need to research or analyze it...I intu-it. Some people are fear oriented rather than abundance and possibility oriented. One woman is always complaining about the same things. When she does this she is an energy drain. I say to her, "What's the solution?" I will not listen to her whining. Stop being a victim and be pro-active!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Earth / Heaven Capacity

Yesterday I was inspired to design a yearly budget for the Grange. As Treasurer I need it to look a certain way. I enjoyed working with the details and was surprised how my eyes could focus. I didn't even get a headache. My grounding capacity continues to increase. I'm still working on that budget many details! I am a perfectionist and want order and organization. For one who has trouble grounding details I do value them. A good thing or my life would be in disorder.

In my Woman's Dictionary book I see that Stag represent the Horned One of old myth and that Christianity changed him to Devil. So many lies created around that which is natural in relationship one to another and to our Earth Mother/Sky Father.

Radiation - discharge
Attraction - charge
Response - discharge
Union - discharge/charge/recharge
Unified Radiation - Light of Love

My soil bathes in sun light
Like leavened bread
Yeasting malleable

Eat of the fruit in Garden Green
Eat of the bread of Conscious Body on Earth

Fear not the power of Love
Hide not from Eros

Shekina cloud of Glory
Radiant cloak to wear

Leavening definition:

An element, influence, or agent that works subtly to lighten, enliven, or modify a whole.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Grounding Wire

Experiencing sharp shooting "lightning" in my head that moves top down and out my right eye. Other sensations going on as well. I've been thinking how I need a grounding "wire" so that I can stay more focused in this realm. All things are made new...even one's brain/body!

Tree and Stag

I heard the question, "What about the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life in this Garden?" The tree had not spoken nor revealed itself so I don't have an answer. I have heard others speak of this Tree but I don't refer to notes or books. I wait and listen within so that my information is from living waters. I learn, I grow on inspiration from the ground up. So, here is the Tree of Life! Growing organically rooted deep in dark Earth of Goddess. A receptive space that offers a holding pattern where forces of Light and Dark meet creating new Life.

Garden Stag appears
Fear not
Let go to wild Nature
God and Goddess

Garden Green is full of shadow creatures and characters. They hide behind objects and lurk here and there attempting to steal what is not for them. Some of those objects include opinions, concepts of mental mind and energetic projections of ego body. Fear not. These goblins have no substance. They are illusions.

Shine Light. Diffuse the Lie.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Word Flowers

I AM Garden and Gardener. I watch flowers pop up spontaneously from deep, dark soil of subconscious. Word flowers such as "symbiosis" reveal themselves from an inner/spiritual place of intelligence. This is not individual intelligence but a collective field.

Word flowers create a pathway that weave the story of one's life.

Words pop out of my mouth speaking me. Word Flowers teach me what is harmonious in equilibrium and what is impure in need of reweaving. It's on-going cleansing as I bathe in living waters of Truth.


A couple nights ago as I was going to sleep I saw a face in the distant of mind's eye. I thought "Jesus." I listened and watched and felt a surge of energy. This process reminded me of the SeaDragon experience on the beach: an image, words and energy surge.

A night or so later (My wiring is not detail oriented so I flow with this creative process rather than write down details of events. My markers of time, however, are Earth and Sun relationship in a more wholistic and embracing way of intuition.) a white skull appeared. I thought okay, negative forces. This morning I wonder why skulls come through as white. Are they "wolves in sheeps clothing" with deceptive intent and that what is seen on the surface is not what is underneath. Negative/toxic forces lurk in the shadows but are felt: seen, heard, smelled, tasted. A toxin is a toxin and I choose to go around them...haah...sometimes through them!

This morning as I was considering these things Jesus came through. First the face that I new as a child in Sunday School. Then he came through in his white robes. Soon after Mother Theresa came through. I wondered why I was seeing these teachers of Light and Love. Then I remembered. I had asked for guidance and support today! I have invited two Native Elders to speak at the Regional Food Policy Council this morning. I care deeply about this inclusion of a people in my Family who have been tossed aside and forgotten locally and globally.

Wow...a surge of energy just came through my heart. I Love and I am in Love with Light and yet I have to do the daily tasks and details. I would prefer to simply bliss out...but there is work to do and I am here to play my part. So, here goes another day in Paradise.


I AM Garden
I AM Gardener
I AM Adam & Eve
I AM Serpent
I AM Fall
I AM Rise
I AM New
Living Myth

WE ARE Garden, Gardeners, Masculine/Feminine forces, Serpent circulation, ascending and descending in a collective story new in conscious Light of Love. We ARE collective Body on Earth sounding good news of Rapture.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Feedback Loop and Symbiosis

I miss my garden. My mind goes there with loving thoughts. We have a symbiotic relationship. I will go there soon.

I talk to some of my siblings once a year. I talk to other family and friends more frequently. Relationships are feedback loops with orbital patterns that nurture holding me and keeping me buoyant/happy in space and time.

Sun/Earth, Earth/Moon are symbiotic. Constellations and galaxies hold symbiotic relationships through feedback loops that create rhythmic momentum sustaining equilibrium.

Motion of e-motion marks time through the rhythm of symbiotic relationship.

Symbiotic definition:

•symbiosis - the relation between two different species of organisms that are interdependent; each gains benefits from the other

A symbiotic relationship is a relationship between two entities which is mutually beneficial for the participants of the relationship. Thus there is a positive-sum gain from cooperation. This is a term commonly used in biology to explain the relationship between two entities that need each other to survive and prosper. The bumblebee and the flower would be an example. The bumble bee extracts the flower's pollen for protein and its nectar for energy. The bumblebee, while collecting these sources, inadvertently brushes pollen from one flower to another to ensure the flower's reproduction process begins. The bumblebee needs the flower to survive, the flower needs the bumblebee to survive. These are positive sum relationships. Other relationships in biology, especially with respect to the food chain, are not so forgiving, being a zero sum relationship, where one player clearly benefits from the other (typically consumes the other). In this type of relationship, it is still essential that both players (as species not individuals) survive, or the dominant player will lose its food supply, and therefore die. If the foxes kill all the chickens, the foxes die as they lose their source of survival. If the predator kills all its prey, the predator will die.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Body Speaks

I recently had lunch with a man I met a couple of months ago. I felt happy, upbeat, energized. We hugged goodbye and cheek to cheek I heard myself say, "I lll...ike you." My body wanted to say, "I love you" but my mind/heart intervened. I wondered what that was about!

This weekend I hugged a man I have known for years and kissed him on the cheek. I then heard myself say, "I love you." He responded, "I love you too." The moment held still waters. I see that my body is pouring forth love and it's the natural thing to ground it through touch and words. Knowing this I can be more discerning.

As Dana was singing a song about wheat fields and salmon running I was suddenly transported to my large circle garden. Emotion welled up and I had to catch my breath. I am "in love" with my garden! It's a place I nurture with tlc. I'm thinking that I spend more time in my garden than I do with any person. It holds me in its embrace. Why don't I have this emotional "attachment" to this computer that receives a lot of my time and attention? This new loving "attachment" with my garden offers new definition of love. I am "attached" to matter through elements of water, air, earth, fire. It's a healthy attachment not based in co-dependence but rather inter-dependence. ONE force field holding points of connection emanating love.

I reached out to a couple of women I had disconnected with. I opened the door for renewed friendship. Both of them chose not to reconnect. Is this the process of a "self-organizing" system that connects and disconnects...weeding itself?


Earth and Sun
Engage in constant motion

As moon adds harmonic
Ebb and flow

Earth and Sun
Give birth to Earthlings
in Garden Green

To choose Heaven or Hell
To heal or destroy
Life around them
And themselves

All the while
Earth and Sun
Engage in constant motion

Monday, December 6, 2010

Surround Sound

I wear a cloud of "ascension"
That pulls me away from this Earth
I try to focus and stay
Grounded in my tasks and story
However, this Surround Sound
Frequency lifts me
Floating in energetic space

Geese E-motion

Entering my circle garden facing West
Geese scattered in place
Focused stature facing South
Suddenly they uplift
From points on the ground
and fly South

One Body
One Uplifting moment
One motion of e-motion

Serpent Power

Garden green
Adam and Eve
Serpent power
New story
Holding conscious choices
in Light of Love
Love of Light
Full circle force
Parts of one whole
Holy Ground

Sunday, December 5, 2010


I noticed floodgates opening December 1. Transition groups were communicating and energy was flowing. This happened in other areas of my life as well. My heart/mind turned to the Potlatch the night before and the powerful birthday song from Rob and his friend with the water drum. I am grateful for my brother Rob Satiacum who treats me with such respect. It feels as if he sees me as a Medicine Woman. When I am around him I always have an opportunity to express my heart/mind. The power of song and ceremony has its effects in this world as a unifying force. I will be including this in my work with Heart and Soul of the Transition Movement.

I said that a new cycle opens and I had no idea what that meant. It reveals itself. At this point I do know that Earth element is the new focus. Light evolves into dense matter because of new loving substance flowing between parts/people.

I feel (give and receive) love of family in many directions.