Thursday, February 28, 2013
I was happy to see that Karen, editor of our small Woodinville Weekly newspaper, published the announcement regarding our upcoming Transition Companion study group. I value the tone and work of Rob Hopkins and started to consider this connection as karmic and in so doing the word "constellation" came through. So, I am now seeing karma as a playing out of Light bodies and not the usual rounds of earthly drama. Our conscious collective body on GAIA is a constellation and seen from outer space as such. We are a network/lattice/matrix of Light and evolving in bright intelligence and radiance (different from radiation). Now as I look out into the night sky I see lights holding space...what mysteries lie in between? Does this not suggest that Light holds a pattern for Matter?
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Celtic Knot Serpent - Alive and Moving!
In the space between dark and light I saw a moving/flowing Serpent in a Celtic Knot (black with yellow stripe) exactly in the middle of my "looking glass." Soon after a grabbing hand shot up from the SouthEast. I didn't understand the meanings so I radiated Light. This morning after a stressful dream I awoke and knew the meaning. There are human forces trying to destroy the Sacred Feminine and keep it suppressed such as the Catholic Church. No women priests! Why the fear? Why the control? Why the resistance to Her nurturing qualities?
Being of "service" means stepping into hostile and chaotic situations and being a grounding rod for peace and understanding. It is also an opportunity to speak Truth. Somedays I do this better than others. When I create the space to talk to myself about my response I am better able to handle the situation. As I work with my client I know that if I can turn some of his attitudes around there will be new karma for him and his family. I talk with him about gratitude daily now instead of reacting to his angry outbursts. I also see that if I simply say "Stop" he stops his rants. I guess his wife used to say that to him when she was alive. "Serving" goes to new depths.
Celtic Knot Definition:
The Celtic knot symbol is also referred to as the mystic knot, or the endless knot. The more esoteric or spiritual meaning of this symbol eludes to beginnings and endings. Celtic knots have no beginning or end, reminding of the timeless nature of our spirit. This translation hearkens to our most primal selves as we contemplate the infinite cycles of birth and rebirth in both physical and ethereal realms.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Gaia Reality
The first day at Jean's salon I noticed myself saying "thank you" a lot as I was filled with gratitude by the new faces, voices and gifts of people around me. "Is this gratitude expression an archetype?" I asked Peggy Rubin. She suggested Aphrodite. During one of our sessions I heard myself say, "The element water is our friend." An odd sort of comment I thought and wondered who said that...nature spirit or even Gaia? In yet another session I saw someone roll their eyes as my emotion lit me up and I spoke...again. Was I talking too much I wondered asking my new friend? Emotion ran high for me in Jean's salon circles and as Gregg Braden points out in Speaking the Lost Language of God it is emotion that charges our thoughts and our body. The bolt of Lightning that busted through is like a ladder (descension and ascension) on which angels, deities, archetypes, nature spirits move. What role does emotion play in relationship to this ladder?
Kundalini current runs downstream from high vibtational frequency to low. This is natural law and order.
Interesting how our bodies inform us of who we are. As we listen and watch we can feel harmony or not and then we have the choice to adjust or not. What is it that we are adjusting to? What vibration? Low vibration running energy of greed and lust or high vibration of a giving heart and soul? What do those different vibrational frequencies look like? Who are the archetypes behind them?
What does Gaia look like, sound like, feel like through resilience of human heart and soul expression? We get to discover as we create this new reality for one and for all.
Kundalini current runs downstream from high vibtational frequency to low. This is natural law and order.
Interesting how our bodies inform us of who we are. As we listen and watch we can feel harmony or not and then we have the choice to adjust or not. What is it that we are adjusting to? What vibration? Low vibration running energy of greed and lust or high vibration of a giving heart and soul? What do those different vibrational frequencies look like? Who are the archetypes behind them?
What does Gaia look like, sound like, feel like through resilience of human heart and soul expression? We get to discover as we create this new reality for one and for all.
Dear Salon MythMakers of February 2013,
I was fired up with emotion the last day of our Salon in Ashland. So much had cracked open! I am now seeing us as a galaxy with Jean as Sun and we as planets revolving. I am interested in hearing your personal celestial songs and stories and continue to be interested in developing a container to hold us. I had mentioned a book and Gloria mentioned a blog which does seem most practical!
Here are the themes that came through for me regarding "cracking open a new myth." I'm sure some of you have other themes from our time together.
I Am / We Are ~ Orchestrating
From Brainwashing to TruthTelling
Voice of Gaia ~ Nature Spirits, Community, Global Brain
One Whole Me ~ Male/Female charge, One current/circuit
Fragmentation to Wholeness ~ Whole & Happy
A New Politico ~ Transition Towns, Cultural Creatives
Shadow's Light ~ Light's Shadow, Fear Not!
I welcome your thoughts about continuing our Salon "circle" with a blog and any themes that resonate with you.
With gratitude,
I was fired up with emotion the last day of our Salon in Ashland. So much had cracked open! I am now seeing us as a galaxy with Jean as Sun and we as planets revolving. I am interested in hearing your personal celestial songs and stories and continue to be interested in developing a container to hold us. I had mentioned a book and Gloria mentioned a blog which does seem most practical!
Here are the themes that came through for me regarding "cracking open a new myth." I'm sure some of you have other themes from our time together.
I Am / We Are ~ Orchestrating
From Brainwashing to TruthTelling
Voice of Gaia ~ Nature Spirits, Community, Global Brain
One Whole Me ~ Male/Female charge, One current/circuit
Fragmentation to Wholeness ~ Whole & Happy
A New Politico ~ Transition Towns, Cultural Creatives
Shadow's Light ~ Light's Shadow, Fear Not!
I welcome your thoughts about continuing our Salon "circle" with a blog and any themes that resonate with you.
With gratitude,
Hi Jean,
Stepping into your space and spending time with you via the online Awakening course and in your home for the Salon is like stepping into a new galaxy. I am accelerating at a new frequency and speed! Thank you so much!
I am happy to say that I am birthing a workshop. Here is its framework that I plan to present through Transition Woodinville late March or early April. I will send the flyer when finalized.
Transition Gaia ~ The Heart and Soul of Resilience
A new personal and global myth is cracking open through the inner resilience of Gaia's planetery citizens and their transformation of local communities. These citizens are choosing hope and creativity in times of uncertainty and discovering that inner transition through heart and soul is the bridge to authentic outer change.
Discover Heart and Soul resilience and celebrate Gaia through:
Journeying as a Drop of Water (Song by Dana Lyons)
Weaving personal and planetary myth
Mapping your Circle of Myth
Honoring elemental forces (water, fire, earth, air)
Creating mandala art
Tracking allies, totems, archetypes
Integrating parts of OneSelf
Celebrating Gaia myth
Jean, I welcome the opportunity to spend more time with you and to contribute aspects of this workshop. I am interested in being a voice for Social Artistry.
With deep gratitude,
Stepping into your space and spending time with you via the online Awakening course and in your home for the Salon is like stepping into a new galaxy. I am accelerating at a new frequency and speed! Thank you so much!
I am happy to say that I am birthing a workshop. Here is its framework that I plan to present through Transition Woodinville late March or early April. I will send the flyer when finalized.
Transition Gaia ~ The Heart and Soul of Resilience
A new personal and global myth is cracking open through the inner resilience of Gaia's planetery citizens and their transformation of local communities. These citizens are choosing hope and creativity in times of uncertainty and discovering that inner transition through heart and soul is the bridge to authentic outer change.
Discover Heart and Soul resilience and celebrate Gaia through:
Journeying as a Drop of Water (Song by Dana Lyons)
Weaving personal and planetary myth
Mapping your Circle of Myth
Honoring elemental forces (water, fire, earth, air)
Creating mandala art
Tracking allies, totems, archetypes
Integrating parts of OneSelf
Celebrating Gaia myth
Jean, I welcome the opportunity to spend more time with you and to contribute aspects of this workshop. I am interested in being a voice for Social Artistry.
With deep gratitude,
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Almighty Life Force
The surge of electromagnetic current that busted through my world at Jean Houston's Salon -- almost knocking me out of my chair -- reminded me of a similar experience in a shamanic workshop at Esalen. What is this current? Kundalini Life Force? It's as if there are multi-dimensional forces waiting in the wings and ready to move through matter! This tells me that I need to be in circles that are intentional and oriented upward in Light. I will create these circles in my world so Life Force that I AM/WE ARE can download, plug in and ground.
I cannot download this current and plug in with people who are looking downward through negativity and hatred. I cannot download and plug in with people who are looking outward through self-centeredness and lethargy. I can download and plug in with people who are looking up in wonder, humility and receptivity. People who are child like with open minds and hearts.
I will begin my Transition Gaia workshop with Dana's song Drop of Water. It is a shamanic journey and it is a Gaia visualization depending what language and process the circle I teach is comfortable with.
By Dana Lyons
There’s a drop of water on the wall
And the drop’s about to fall
And it falls into a trickle
And the trickle’s flowing down
Down, down to the ground
And the moss begins to grow
Watch, watch, watch, watch the water flow
And watch the current become a stream
Busting through the seams
Cracking through the concrete
Bending down the steel
In a raging that is real
A tearing torrent you can feel
Feel the thunder growing, thunder underground
And in my heart, the chain’s falling apart
The wildness in my soul
And for once in life, for once in life I know
I’m not alone, for the mountains make our bones
With the oceans in our blood
Our feet planted, planted firmly in the mud
We are alive, the burning embers in our eyes
The tingling touch upon our skin
And in the heat of passion we begin to understand
That we are of this land
That we are part of Earth
And when it’s threatened we will fight for all we’re worth
We watch the dam, the dam come crashing down
Water rushing to the sea
And now the river is free
Copyright by Dana Lyons
Lyons Brothers Music, BMI
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Personal and Global Myth = Gaia
I was delighted to learn that "psyche" is an ancient Greek word meaning "butterfly!" This process of experiencing first and then learning the details in linear reality adds enchantment to my world. Emotion is experienced before thought. And as Gregg Braden says in Speaking the Lost Language of God thought has no power without emotion!
I had a dream about Rob Hopkins last night. We were at a conference and kept running into each other. At one point he asked if I had his address. So I emailed him the specifics of my Transition Gaia ~ The Heart and Soul of Resilience workshop that is being born. Edgar Cayce's book says a lot about people listening and not listening to their dreams. This dream was specific!
One of the first statements that Jean made in her Salon referred to "the joy that spins the universe." I was home! And the first thing we did was listen to Inger Jorgensen sing Amazing Grace. As she sang a current of energy ran through me and I had to open my hands to let it move. Peggy Rubin then lead us through a powerful Deity visualization: I AM spiral; Lightning bolt hits me and I am shaken to my core almost knocked off my chair and again I open my hands to let the current move; Diety is above the current in white marble. I drew this picture.
When I returned home this photo was also on world news. It confirms that Personal and Global Myth of Gaia is cracking open in the psyche and manifesting in form.
I had a dream about Rob Hopkins last night. We were at a conference and kept running into each other. At one point he asked if I had his address. So I emailed him the specifics of my Transition Gaia ~ The Heart and Soul of Resilience workshop that is being born. Edgar Cayce's book says a lot about people listening and not listening to their dreams. This dream was specific!
One of the first statements that Jean made in her Salon referred to "the joy that spins the universe." I was home! And the first thing we did was listen to Inger Jorgensen sing Amazing Grace. As she sang a current of energy ran through me and I had to open my hands to let it move. Peggy Rubin then lead us through a powerful Deity visualization: I AM spiral; Lightning bolt hits me and I am shaken to my core almost knocked off my chair and again I open my hands to let the current move; Diety is above the current in white marble. I drew this picture.
When I returned home this photo was also on world news. It confirms that Personal and Global Myth of Gaia is cracking open in the psyche and manifesting in form.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
I AM Address
In the Ashland Salon circle Jean shared the Gettysburg Address as "a personal and universal speech that birthed a new nation." The spirit and passion of the speech reminded me of Chief Seattle's powerful words. Jean also described Lincoln's speech as an "evolutionary turning of the time." We were invited to write our own address. This is what flowed through me spontaneously.
Yesterday, today, tomorrow
Begining, middle, ending
Big Bang, Quantum particle
Flower budding , Child birthing
River flowing, Mountain fuming
Yesterday, today, tomorrow
E-moting through all
Nobility, peasantry, 1%. 99%
All Culture, All terrain
Comet blazing, hot matter, extincting cold, to blaze again. I AM.

I came home to this image on world news and it reminded me of this I AM writing and that our generation of Love, Light and Shadow (enter all archetypes, gods and goddesses) is protecting Gaia's life forms from cold extinction. We are changing history/herstory as we crack open a new myth!
Yesterday, today, tomorrow
Begining, middle, ending
Big Bang, Quantum particle
Flower budding , Child birthing
River flowing, Mountain fuming
Yesterday, today, tomorrow
E-moting through all
Nobility, peasantry, 1%. 99%
All Culture, All terrain
Comet blazing, hot matter, extincting cold, to blaze again. I AM.

I came home to this image on world news and it reminded me of this I AM writing and that our generation of Love, Light and Shadow (enter all archetypes, gods and goddesses) is protecting Gaia's life forms from cold extinction. We are changing history/herstory as we crack open a new myth!
Mythic Journey and Birth
Driving South of Eugene, Oregon the thought crossed my mind that my trip to Ashland and Dr. Jean Houston's Salon was quiet, uneventful without any "ah-has." I had been observing the white whispy clouds in the South and the hills in the East with billowing clouds of their own and I was listening to Dana's song Magic. In a flash I got that the clouds were angel wings and the hills dragon lines. A wave of emotion overtakes me (it didn't just rise up!) and I am sobbing! So much emotion! So much passion!
I remembered years ago standing in my kitchen in the dark listening to Dana's music for the first time. His song Half a Planet Away and Drop of Water moved me to tears...the same sort of deep sobbing that I was now experiencing. I now see that Muse introduction and experience as Eros' arrow piercing my soul. This helps me understand the connection I have felt with Dana over the years. I shared this story with Dana this week on the eve of Valentine's day as we talked on the phone...he in Hawaii and I here in the NorthWest. My sharing was my own arrow of Eros but no longer in the dark and no longer about two people. This arrow arced around Gaia embracing Her. It was quite a shift that I was able to speak the words to him, to tell him the story. Why is it easier now? I think it has to do with being aware of androgeny and practicing celibacy. The subdued fire has allowed me to experience new parts of myself. It's as if I have been by-passing an old circuit and exploring new territory.
I have experienced affection with men without giving in to their sense of sexual entitlement just because I was spending time with them. I have experienced affection with men simply because it is a natural and healthy emotion. One morning I remembered being 5 years old, sucking my thumb and rubbing my "silkee" on my nose and how that was a sensual/sexual experience. It was as real as if I was that 5-year-old! By experiencing celibacy I have integrated some new parts of myself because I have not followed the usual pattern and circuitry.
On the trip to Ashland I also listened to Gregg Braden's Speaking the Lost Language of God. Tape 3 really speaks to me and I want to share it with my family. It's about the different kinds of prayer, the sacred temples of North America and the Emotional Body! Yay! This outreach to my family is exactly what Yoganandi was talking about: "You will serve others!"
A myth workshop was born this past cycle of darkness (overnight). I will share more of that later. I have shared it with Dana because his music is a creative/artistic component. Here is another manifestation of serving others. I am very happy about these developments!
I remembered years ago standing in my kitchen in the dark listening to Dana's music for the first time. His song Half a Planet Away and Drop of Water moved me to tears...the same sort of deep sobbing that I was now experiencing. I now see that Muse introduction and experience as Eros' arrow piercing my soul. This helps me understand the connection I have felt with Dana over the years. I shared this story with Dana this week on the eve of Valentine's day as we talked on the phone...he in Hawaii and I here in the NorthWest. My sharing was my own arrow of Eros but no longer in the dark and no longer about two people. This arrow arced around Gaia embracing Her. It was quite a shift that I was able to speak the words to him, to tell him the story. Why is it easier now? I think it has to do with being aware of androgeny and practicing celibacy. The subdued fire has allowed me to experience new parts of myself. It's as if I have been by-passing an old circuit and exploring new territory.
I have experienced affection with men without giving in to their sense of sexual entitlement just because I was spending time with them. I have experienced affection with men simply because it is a natural and healthy emotion. One morning I remembered being 5 years old, sucking my thumb and rubbing my "silkee" on my nose and how that was a sensual/sexual experience. It was as real as if I was that 5-year-old! By experiencing celibacy I have integrated some new parts of myself because I have not followed the usual pattern and circuitry.
On the trip to Ashland I also listened to Gregg Braden's Speaking the Lost Language of God. Tape 3 really speaks to me and I want to share it with my family. It's about the different kinds of prayer, the sacred temples of North America and the Emotional Body! Yay! This outreach to my family is exactly what Yoganandi was talking about: "You will serve others!"
A myth workshop was born this past cycle of darkness (overnight). I will share more of that later. I have shared it with Dana because his music is a creative/artistic component. Here is another manifestation of serving others. I am very happy about these developments!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Cracking Open a New Myth
Where to begin? So much has "cracked open."

Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, 2 Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? 3 Gird up now thy loins like a man: for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me. 4 Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. 5 Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? 6 Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereofL 7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
(Edgar Cayce's Source often refer to the "morning stars' when relaying information about or to an individual.)
Job 38:31
Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades or loose the bands of Orion? 32 Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? 34 Canst thou lift up thy voice to the clouds, that abundance of waters may cover thee?
When I participate in a "circle" (whether with Caroline Myss, Deepak Chopra, Gregg Braden, Wayne Dyer, Michael Beckwith, Jean Houston) that is intentional my posture is more upright, my breathing deeper, and my focus open/upward. I am not in this posture in other circles. Perhaps I am like a battery receiving input. At Jean's this input was astounding and I have more stories and images to share another day.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
On the Road Again (song lyrics coming through)
Massage therapist worked my right shoulder, arm and thumb. She pulled, stretched, pressed...and cracked open my thumb exposing it to Light! At one point I felt a hitting a nerve and remembered when I sprained this wrist in grade school doing a relay race. I also broke the same arm roller skating...and sprained it another time. Edgar Cayce's Source would link this to a past life incident. The therapist is amazing...talking to me about breathing through the pain and how I need to stretch my hand/arm muscles in opposite directions to unbind the muscle mass. What an intense experience....whew! I am now massaging and pulling back on my thumb with vigor knowing that it's quite alright to do so! This is the second massage therapist to tell me that I need to open and "receive" more...guess my hand that is doing all the time tells that story.
It was fun to participate in Sierra Club's Eastside Coal Free PSE meeting and be part of a group with momentum. When the facilitator said there would be phone banking I jumped out of my skin saying, "I love to phone bank!" Everyone thought that strange but I love to sell a product I care about as I know people and businesses want to contribute and make a difference. I did this for years at my job! I'm also interested in calling folks who attended a hearing in a nearby city. I want to reach out to warm and alive bodies (reminds me of Dracula) rather that trying to get people to move who are cold and unresponsive.
Spending time with Jean Houston is beyond this world! She is like an alien from another planet and it's my planet! She speaks a language that fires my wires and circuits. She puts pieces together and colors them in for me. She is a Master at her craft and I'm so glad to be able to spend more time with her.
It was fun to participate in Sierra Club's Eastside Coal Free PSE meeting and be part of a group with momentum. When the facilitator said there would be phone banking I jumped out of my skin saying, "I love to phone bank!" Everyone thought that strange but I love to sell a product I care about as I know people and businesses want to contribute and make a difference. I did this for years at my job! I'm also interested in calling folks who attended a hearing in a nearby city. I want to reach out to warm and alive bodies (reminds me of Dracula) rather that trying to get people to move who are cold and unresponsive.
Spending time with Jean Houston is beyond this world! She is like an alien from another planet and it's my planet! She speaks a language that fires my wires and circuits. She puts pieces together and colors them in for me. She is a Master at her craft and I'm so glad to be able to spend more time with her.