
Friday, July 23, 2010

Head, Heart, Hands

My family is turning conflict and drama around more quickly and getting on with being an orderly and functional unit. Why? Because we want to be together in harmony. There is one exception and that is between me and her. Our solution is to give each other a lot of space.

Chi connects the parts and it also separates the parts. Chi is intelligent. The head, heart, hands of body are one and yet separate with diverse functions and purposes. Evolutionary Leadership is a body on earth. We have a head that is visionary and intelligent, we have heart with cultures, spiritual paths, religions, and peace loving individuals and we have hands through those who are doing the grassroots work of establishing new and local systems of sustainablity.

Yakama Nation

Travelled I- 90 East and I-97 South with delightful new angle views of Mount Adams and Mount Rainier. My friends have 13 acres of farm and orchard with pear and apricot trees. They wanted to get out of Woodinville that is being developed on all sides. I, too, feel like I'm being choked with traffic, noise and less and less green space where I live. Would I be willing to move East?

I was driving through Tacoma the other day and thought I saw the billboard of Emerald Queen Casino say, "Shamanic Healing." I look forward to that day when our arenas and casinos promote healing! I also look forward to developers who will envision and build cars allowed!

Taught Circle of Life mapping to Elders here in Yakama. One man, Junior Slim John, was silent and then opened up and started to tell me many stories about his Chippewa Cree people. One woman is the great granddaughter of Chief Joseph. I am honored to be with Native Peoples and hear their stories.

I shared my book with the library here at the Yakama Cultural Center. Their board will decide if I am to be a vendor.

Evolutionary Circle

Great event last night with women authors at Soul Food Books. A man in a suit and tie approached me after the presentations. He is going to the Sundance today and invited me to his September Sacred Feminine Invocation circle in own town! I invited him to participate in Evolutionary Leadership and he mentioned that he is a student of Barbara Marx Hubbard. He offered to pay for the Soul Food Books venue space if we have a local event on August 31. Now, that is a generous offer that has never happened before...a good sign! I have several ideas for a local event including a Native American panel. I'm thinking to initiate a local Evolutionary Circle...maybe I just did. So many ideas that need to be wrapped in logic and tossed out for others to nurture and I hold lightly.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Feminine Power

Dear Friends,

It's no secret that women have a critical role to play in shaping the future.
The Dalai Lama's proclamation last year that "the world will be saved by the Western woman" only highlighted the reality that awakening women are emerging as the leaders of the global change movement.

So, we're excited to be writing today to tell you about a groundbreaking FREE online women's event happening this weekend focused on empowering integral women with the tools they need to fulfill on their evolutionary calling.

It’s called “The Keys to Feminine Power: Awakening the 3 Power Bases of the Co-Creative Feminine,” and it's being facilitated by two of the world's leading experts in women’s evolution—Claire Zammit and Katherine Woodward Thomas—who were featured teachers at last year’s Integral Spiritual Experience.

What is Integral Evolutionary Feminine Power?

According to Claire and Katherine, unlike masculine power, which is the power to create those things that can be controlled, Feminine Power is the power to create those things that are beyond our control, but which our hearts most deeply long for. Things such as love, intimacy, spiritual connection, conscious evolution, self-expression, creativity, right livelihood, meaningful contribution to the world and a brighter future for generations to come. According to Claire and Katherine, all of these require the awakening of a co-creative Feminine Power to bring them forth.
In their pioneering work with a global community of over 60,000 women, Claire and Katherine have developed a step-by-step process to awaken this new, co-creative, integral Feminine Power and embody it in every aspect of your life.

And this Wednesday, July 21st, they've agreed to teach this process to thousands of women around the world—at no charge.

They’ve convened this special, global gathering of women to share these tools with us in order to support this global evolutionary women’s emergence. You can listen live by phone or online, or download the recording anytime after the event.
CLICK HERE to register for free now.

When you register you’ll also receive instant access audio downloads of recent interviews with Alanis Morissette and Jean Houston interviewing Katherine and Claire about the emergence of this new co-creative Feminine Power.

We can’t recommend their approach enough—this work has already transformed the lives of thousands of women. I encourage you to join them this Wednesday to discover the power of this groundbreaking teaching for yourself.

Here's what Barbara Marx Hubbard has to say about their work:

"Claire Zammit and Katherine Woodward Thomas are leading the way in the evolution of the feminine for our time. In the midst of so much work on behalf of women, Claire and Katherine are of prime importance. They are offering the largest possible context to encourage us to give birth to the feminine co-creator, the woman who is expressing the process and power of creation itself. They have been blessed with a mysterious piece of the "holy grail" of feminine leadership toward the evolution of a new humanity within a co-creative society."

To our evolution,
The Integral Life Team

Monday, July 19, 2010

Serpent's Forked Tongue

The Pow Wow was a great venue for Circle of Life mapping. One man who had read the book said, "A lot of thinking went into the book." I corrected that statement with, "A lot of living went into the book." I loved teaching the children. I was amazed at the variety of ways that people related to circle mapping. I see that the circle is a healing tool for people as well as a way to ground and organize energy. One woman's sister is dying from brain tumors and she needed a tool to help her manage her grief and tell her sister's story; another woman considered Circle Mapping for a family reunion since her mom, at age 90, had written a story about turtle; another woman was interested in training to teach Circle Mapping to others. Lots of energy/ideas bouncing back and forth! And lots of smiles and heart rewarding!

I woke up Sunday morning with serpent above my head, very North, with forked tongue flicking. He was positioned West to East as was Yogi, and another face. What does this position on a circle communicate? Definitely something E/W evolving. (Yogi showed me white robes and sandals.)

As I was teaching a young girl about mapping her story she put her hand to the side of her head above cheekbone and said that her face tingled. This is the same place that my face tingles...and no, it isn't related to sugar or white flour. What pathways open?


Snakes don't sting or use their forked tongues as weapons. The tongues are perfectly harmless.

A snake sticks out its tongue to collect data for its Jacobson's Organ, an organ strategically located in front of the roof of the snake's mouth that functions as a chemical receptor. Each and every time the snake flicks out its forked tongue, it snares chemical particles in the air, which latch onto, or dissolve in, the moisture of the snake's tongue. Once the snake reels in its tongue, it inserts the tips of the forked tongue into the two awaiting openings of the Jacobson's organ where the particles, especially those of animal body odors, are identified, analyzed, and acted upon.

For the male snake, the tongue is both a sensory organ, and a sensual organ. The tongue plays a vital role in snake courtship and reproduction, as the male snake's jerking body motions and rapidly flicking tongue either charm the female snake, or render her unresponsive. In either instance, by sticking out their tongues, snakes ensure the survival of the species.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Evolutionary Leadership

I had no idea I'd be jumping in to another project...Evolutionary Leadership. It's proof again that one never knows what is around the simply bends as one sees!

I have some ideas for EL that follow. My challenge is how to engage and include my Native American Indian community. I guess the first step is to inform and invite.

I am seeing myself hosting EL conference calls at Soul Food Books and am asking them how that can be done. New adventures...

Evolutionary Leadership ideas:

1. Native American Indians as Evolutionary Leaders
2. Transition Initiatives (300 worldwide) as partners
3. Spiral Dancing as community celebration
4. Chanting as raising vibration
5. Love (Evol) Circles as head, heart, hands connection (local to global)

1. I see 11-1-11 as a multi-cultural event with rainbow colors, sounds and textures. I teach a class to Native American Indians in Washington State and will be inviting this community to participate in EL activities. American Indians are Evolutionary Leaders who can fill out an EL platform with vision, dream, art, music, dance, song, etc. Let’s honor them!

2. 300 worldwide Transition Initiatives are learning, teaching and acting on social aspects of permaculture. This grassroots movement speaks of the “evolving exploration of head, heart and hands…” Transition vision, language and work is Evolutionary Leadership. Let’s partner!

3. I attended Transition Whatcom (county) led by Bill Aal and Starhawk. Spiral dancing was a fun and effective way to express and celebrate community. Spiral dancing is Evolutionary Leadership. Let’s dance!

4. We chanted while dancing to Starhawk’s drumming. We chanted to “raise the cone of power” as pagans say and practice. Our conference calls could use “one voice” unification at the end. Let’s chant!

I am willing to help build these bridges and create linkages. A multi-cultural outreach, process and event reveals our diversity and means that we get to practice what we preach and walk our talk.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Native American Evolutionary Leaders

A robust conference call with Evolutionary Leaders Call to Action earlier. I've never had an interest in visiting Washington DC until Barbara Marx Hubbard invited me and 9,000+ others who were on-line. I now have 11-1-11 on my radar and calendar.

I'd like to invite my new Native American family to join the Evolutionary Leaders network via conference calls and the 11-1-11 event. I am grounding that now with a list of those friends:

Anna Haala, Peace Elder
Randy Lewis, United Indians of All Tribes
Marty Bluewater, United Indians of All Tribes
Mike Evans, Chair Snohomish Tribe of Indians
Cecile Hansen, Chair Duwamish Tribe
Jewel James, Lummi Tribe
Gene Tagaban
Peter Ali
Walter Pacheco, Muckleshoot Tribe
Robert & Liz Satiacum, Puyallup Tribe
Connie McCloud, Puyallup Tribe
Jon Jaq French, Yakama Tribe

When I am at the upcoming Pow Wow events meeting people I can see who else to include. Now I have to get more acquainted with Evoluntionary Leaders - In Service to Conscious Evolution. Time to weave threads of community!

The Transition Movement is doing some of the actions that Andrew Harvey talked about. We need to include this grassroot network. How to do that?

There are diverse groups and networks that tend to do their own thing. Wouldn't it be great to have a "rainbow gathering" on 11-1-11 where these networks unite??


Love the Halo song by Beyonce so I put it on my FB page...again. speaks as love song from Mother Earth to her children.

Monday, July 12, 2010


I fast now
I hunger now
I do not panic now
I do not fear now
Chi is food
That sustains me

Gaia Instructions

Thank you one and all for support at levels visible and invisible.

I have instructions:

Focus on your hands. Hold them out in front of you. Feel life-force chi/qi moving through. With inner Eye see our round blue-green Gaia in front of you. Put your hands on our Mother. Let chi guide your right and left hands North, South, East, West. Hold Gaia, circulate energy -- generate Her Halo of Light.

As One Body we move forward into new day and night.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


I now know that telepathy does carry emotion. I now know that telepathy can be a pathway for healthy and safe communication. I know this because pathways of communication have expanded in range of color, sound, taste, smell, sensation because of Light...grounded Light! As systems disentegrate there are men and women answering a higher calling and coming together in Light of integration. The lessons are profound as are the teachings coming in from all directions of one Circle of Life. "Community Threads" has new meaning in my internal and external work.

Love Thyself; Love Another

I plan to fast for one day again tomorrow. Last week it helped shift my cravings immediately as well as my pace. I have discovered that I cannot sleep at night with an empty stomach. Perhaps I could be one of those who say that I only need two or three hours of sleep a night. But I love to sleep! I love to leave this realm and time/dimension travel. So, I did choose to eat something in the evening. I’ll see what tomorrow brings.

Something new is going on with my physical body. I get tingling sensations down the right side of my cheek. Where my hands fall to my legs I feel discomfort which I translate as blockage. I may try acupuncture and herbs. I keep thinking this has to do with my blood so perhaps a blood test. Or perhaps it's about new pathways opening up in my new relationship with chi. All I know is my body is speaking.

The Complete System of Self-Healing has meridian meditations. I won’t be learning the 12 meridians but rather listening to my body and moving energy that way.

From the book:

Becoming consciously aware of the circulation of energy within the body will enable one to maintain a state of energy balance under any and all circumstances. Disease can only inhabit a body in which there is an erratic flow of energy along the meridians.

We need to learn to make our way around the inner world before we can learn to make our way around the universe. By practicing this method of meditation, one will learn how to unify the mind and the body in one’s personal microcosm. The it will be possible to “know” the universal macrocosm that lies beyond our apparent limitations, the goal that is attained when we have reached the Tao.

And thus the presence of two spirit teachers one oriental and one a yogi. I’m listening and changing old patterns and pathways to make way for the new around the bend.

I resigned from the radio program. Some people don’t get along with me and I don’t get along with some people. Sooner or later that truth comes forward into the light. What a relief to cut the final frazzled thread chord of a relationship that is sour. I take care of myself. I have boundaries. We read about love thy enemy in the Bible but where does it say to love oneself?

I see in writing that she said that I had threatened to resign 5 times in 9 months and didn't. Interesting, for me it was communicating my frustration 5 times. I allowed space in the relationship for alignment and cooperation to work out. Things didn't change and the thread was cut. How much space and time can one give a relationship? How long can one hold something that is sour? Love is trying and communicating and love is cutting the chord.

My family is in a whirlwind of emotion and conflict. Emotions are not expressed logically. (Reminding me of that chord where something solid wraps around something fluid. And something more subtle wraps around that.) People have negative feelings and get mad at one person or another because of something said/done or not said/done. How does a family learn to communicate lovingly through negative emotion? It all depends on the individual parts and their willingness to learn new pathways of communication.

Yogi and Krishna

A strong connection at the Puyallup Tribe's Unity in the Communty sponsored by Tribal Health Services. Perhaps something will take root with White Bison via a scholarship. Their program is similar to mine though much more sophisticated. I taught several young girls to map their stories and told them how special they are.

I taught three students at East West Books. None of my classes are the same because none of the students are the same which makes it rewarding for me. This class was very meditative and the circle art work very creative. One woman was thankful for the simplicity of “paper, pen and color.” At the end of the session my crown chakra was vibrating.

As I was about to leave East West I looked up on the wall to a poster that said “YOGI”. I focused my attention and got a blast of energy that swooped in and "lifted" my head by the neck like a gust of wind. I walked over to the poster to acknowledge Paramhansa Yogananda. Some music was playing that I liked and my body wanted me to have that music at home. It’s called Pilgrim Heart by Krishna Das. I don’t know Hare Krishna teachings/ways. I do like to the sound of the music and relate to "Hare Krishna" chants as light.

This morning as I listened to the music body wanted to dance. I found my fingers in that O position. Many years ago yoga was one of the first paths I explored. I was very rebellious and didn’t want my body to be put in some structured position. My thought went to those who don’t have fingers...doesn’t his exclude them? So this morning my fingers of O were dancing and “threading” chi. This is the same experience I had at Transition Town during the spiral dance closing. My fingers were working with threads…chords. There is a difference between the two. A chord is hollow with something moving through it.

Just before leaving home for this local coffee shop I was dancing to a chant and my hands were full of sparkling energy...light! I created shapes with my hands...much like tai chi movements. So threads/chords refer to light and light refers to chi. At least that is what I experience now...this knowing via expressive motion will evolve also.

Why is my spiritual world becoming so multi-cultural? I get that it's a relationship of white light and rainbow colors. The whole and the parts in reflection. I continue to be available for light to mold and shape me via consciousness.

In Light is Oneness. In Light we cross paths. In Light we celebrate love -- chanting and dancing!

New food for the individual and collective Soul. We are fed and we feed in turn. Such is the circle of spiritual Being.

Transition Movement

Transition Town kissing is aura to aura, eye shine to eye shine, word to word and skin to skin; a new space with movement carrying holistic pathways that are sustainable. In Transition Town I listen to my relationship with chi. I dance with my chi within collective chi. My hands teach me the pathways and I feel safe enough to explore this subtle terrain. I feel comfortable enough in my own skin not to be concerned about how I might be different as I dance to my own drummer and respond to my lover behind the scenes...chi!

His eyes like a chocolate bath: soft, sweet and yummy. Eye shine and face beams from two women reflected my own. His eye shine was playful, free and innocent.
Transition Town is the future and we create it now. For me it’s not so much what we want it to look like in the future but how we are honoring our own hearts and minds through momentary expression. That momentary expression is what creates the future. We can vision and intend all we want but unless it’s grounded through our bodies it’s a lot of hot air. Walk the talk and express clean water, air, fire, earth. In that expression and release is purification that takes one and all to the next round of lessons and teachings. Like Turtle in my story when one gets the lesson one moves on…transformation!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Yogi Niche

What a difference a one-day fast makes. Everything shifts into balance after some toxic release. I would like to do this weekly. With my new yogi teacher behind the scenes I will! He is supportive of my feminine nature...I hope to support him as well. Yogi...I am asking his name...told me to sit and meditate this morning. "okay" I love the yoga posture of sitting crossed legged on floor/earth as N/S body line aligns with earth core. I drummed reds, oranges and yellows and then slowed down to greens, blues, violets. The other morning Yogi had something in his lap that was burning. I got that it was incense. Chopra Center has a wonderful ayurvedic catalogue so I intend to purchase some yummy smells. I want to go home and meditate again...something has definitely shifted in my world! It's as if I've found a new niche.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Full Circle = Full Spectrum

Nettle and mint tea from this ground I live on. Nourishing!

Integration and disintegration/disintegration and integration are two opposite forces of one creative process, cycle -- circle. One set of relationship moves one way and the other set moves the opposite way creating tension and motion of circular e-motion. When Eye of consciousness is present this emotional dance is creative in its Light of Love and Truth. Why? Eye is radiant giver and absorbent receiver of Light. Eye is gateway of dimensions that includes white and the whole color spectrum. When Eye is blurred the Dance of Life is blocked, restricted and even aborted. Integration holds positive charge and disintegration holds negative charge. (I almost stated that as a question. After what happened last night I am claiming my power and making a statement. I am transcending my ego body that says I can’t be confident and strong. I am shedding old identity of being timid, self-conscious and afraid of not being accepted.) If Light/Energy is positive and Earth/Matter negative their relationship IS attracting and repelling/pulling and pushing/integrating and disentegrating creating curvature. Is this gravity -- a force that sustains life on earth?

I am learning more about my relationship with chi or life force. To learn is to turn and listen. I am turning my head full circle like an owl and seeing what’s “behind” the scene of this “front” dimension. This is an opening and movement of East /West relationship and circuitry. This morning as I was drumming and meditating this turning to the back of the head created a headache. It’s a new exercise using new muscles and pathways involving the Eye, Brain and Body. I use capital letters with intention as this is sacred ground.

I spent Fourth of July with medicine women at the Tulalip Reservation. The teacher is experiencing leg/hip disorder and as the four of us were sitting and chatting a man’s face came into my field. He has a dark thin beard and thinning long hair. He was associated with this women’s leg. I mentioned this and later got that he was “yogi”. As we were saying goodbye in her kitchen I saw myself with a large broad feather sweeping her right leg of “cobwebs”. I didn’t say anything about this. This morning in meditation I received more information about this yogi and called this teacher leaving a message that I wanted to share more regarding what had happened last night. I’m not sure I’ll hear from her. My experience with some teachers has been that they don’t want my input. It’s as if they are the authority. Any true spiritual teacher knows that every person is an equal because we all hold the same spark of Light and that what moves in the moment of space/time is a collective intelligence and not any one ego. A true teacher knows that we meet on a circle heart to heart and that our language via words is an exchange of energy. It’s ego that creates me vs. you and cuts off communication and relationship. In this dimension we claim ownership of ideas and language so we can be paid, purchase stuff and be recognized individually. In a new dimension/consciousness humans will be more cooperative and the collective will be valued just like all Nature’s natural systems.

Being with medicine women opened a new door and this morning I was inspired to drum and meditate. Yogi showed me his split personality when a black wolf came into view. He sprung into action with shield to protect me. He is oriental as well! The yogi is present to assist with healing…my own and others. The ninja is here to protect me and others. Thank you!

I had an experience that I don’t have all the words for but will explain as best I can. I was resting and with outer eyes closed my inner Eye opened up into a “cavern” space that was very familiar even primal. I knew it from my childhood or East. It was very eerie and I consciously held my sword for protection. The outline of this space reminds me of a ventricle or brain synapse as if I was seeing inside my own brain body. Now I wonder if it’s associated with DNA. It was like a psychedelic rush without the drugs which makes me wonder what is drip, drip, dripping into my system.

My body has been toxic because I have lost my balance with food. The medicine/shamanic teacher helped me see some limiting language I was using. Disintegration happens to a point and then there is a shift in awareness as new seeing turns the tide and directions. I let the cycles move without shame and thus with honesty.

I like this unusual space I am in today…high in a new dimension of space / time; high in new relationship(s).

Now when I turn behind me to intentionally greet ”chi” for guidance and balance there is a yogi and ninja to meet me. It’s so fun! I never know what’s around the next corner! And that’s the way Life in Full Circle is…full of adventure and enchantment.

I’m fasting today and it’s easy which is new. Thought ran through as I saw myself (thinking is seeing for me) eating chicken. I turned to body told her I loved her and reminded her that we were fasting. She did not argue or resist. What an absolutely amazing day in Earth and on Earth!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Kissing #3

I was going to write/speak about and thus ground a new telepathic experience I had a couple of mornings ago. An experience that validates new pathways in brain/body.

I received the following email from Alliance for a New Humanity:

In the beginning was the word: The Logos or, a creative conversation...
Posted by Arthur Janczak on July 3, 2010 at 12:52am in I Take The Vow

I've been thinking about that phrase for years, it's meaning in the
context of re-imagining the world, and the possibility of healing and
rebirth through conscious conversation... This statement, I believe out
of the Old Testament, implies that creation was the result of a word, a
spontaneous creative act of giving, but how can there be a word which
proceeds language, as was in the beginning. Is anyone familiar with
this concept, also refurred to as The Logos? What is the relevance of
this to the time in which we live, when radical imagination seems whats
called for? I thought, words are powerful, creative, transformative....
Through them we share our realities, understanding and meaning. So lets
have a conversation, cross cultural, global, intimate, as though we sit
in your living room anywhere in the world, and holding this intention
toward healing and change, had the courage to share our truth?

Perfect opportunity to share my experience:

Is the "word" a spark of energy that shape shifts matter as it moves through space and time? Is it vibration behind, in front of, underneath, and above matter? I had a very new experience a couple of mornings ago. I was in that mystical space between night and dawn (NE on the wheel/circle of life) and heard a friend's voice say, "Hi Trish." His voice sounded as if I had woken him up. How does this "telepathic" language happen? It was very sub-conscious, maybe even unconscious -- very underground. I have a unique connection with this man and see him only a few times during the year so it was really nice to hear his voice. The experience reminds me how sun and earth connect/relate through light beaming and sunrise kissing creating a circular conversation and song.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Kissing #2

When I garden I kiss Earth. When I reach out to promote my book I kiss people. Kissing, these days, is heart to heart rather than mouth to mouth.

I have experienced several male lovers. I have not experienced male friendship outside of a lover relationship. A young woman friend says that men her age hang around until they discover she is not interested in them sexually. It’s as if men want sex and women want relationhip/friendship. If men are from Mars and women from Venus how the heck did we end up here on Earth?

Is the difference due to estrogen and testosterone? Is it our different hormonal natures that creates this disconnect? Where is the more inclusive/higher hormone that encircles and penetrates (drip, drip, drip) these less subtle hormones.

Disconnects between our lower chakras, heart chakra, throat and mouth chakra, and crown chakra creates the disconnects in the larger world. Humans are stuck in adolescence refusing to move from South to West of adulthood on the circle of life. The human species will evolve, one way or another, and move forward because it’s the natural circular and orderly process.

Men’s sexual desires and women’s social needs create relationships that are out of balance and dysfunctional. Men want several sexual partners (physical and telepathic) which objectify women, keep relationships shallow and create distrust. Women want to control and mold men which suffocate them and create resistance. Both men and women can move beyond this immature fear and insecurity when they raise their vibrations. This requires letting go and being honest which is difficult for most people especially those who are good at keeping secrets and telling lies. To come clean in the waters of Truth will heal all relationships including our relationship with Mother Earth.

Let’s move into new territory because we have evolved out of past patterns of immature behavior. Yes, they are comfortable. Yes, they are pleasing to the ego and its physical identity. But, good grief! These past patterns are limiting and boring! There is a whole new and vibrant dimension ready to embrace us and our relationships through love and light. This vibratory space is where my eye is focused and, thus, where my body follows.

Where are the full and round colors, sounds and sensorial sensations? Where is the wildfire passion along with grounded friendship and subtle wisdom that creates balance within oneself, with a partner and with Mother Earth? I am discovering it and I am not alone. The journey is onward and upward on the never ending spiral of Life. This is my intention. This is my action.