Dear Friends,
It's no secret that women have a critical role to play in shaping the future.
The Dalai Lama's proclamation last year that "the world will be saved by the Western woman" only highlighted the reality that awakening women are emerging as the leaders of the global change movement.
So, we're excited to be writing today to tell you about a groundbreaking FREE online women's event happening this weekend focused on empowering integral women with the tools they need to fulfill on their evolutionary calling.
It’s called “The Keys to Feminine Power: Awakening the 3 Power Bases of the Co-Creative Feminine,” and it's being facilitated by two of the world's leading experts in women’s evolution—Claire Zammit and Katherine Woodward Thomas—who were featured teachers at last year’s Integral Spiritual Experience.
What is Integral Evolutionary Feminine Power?
According to Claire and Katherine, unlike masculine power, which is the power to create those things that can be controlled, Feminine Power is the power to create those things that are beyond our control, but which our hearts most deeply long for. Things such as love, intimacy, spiritual connection, conscious evolution, self-expression, creativity, right livelihood, meaningful contribution to the world and a brighter future for generations to come. According to Claire and Katherine, all of these require the awakening of a co-creative Feminine Power to bring them forth.
In their pioneering work with a global community of over 60,000 women, Claire and Katherine have developed a step-by-step process to awaken this new, co-creative, integral Feminine Power and embody it in every aspect of your life.
And this Wednesday, July 21st, they've agreed to teach this process to thousands of women around the world—at no charge.
They’ve convened this special, global gathering of women to share these tools with us in order to support this global evolutionary women’s emergence. You can listen live by phone or online, or download the recording anytime after the event.
CLICK HERE to register for free now.
When you register you’ll also receive instant access audio downloads of recent interviews with Alanis Morissette and Jean Houston interviewing Katherine and Claire about the emergence of this new co-creative Feminine Power.
We can’t recommend their approach enough—this work has already transformed the lives of thousands of women. I encourage you to join them this Wednesday to discover the power of this groundbreaking teaching for yourself.
Here's what Barbara Marx Hubbard has to say about their work:
"Claire Zammit and Katherine Woodward Thomas are leading the way in the evolution of the feminine for our time. In the midst of so much work on behalf of women, Claire and Katherine are of prime importance. They are offering the largest possible context to encourage us to give birth to the feminine co-creator, the woman who is expressing the process and power of creation itself. They have been blessed with a mysterious piece of the "holy grail" of feminine leadership toward the evolution of a new humanity within a co-creative society."
To our evolution,
The Integral Life Team