
Wednesday, March 30, 2011


A gyroscope is a device for measuring or maintaining orientation, based on the principles of conservation of angular momentum.[1] A mechanical gyroscope is essentially a spinning wheel or disk whose axle is free to take any orientation. This orientation changes much less in response to a given external torque than it would without the large angular momentum associated with the gyroscope's high rate of spin. Since external torque is minimized by mounting the device in gimbals, its orientation remains nearly fixed, regardless of any motion of the platform on which it is mounted.

Gyroscopes based on other operating principles also exist, such as the electronic, microchip-packaged MEMS gyroscope devices found in consumer electronic devices, solid state ring lasers, fibre optic gyroscopes and the extremely sensitive quantum gyroscope.

Applications of gyroscopes include navigation (INS) when magnetic compasses do not work (as in the Hubble telescope) or are not precise enough (as in ICBMs) or for the stabilization of flying vehicles like radio-controlled helicopters or UAVs. Due to their high precision, gyroscopes are also used to maintain direction in tunnel mining.

Crystal Cosmic Body

As the pattern of harassment and intrusion plays out on planet Earth so does the pattern of Cosmic Love. Yes, there is an intense battle between Light and Dark. This battle is chemical in matter and alchemical in electro-magnetism. The two opposites are designed to co-operate like a see-saw giving and receiving through harmonious feedback loops.

Gyroscope reminds me of hologram. It activates when it's aligned N/S and E/W. In my body I know the feeling of getting off track and off balance. I sense it and I receive the effects physically. These days this feedback loop is instant karma.

Planet Earth seems to be moving into alignment through powerful and turbulent natural phenomena...humans call them disasters. An earthquake effects the spin of an orbit; a tidal wave moves land mass. She is reaching for her North Star...her point of Alignment. She is reaching for new posture and position in a Cosmic Body.

The movie The Dark Crystal portrays it well.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Cosmic Love Effects

I'm about to talk about Tracker again. Why? Why not ignore him? It's because the pattern is about more than one male ego and personality. This pattern plays out in a larger collective body.

Tracker tries to force himself into my personal space. He fails because he doesn't hold the vibrational keys. This is a time for vibrational attunement and alignment that requires the humble stillness/receptivity of the Sacred Feminine and the humble outgoing/activity of the Sacred Masculine.

Cosmic Love holds long distant connection in sacred space. It's quite potent.

Cosmic Love is having an influence on my personal life. I find myself wanting to date! And am even telling this to my friends. It seems like a natural progrssion of love in the whole to love in the parts.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Cosmic Love

Earth is held in space by light beams from distant orbs.

Light beam contact creates a vortex of energy.

Vortex creates hologram.

Hologram is the dawning of Cosmic Love.

I see Mother Earth as hologram receiving light rays all around.

Intense passion shifts reality.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

2011: Year of Illumination

On my Facebook page a Native American friend posted the following which I in turn posted on our Transition Woodinville website: It supports the Heart and Soul of TW.

A Circle Closes

We had our final discussion group for the second "wave" of Transition Woodinville. One young man into survival skills talked about buying a gun and the fear factors of the future. I followed him in the circle and talked about higher vibration, light and lifting our own energies and the planet's. I'm surprised at how open I am about my Truth in this circle. Very transparent!

During the discussion we talked things we enjoy doing. Singing came up. I suggested that we sing more and someone suggested doing so at the end of our discussion. The end arrived and I offered a song and then a friend asked about a song I had sung in the car on our way to hear Dr Emoto at the Lummi Tribe. So I ended our six weeks of discussion with:

Where I sit is holy
Holy is the ground
Forest Mountain River
Listen to the sound
Great Spirit Circle
All around me

I love to re-sound my brain/body voice in uplifting song! For me it was a perfect ending of our circle...and was not planned or mapped out by mental mind. It evolved through the creative co-operation of community.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Feedback Timing

I looked at/thought about “credibility” and my patterns of frustration and anger with people over the years. What is the pattern? I see that I get frustrated and angry when I hit a wall with people. What is a wall? A wall is a block in the connection; a lack of fluid feedback loops. What is the result or effect? I feel hurt and disrespected. Why? Blocks/disconnections are unnatural creating disharmony and stress.

I’m not good at suppressing or repressing emotions. I let them move….sooner or later. If I keep them underground for too long I let loose with a vengeance. If I talk about issues as I go there is an open, natural process in play rather than eruptions.

I got raging mad the other night when standing at the Grange kitchen sink with the woman whom I have been in conflict. Why? I was asking for information and clarification. Her response was for me to read her emails. This did not create connection and I spoke up. I was trying to soften the connection and she cut me off. Not okay with me.

When disconnections/lack of feedback loops become a pattern I let go and move on...sooner or later. I choose connections of harmony and peace in my environment. Sometimes there are individuals who refuse to let go. These people are stalkers who hold on in an attempt to control. This pattern is not natural or harmonious and creates toxins underground and above ground in the whole environment.

I attended a lecture on Mason bees yesterday and emailed this woman with some of the information. From “out of the blue” I began the email suggesting that she and I talk about our rifts and that I valued her and our friendship. She emailed back curtly with information, without emotional response. Why the change in my own feedback loop? I suspect the magical/shamanic way of Bees!

I saw her at a meeting last night and she was keeping her distance from me. One moment I walked by her and “out of the blue” I softly said, “Hi ______” and I reached out touching her arm patting her gently. Her distance changed after that.

So, my question now is why did my inner feedback loop change so that I softened toward her? It was not a conscious decision nor intention. I did not read a book about non-violent communication nor talk with anyone about conflict resolution. I did track my own patterns back to their roots and found answers. I did engage my own feedback loops. I observed and learned more about myself. This emotional and logical partnership created a new equation in my expression and thus in my life.

I have no expectations from this woman who I feel is dysfunctional. My intent is to give her space and in that give my own emotions a wide and airy feedback loop.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Life Lessons

I learned to be tidy and organized as a child. It's a life saver these days as my brain/body wants to float away. To-do lists and a tidy home keep me grounded.

Timing is not what it used to be. I used to push myself to get the tasks off my lists. Now, I don't have that energy. It's as if there's a new force in place. For example there was something I was going to do weeks ago but never had the energy. Then the other morning it was crystal clear what to say and the energy was simply present. It's as if timing is not my own anymore.

I am so enjoying helping on the small farm. As I turned over garden soil yesterday the gal in the rabbit house brought me manure as her boyfriend was determining the best way to re-construct and upgrade. I love this co-operation and common goals.

Two women have complained recently about the lack of response to something they were putting energy into. They were complaining about numbers. I have done community events/projects for years and now for the first time I have a small Transition team working together. Numbers is not top priority for me. Quality is.

For me it's taken years to get to my new experience of community. It's been an evolutionary process...not everyone embraces or understands this. It's like growing a garden. The seeds have their own cycles and seasons. Humans simply need to garden in appreciation for what comes to fruition...moment by moment.

Working in community is teaching me how to manage red frustration/anger. If I don't I'm going to lose credibility! It's another learning curve. I have to learn this now because I have not had that community around me...I have been quite solitary when it comes to face to face relationships. This is changing!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Face to Face Conflict

Two people sitting next to me at the library started to argue. It used to be that I was appalled by such behavior. Today I can relate! It used to be that I would crawl in my shell at conflict. Now I am learning something new about myself and how I relate in this world. Now I learn to wear red without shame or repression. I'm not interested in being popular anymore. It's a bit intense but I have other colors just as vivid in their expression. Tracking this to see how it all balances out and what lessons are being unleashed.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fuming Mad

He asked me, “Are you okay?” and proceeded to comfort me with, “Just do what you can do now and do the rest later” and “Take a deep breath.” I appreciate this outer male voice when I can’t locate my own inner logic. Men like him make me think that I want to start…dating!

I was so mad! In fact I was fuming mad and those fumes lasted a good while. Thank goodness most of the people had left the monthly meeting and social event. For those still there their mouths were open and they looked aghast. Now they know that I can get mad and what that sounds like/looks like. I wasn’t out of control mad – I was logically mad. In that process of emotional release I checked in and noticed there was absolutely no room for inner compromise. It felt like a small space...I was consumed. I was still mad driving the short distance home. The odd thing was I fell asleep immediately and slept well. I’m not ashamed of getting angry. It was honest. As a result I will not work with a woman in the Transition group who has lost all credibility with me. As a result I know more about not getting entangled in her dysfunctional patterns. I'm noticing that I am "wearing" red anger more these days and that I am speaking up and acting on everything in my world...both positive and negative/light and dark! Can my brain/body handle this new emotion that runs deep? It does send new energy through all my systems and I have to/get to learn to manage it.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Transtion Tone

I finally have energy to respond to a Transition Culture post from Rob Hopkins. This is in response to a disapointing reversal of support from the Somerset County Council.

Many humans remain polarized in the paradigm “me vs you” and “us vs them.” Others have evolved out of that conscious lens and behavior. We cannot change the consciousness of others. We can attract those with like minds and hearts and create a dynamic and intelligent community. That in itself is a worthwhile accomplishment. We will need one another and a resilient core as Mother Earth continues to go through her own evolutionary changes. Let’s keep our lens on the Transition connections we have built and continue to build. We do that through the Transition Tone that is being broadcast: positive solutions, the creative genius of community and hope.

Love to all in these times of transition.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hunkering Down

I was in a fog yesterday. I realized it must be the detoxing effects of my new diet. I checked in with body. Stomach was empty/light, head felt pressure and shoulders felt heavy. In the afternoon I had the familiar sensation that tells me I must sleep. It's almost like a calling. As I was drifting to sleep I noticed something that felt like and looked like a core and then an engaging shift..there was also some sort of acknwoldgement. When I awoke the fog had lifted and I feel like myself again. No more hives!

I love helping on the farm and working with other women in the house and outside. I love the local community that is evolving through Transition. My brain/body energy is different and I prefer to be in the garden and on the farm. I don't have a lot of interest in the internet. I think that I am hunkering down for whatever is next.

Holographic Seeing

Conscious matter connects through space creating relationship via charged waves.

I had the opportunity to experience a sustained two of us held it. For me it felt like I was in the middle of a vibrating river. I observed it as well as participated in it. I was inside experiencing as well as outside seeing.

I also had the opportunity to experience how this wave creates a hologram in the middle giving reality new meaning.

Time to turn our attention to the art and science of holograms.

In the Nostradamus show on TV there was mention of the "blue star." I think crystals are stars. I think chakras are crystals. I think the solar system is a chakra system. This hologram reminds me of a crystal. How is crystal and hologram related?

Will our future include crystal technology, telecommunication, teleporting? I spoke of this at our Transition meeting last week. It's not in the Transition Handbook but it is part of our evolutionary transition of brain/body. I also see rainbow arcs...

As we move toward Galactic Alignment let us open our hearts and minds to new possibilities as we connect with other cosmic chakra systems.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Gathering of Souls

Watching Nostradamos program on TV late last night. Gregg Braden spoke several times. The image of Sagitarrius' arrow pointing toward a woman reminded me of--me. Sagittarius is my astrological sign and I play my part in the cosmic turning.

Now that I've been eating differently and my hives are gone I feel different under my skin. I have more emotional capacity toward others. I am friendlier. Seems I don't need as much food either. I keep losing weight. Guess that's a good thing. The fire in my belly is new and I'm not sure how to sustain it. I don't seem to be as afraid of feeling hungry or going without white flour/sugar.

I got lots of cheek to cheek hugging last night at the Transition Woodinville meeting. Days go by without any hugs....not healthy! Very upbeat meeting. One woman came in looking tired and down. At the end of the meeting she was radiant! She told me that I was "gathering souls together." I loved facilitating the meeting as others spoke and contributed. I talked about personal resilience: Respectful communication (self-talk is where it begins), avoiding burn out, checking in with oneself (inner reflection) and celebrating inspired by an article on the topic sent out via / Rob Hopkins.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Connections = Relationships = Feedback Loops

Matter holds positive and negative charge creating an energetic and environmental field.

Positive charge = hot = acidic
Negative charge = cold = alkaline
The two charges co-operate to create balance for equilibrium and health.

The skin is the largest organ of the body and is part of the elimination system. The skin releases toxins through disease. When a conscious mechanism and system is in place disease subsides and radiant health is expressed through Love and Truth.

Earth’s crust is the largest organ of her body and is part of the elimination system. The crust releases toxins through disease and eruption. When a conscious mechanism and system is in place disease subsides and radiant health is expressed through Love and Truth.

Matter relates to matter due to the attraction of positive male and negative female charge.

These relationships are connections that act as feedback loops.

Feedback loops have a wide range of configurations depending on chemistry, temperature, tone, spatial distance, etc.

When feedback becomes too hot and acidic or too cold and alkaline the relationship breaks down. This is the gift of a self-regulating and intelligent system. To honor this system consciousness must be present—consciousness that embraces deep sub-conscious and unconscious feedback loops. Learned patterns of toxic behavior must be acknowledged and addressed directly—face to face—head on.

As capacity of consciousness increases so does evolution of matter.

Consciousness is the feedback loop of energy and matter in relationship.

Food is matter and I am relearning how to relate to it. Males are matter and I am relearning how to relate to them. Same is true of my relationships to females. Same is true of my relationship to collective community. Relating matter to matter I hit walls and learn something new. I hit more walls and learn something new again. Like a baby learning to walk.

I’m grateful for this lifetime opportunity to evolve through energy and matter that I AM.