
Friday, January 29, 2010

Soul Food Poetry Night

Went to Soul Food books to meet a young poet. A TV station was there to interview the City of Redmond's new Poet Laureate, Rebecca Meredith. She is a wonderful person and lively poet. I hope to have her on the radio series, Poetry Wheel, KKNW 1150 AM. I ended up reciting a poem. Interesting how relationships are so very orbital. Here I am again at Soul Food Books reading poetry with others who orientate around this language of Soul.

Soul Food Books tapes their open mics and music performances and can be viewed online.

President Barack Obama

I have so much respect for President Obama. He is intelligent and compassionate. He uses emotional intelligence.

This morning he was at a Republican Retreat. He speaks of a deficit of trust and asks for a "tone of civility". He is more than a politician...he is a humanitarian.

There is hope with this quality of leadership. I do hope the Independent Party can rise to the surface representing balance and working relationships in our political system.

New systems rise because new lines of force are settling into place.


He drank a bottle of liquor that day and his behavior raised red flags. Two days later more red flags. And they get mad at me for speaking out about my concerns. I will continue to speak up and speak out about the inappropriate behavior of men. And I will accept the consequences from the lines of force that are set into motion when language is used.

Light rays that move out from one self are protective from interference that wants to get in. There are those who think they have the right to try to get into one's space...even after being told NO.

I create boundaries to keep others/toxins out...and others create boundaries to keep me out. I guess that means that I am a "toxic" interference as well. And on it goes...lines of force being drawn.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Light Medicine

I was listening to a news channel and heard that a doctor had cut open a skull to remove tumors and there was possiblity of the tumors growing again. I both saw and heard that light rays will eliminate tumors and there is no need for invasive cutting. Are we using Light Ray medicine in this realm?

Light that emits from me prevents disease and light that comes to me does the same. Light strengthens the immune system. Let light increase on Earth. >>>>>

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Parts of the Whole

The universe - the whole - is taking care of me, one of its parts. I am able to receive unemployment for another year which allows me to continue to focus on Circle of Life and grant writing...and do my job searches, of course! My tax refund will allow me to pay the first installment to the illustrator of my children's book Turtle's Circle of Life and maybe enough left for for a lomi-lomi massage! I have to budget everything which does create order and timelines. My life has always been this way except when I lived on a golf course and belonged to a country club. The problem with that was the loss of Soul. So, I'm happy with moderate income and maintaining a simple budget.

This morning I received a phone call from an elder at the Lummi Tribe. A pleasant surprise as it has taken so much time and energy to make contact with people at the tribes. A return call was appreciated! I will take a couple of UIATF elders to Lummi for lunch in February and meet Gene Tagaban at The Urban Longhouse where I hope to have a Circle of Life event. Another elder with the Samish Tribe just called as well. It appears the pace of communication is picking up. Is it because Spring is around the corner and life picks up pace?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sacred Space

A young woman has entered my life. Ashlee is a student at Bastyr and is bringing volunteers to the garden. She and I have a heart connection. We share similar values.

We have asked one garden volunteer not to return. He was rude and negative at the garden and toward her at school. Our garden community has boundaries based on values. Yes, it is censorship and we are the ones drawing the lines.

I love to garden with these young people who are interested in holistic medicine/nutrition. One of them wants to share his poetry for a possible radio interview. This man has a strong aura...he carries sacred space...which to me means that he is aware of energy.

Ashlee asked for more structure at the garden. For me this meant creating sacred space. Yesterday we stood in a circle and set our intention. My words revolved around harmony within, with one another and with Mother Earth's dirt under our feet. Each one contributed to the circle with their words. Afterward I felt so much respect from these young people. This is a new gift in my life.

Under the Rubble

I picked up strong Tracker vibe earlier this month. Was he back in town?

Late one afternoon I drove home to see one of the garage doors open. I called the landlord immediately. After checking he said that no one had been in the garage.

Another afternoon I drove home and saw my front door open. I always lock my door. I called the guys who deliver my mail. Yes, they saw the open door and gave me a time. Does he have a key? Did he find the spare?

What is he after? The computer. He wants access to my communication system. I cancelled internet service at home and no longer use the new laptop that he corrupted. Not having a computer at the house is like not having cookies in the cupboard. Much more balance in my life.

I have been telling the people where I live about Tracker/Stalker. Now, I have witnesses.

At the same time this was happening at the house I had computer problems at the library. There is a very nice staff person who empathizes with me and has listened to me several times when I've experienced computer interference. She gave me the name of the top IT person. I spoke with him about hacker. Now, I have two people at the library I can report to.

I will not be silent about this story thread in my life. What does Tracker want? Does he want to be at the center of my communications like he used to be years ago? That is impossible. I cannot go backward. Light has evolved me and my world.

I saw Tracker's name on my facebook page wanting to be friends with one of my friends, Ed. I deleted that friend as I don't want Tracker in that system. Now, however I'm having interference patterns with my facebook page.

I now know how Tracker got into my computer at home and at the library. I figured it out through years of trial and error. I still need "hard evidence" to go to the police. The private detective tells me it will cost $10,000 to do surveillance. How does a woman protect herself from a sociopath (someone lacking a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience)?

I sense that Tracker is telling some people that I am making trouble. He's done that before. His people support him and his infrastructure. Corrupt people build corrupt systems...but not forever. Walls built on false and shallow foundations will crumble.

One Haita survivor told her story: Under the rubble she looked for light. She knew that light meant fresh air. The catastrophe in Haiti is of Biblical proportion. This time and these people will be remembered. This story is a global myth. Survivors sing that they are not afraid of death. Let the walls crumble and the Age of Aquarius rise.


Last week I drove into Discovery Park for a meeting at Day Break Star. The top of my head started to reverberate. I love the forest! The forest loves me!

I sat down in the Duwamish cedar longhouse to drum with Singing Feet and my whole body lifted. Cedar song or ancestors? Or...that and more?

There are enviroments in which I resonate.

There are people with whom I resonate.

I'm grateful for these lines of force in my life.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hawaii Line

I learned yesterday that my niece is getting married in Hawaii this spring. The last time I was in Hawaii was when I married my second husband on Makua Beach five miles North of Hanalei. I will reach out to find senior centers or youth groups to teach my Circle of Life class. I will also ask my Native American friends if they know Native Elders in Hawaii. It would be fun to feature one of them on my radio series. An unexpected line appears...I wonder how it will loop.

We hear from the Sandusky radio station that our program is one of the most popular. They are very happy with our new program.

Lots of good news today.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Circle of Life ~ A Storytelling Basket

Grantwriting vision and language:

Native/Indigenous Elders have many gifts to give their communities. One of these gifts is their personal journey around the circle of life that can be mapped from the East of childhood to the South of adolescence to the West of adulthood and to the North of Elderhood. These circular threads weave a rich basket that makes each elder unique and valuable. Circle of Life ~ A Storytelling Basket is a framework that supports Elders in giving their gifts of stories.

Phases of the project:
1> Trish and 3 Elders from United Indians of All Tribes Foundation Elders Program will visit the Nisqually Elder Program twice in 2010: once in Spring and once in Summer.

2> Trish will share two Circle of Life ~ Mapping One’s Story classes with Nisqually Elders. Personal stories will be mapped and told/exchanged Elder to Elder.

3> 3 Nisqually Elders will be featured on Storytellers Campfire Radio Program (Program Director, Lady Selah Sujuris, Ojibwe Nation). Trish, host of the 15-minute Circle of Life series, will interview Elders in the Bellevue studio or via telephone/land line. The radio program airs Sunday evenings, 6-7 PM, on Alternative Talk 1150 AM.

4> A CD will be produced with Elder stories after 12 months of radio programs. Elders from several tribes will be featured on the CD. A community event/film will be held to honor Elders and their stories. This will depend on Elders interest and their response.

Postive outcomes:
• Elder Program exchanges will build bridges between individuals and tribes.
• Circle of Life classes will increase the number of Elder stories being told.
• This activity and exchange will build confidence in the individual storyteller as well as increase pride in Native tribes/villages/communities.
• Goodwill gestures between elders and tribes will create more unification.
• Youth will get to know Elders better and learn from them. This rootedness through a sense of personal connection promotes wellness individually and collectively.
• The non-native community will be enriched by elder stories and the cultural divide will be lessened.
• This cross cultural project promotes healing between non-native and native people by demonstrating an interest in Elder stories and by telling the true stories of place and local history.
• Telling and sharing Elder stories reveals our commonality as a people. Such stories impact the next 7 generations.

Lines of Force

Driving out of my place I look up/South and see Hawk in tree. I mention this to Lady Selah on the phone...Hawk is a totem for her...given by her Ojibwe Nation after a journey/rite of passage. Driving East on Hi 520 Eagle is perched on the bridge looking Norht. A day of flight~~

If crown chakra is activating/opening what are my feet doing? There must be a chakra there as well because that's how the lines of force show up. > Each chakra has similar line of force...diverse however in music scale and color hue. They build one upon the other and create the ladder in dream.

These lines of force are making my life more HONEST. I no longer work at a job that is not fulfilling. I no longer commute 1-2 hours a day. I no longer find myself in a chaotic family environment that left me in tears more than once. I no longer find myself at my ex-husbands' house during holiday. I do find myself relating to people where I can be myself -- inside out. I do find myself doing work that represents my values -- inside out.

I have three mini-grants out to local tribes. It's taken some time to connect with someone with Elder Programs and introduce my project. Once that coordination is in place I send a grant proposal. I see many positive outcomes.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sympathetic Vibration & Resonance

I asked the guest musician on our radio program about the humming of my drum. He said it's called "sympathetic vibration".

Sympathetic Vibration definitions:

...a vibration produced in one body by the vibrations of exactly the same period in a neighboring body

the science of matter and energy and their interactions; "his favorite subject was physics"

The driving of a mechanical or acoustical system at its resonant frequency by energy from an adjacent system vibrating at this same frequency. Examples include the vibration of wall panels by sounds issuing from a loudspeaker, vibration of machinery components at specific frequencies as the speed of a motor increases, and the use of tuned air resonators under the bars of a xylophone to enhance the acoustic output. Increasing the damping of a vibrating system will decrease the amplitude of its sympathetic vibration but at the same time widen the band of frequencies over which it will partake of sympathetic vibration. See also Resonance (acoustics and mechanics); Vibration.

Resonance definition:

Noun: resonance re-zu-nun(t)s
An excited state of a stable particle causing a sharp maximum in the probability of absorption of electromagnetic radiation

A vibration of large amplitude produced by a relatively small vibration near the same frequency of vibration as the natural frequency of the resonating system

Having the character of a loud deep sound; the quality of being resonant
- plangency, reverberance, ringing, sonorousness, sonority, vibrancy

A relationship of mutual understanding or trust and agreement between people
- rapport

The quality imparted to voiced speech sounds by the action of the resonating chambers of the throat and mouth and nasal cavities

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Horizontal Crown

Meditation/drumming: the very top of my head ripples outward vibrating. Reminding me of a circular landing pad or disc. "Crown" comes to mind.

I'm wearing a Native American necklace today to mark my first Circle of Life ~ A Storytelling Basket series on the radio program Storytellers Campfire. I purchased this necklace several years ago and it's been hanging on my wall as art. It has cobalt blue beads, amethyst beads, white beads on deer skin strips. The pendant is a circle with beaded tree and amethyst gemstone representing moon. I don't often wear jewelry around my neck as it bothers me....but deer skin is very nice.

It's fun to celebrate that which is integrating in my life. Even as an aspect of my life has disentegrated -- I am still not able to see my grandchildren. The man of that house continues to be angry at me.

Dark and light. Positive and negative.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Multiphonic Tantra

Drumming I heard the reverberating hummmm created in negative space...those in between spaces of actually hitting the drum face/hide. Tantra!! I heard the Gyuto Monks at the 5th Avenue Theatre in 1995. I have one of their CDs Freedom Chants from the Roof of the World. Here is some language from that CD jacket:

2500 years ago in India, the Buddha realized enlightenment and founded the Buddhist teaching of freedom, love and wisdom. Buddhism slowly soread all over Asia coming to Tibet in the 7th century A.D. It took a thousand years for its gentle ethics, sophisticated meditations, and profound scientific traditions to "tame" the wild energies of the Tibetan warriors...

...a type of multiphonic chanting was developed in which each monk sings a chord containing two or three tones simultaneously.....thought to arise only from the throat of a person who has realized selfless wisdom. This music emanates from samadhi ("a trancelike state of pure consciousness, undisturbed by the polarities of life, experience and thought"...

His Holiness the Dalai Lama commented on the nature of these performances:

Some people may ask "Why are they performing publicly what should be esoteric rites?" Perhaps these people feel that secret teachings should not be turned into a theatrical spectacle. But they needn't be concerned. The secret interior path and its processes are things which the ordinary eye cannot perceive. What is seen outside is totally different. Based on their inner achievement, the Yogis can unfold energies which can serve the benefit of the entire country, such as in ceremonies which consecrate images and icons, exorcise negative forces, prevent natural disasters and epidemics and uplift the spirit of the tiems. Thus, from a certains point of view, these ceremonies have a great benefit for the whole society...

Tantra reverberations always connect me with the bowels of Mother Earth.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Why are so many news anchors and media personnel in Haiti? Some news channels have sent 3 anchors! This catastrophe is not a circus. We don't need dozens of anchors to tell the stories. There needs to be a coordinated system to keep the media in check. Where are the boundaries that give medical aid and food/water first priority in air space and ground space? Something is off balance here.

Dream Time

Climbing a ladder that goes straight up. What angle is that? I look up and see 3-4 rungs (supporting cross pieces). An Elder is behind me supporting me. As I climb I recognize the familiar feeling of the ladder. I've been here many times. As I get to the top the Elder pushes my head so that it fits through the opening. What is this subterranean realm?

Extraterrestrial life is a common topic. What about intraterrestrial life? Are we not rock/earth people? Did we not originate from Earth rather than water? Could there have been life in water without rock/earth? Is intraterrestrial life reptilian? That first "fish" out of water certainly looks reptilian. Of course, I am not a scientist.

My drum has a sweet spot that has a "resonant pitch." The sound creates a rippling effect in my brain. This meditative attunement is creating balance in my daily life.

> line goes out into space and bounces back. What causes it to bounce back if not contact with an another earth orb? Orbs live in space and resonate or not. Resonant orbs create orbital systems. The lines of force remove foriegn particles and objects. It's a natural alchemical process that is universal in scope.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Higher Order

World disastors bring humanity together in profound ways. People risk their lives to save others. This is the polar opposite of terrorist bombings and Wall Street greed. Prayers go out to those suffering.

I was drawn to meditate again -- and drum. The drumming shifts parts of my brain energetically. I can feel parts settle in --- it's very subtle.

There are lines associated with the vibrations at the bridge of my nose that move as >. It's a line that moves out in front of me and comes back to me. Must be those new boundaries. I think this is that gyroscopic "egg" that I live in or that surrounds me. It's an image I drew years ago and gave the name "songlines." It's an image that represents the Circle of Life and will be included in my children's book.

A gyroscope reminds me of a prism and crystal. It likes to be upright/aligned and wreaks havoc on systems when it is lopsided and wobbly.

I see that I gravitate toward refined carbs. This is nothing new...I've known this for a long time. However, consciousness wraps increasingly around this pattern. If I orbit around carbs how do I re-orientate and change the pattern? Right now the answer is meditation and drumming. This helps create a new..."pitch" is the word that volunteered itself just now. This vibration lives at the core.

Earth is shifting into new positions because of new boundaries. The planet is riding these waves of change and humans are being impacted. When identity is in spirit the pain and grief is lessened. When identity is in this world suffering is great. One can know both worlds while riding the waves of emotion. Life does not always make sense. One trusts higher order.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Meditation for Brain-Body

Prayers go out to Haiti....

I awoke noticing an energy shift and that my body wanted to meditate (thanks to a webinar yesterday with David Simon at the Chopra Center) and drum. I'm not one to have an external structure around spiritual practice of meditating or drumming. I am now seeing, however, that meditation could help me balance my habitual patterns around sweets/carb. Meditation's way of slowing me down internally is key to being centered at all levels of expression. My intention is to include it in my daily routine...whenever I need to center. Breathing was the song of my meditation. My cells need the oxygen! Have I been here before and said this before? Amazing how patient the universe is with us in our evolution of consciousness.

The morning meditation was so sweet -- nourishing! My brain needs the shamanic drum beat -- not to journey I discover -- but to be in my brain/body in a centered way. What I got is that it helps connect brain to body. During the meditation I noticed a singing vibration at the bridge of my nose. It was like a shelf...a boundary of sorts. What that represents will reveal itself. I listen and watch.

As I was getting up from the meditation I reached out to my Fica tree next to me. My right hand picked up an electric charge. The tree had received my conscious acknowledgement and was returning her energy to me!

I put on some emerald jewelry my x-husband had bought me years ago. I thought of him in and felt love in spite of the dysfunction we experienced. I turned his direction and thanked him for the love we shared and continue to share. This was the first time I've connected with his spirit since his passing (if I am remembering linear memory is not always sharp.) A couple of friends had urged me to change my last name after the divorce. I didn't because I was not guided in that direction from within. Now, I announce my first name with his last name over radio waves. It's good to be at peace with one's name!

My spirit name comes in and wants to be acknowledged as this is yet another identity: Yellow Turtle Spirt in Laughing Waters. Another name -- another chapter.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Spring in January

It feels like spring in the Pacific Northwest. The other morning I awoke to the thought of my bike. I hadn't ridden it in many weeks. I asked if I wanted to go bike riding...sort of like checking in with one's radar screen. Yes, green light, go! I did see myself riding my bike. When I got on my bike my body asked where the seat belts were. And then it asked twice. I thought this was comical. It had been that long since my body was on wheels without a seat belt. So funny!

What a different way to plan one's day. To listen to thoughts/words/images to come into one's field. It's definitely not driven by the mental mind that controls: gee, it's been so long since I rode my bike...I really should get on my bike. This is a different orientation that I call inside out. Another word is "inspired" -- as if I am is breathed into me.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Earth and Sky

Watching Life After People on the History Channel I heard "all indigenous people connected to the sky." Does that not mean that people who are connected to earth and sky are less self-centered and know they are part of a magnificent universal system? I suppose that's why I want to work with Native American Elders and why they play a critical role in our Story on Earth.

Someone sent me a YouTube link to Paul Hawken's Blessed Unrest talk at Bioneers. There are thousands of thousands of organizations that emit sparks on and from a dark and violent planet. We are a constellation of our own rite/right. As Paul says, "This is humanity's immune system response." It is also our heart and soul song in a Divine Universe of Grace.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

I See You

Avatar is a very stimulating movie.

Love the Mother of All and Sacred Tree themes. Love those pastel colored dragons and power-engine horses.

Love the lush forest and mystical sacredness.

Typical theme of good and evil. Man against Nature and the Sacred Feminine.

This story is in humankind's psyche and we bear witness to it.

I see you. If not on this planet maybe on another one.