I noticed this summer that there were no flies in my house. Lately one has been buzzing about pestering me. At one point yesterday the fly became more than a pest. In a whispering "songline" I got that it was an eye and ear from another dimension. David shared that flies cleanse and that Australia aborigines allow flies to cover their bodies and nostrils and that they telepathically communicate with them. Ah ha! This was no pest!
We talked about the book Mutant Messages from Down Under and the genocide of the aboriginal people. I commented about our evolution as a species and what it would take to change old patterns. I saw aura/energy circles and how these edges are where we connect as individuals. Someone else said that it was the brain that needed to change. I suggested my aura/energy field is part of my brain. Others didn’t agree and talked about energy being one thing and the brain being another. Is one cause and the other effect I wonder now? Is one positive and the other negative? I can’t wrap around it with my left brain. I listen and see differently. I commented to the three that it was just my way of seeing. I didn’t want anyone to be right or wrong. I was simply wanting to explore possibilities. I’m reminded of that dream about how I couldn’t/wouldn’t fit into the square space above me and went around it.
Writing this now is giving me a sense of connection with something or someone(s) in Australia which brings up something mysterious. I’m now thinking about going to Australia to do energy work! I have long been interested in Ayers Rock and songlines. I have no idea how I can pull this off but I am going to be receptive.
My thought is to ask David to mark sacred sites on a map and learn from him. I’m currently networking with Transition towns in Australia to assist Dana with his concert tour. Singing along with Dana and hanging out at his concerts is another opportunity to do energy work.
All this connecting of dots is a reflection of that cosmic energy grid. It’s not a time to hold back and say this or that is impossible. It’s time to welcome new possibilities because new relationships come into play...on a cosmic grid. I would love to do Circle of Life stories in Australia.
More magic...David was at The Thousand Drums event and knows Rob & Liz Satiacum! Could I take my 1000 Drums drum that was gifted to me by Rob & Liz to Australia? Fun possibilities. I'm not a world traveler and yet I am not feeling overwhelmed by this adventure. Songlines empower and fears and insecurities dissolve. It's a focus from the top of my head. It's a whole brain body motion of e-motion.