
Saturday, October 30, 2010


Invited a friend over for wine and appetizers before we headed out for a All Hallows Eve event. In the grocery store I looked at wines and was drawn to a label. I noticed it was from Australia. I looked at other wines but came back to the original label and purchased two bottles. My friend’s shamanic teacher was at the event with others offering card readings. She had a friend there, David, who is from Australia. I don’t do a lot of entertaining but I was in the spirit last night and invited these three people to my house after the event for more wine and appetizers. I had questions for David regarding Australia. He mentioned the Rainbow Serpent. I asked if it was associated with Kundalini as the connection made sense to me since the core spine and its grid of chakras are rainbow in colors and kundalini runs through the whole system.

I noticed this summer that there were no flies in my house. Lately one has been buzzing about pestering me. At one point yesterday the fly became more than a pest. In a whispering "songline" I got that it was an eye and ear from another dimension. David shared that flies cleanse and that Australia aborigines allow flies to cover their bodies and nostrils and that they telepathically communicate with them. Ah ha! This was no pest!

We talked about the book Mutant Messages from Down Under and the genocide of the aboriginal people. I commented about our evolution as a species and what it would take to change old patterns. I saw aura/energy circles and how these edges are where we connect as individuals. Someone else said that it was the brain that needed to change. I suggested my aura/energy field is part of my brain. Others didn’t agree and talked about energy being one thing and the brain being another. Is one cause and the other effect I wonder now? Is one positive and the other negative? I can’t wrap around it with my left brain. I listen and see differently. I commented to the three that it was just my way of seeing. I didn’t want anyone to be right or wrong. I was simply wanting to explore possibilities. I’m reminded of that dream about how I couldn’t/wouldn’t fit into the square space above me and went around it.

Writing this now is giving me a sense of connection with something or someone(s) in Australia which brings up something mysterious. I’m now thinking about going to Australia to do energy work! I have long been interested in Ayers Rock and songlines. I have no idea how I can pull this off but I am going to be receptive.

My thought is to ask David to mark sacred sites on a map and learn from him. I’m currently networking with Transition towns in Australia to assist Dana with his concert tour. Singing along with Dana and hanging out at his concerts is another opportunity to do energy work.

All this connecting of dots is a reflection of that cosmic energy grid. It’s not a time to hold back and say this or that is impossible. It’s time to welcome new possibilities because new relationships come into play...on a cosmic grid. I would love to do Circle of Life stories in Australia.

More magic...David was at The Thousand Drums event and knows Rob & Liz Satiacum! Could I take my 1000 Drums drum that was gifted to me by Rob & Liz to Australia? Fun possibilities. I'm not a world traveler and yet I am not feeling overwhelmed by this adventure. Songlines empower and fears and insecurities dissolve. It's a focus from the top of my head. It's a whole brain body motion of e-motion.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Worm Holes

Ancient Aliens program also had great information about worm holes. How sacred sites are the end of a doorway or portal as well as a beginning. Reminds me of a conduit. Matter/Earth seems to be used by aliens/sky people to transcend time/space. Star people we are!

Chakras are vortexes...gateways...portals....sacred sites.

Ancient Aliens - Sacred Places

At my son's ECOSS event last night a man who works with my son told me that my eyes were very bright. To me that means that my light was circulating. It also means that his light was circulating to have seen that as well as to put language around it and communicate it! This man works in Economic Development with the City of Seattle. I'll send him information about Transition.

Ancient Aliens show on TV last night re Bermuda Triangle, Zone of Silence in Mexico, Gate of the Gods in Peru, etc. (I want to go to Peru!) Places that are magnetic vortexes, interdimensional doorways and portals. Talked about sky people who are light skinned. All reminding of my recent dream about doorway and parallel universe. Showed the world grid that is a systemic network where energies come together and compared it to acupuncture! Showed how the sacred sites are connected. Also talked about dream tracks (Australia), dragon lines (Chinese) and Ley Lines (Ireland?).

Geomancy google:

Mid-Atlantic GeomancyPowerpoints of Place
Geomancy explores the realm where human consciousness meets and dialogues with the Spirit of the Earth. It empowers the harmonious interaction between person and place, and can enhance spiritual growth.

Powerpoints in Time
While Geomancy honours the spirit of place, it also honours its intersection with the Spirit of Time. We honour all spiritual paths with heart, and so, we would begin by recognising that different paths see different days as special. On these islands, the builders of Stonehenge honoured the Summer Solstice, at Newgrange, they honoured the Winter Solstice, but all spiritual paths and world religions hold different days as special.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Letter to Friend

Something cracked open in my seeing/awareness when you gave me feedback regarding your experience with non-violent communication and how it’s a tool to listen more deeply to that person who is pushing our buttons. For an instant I saw the person in my story differently. Thank you.

Our phone conversation opened up new emotional territory in me. I was surprised by my swearing and the tears that came up. I must have felt safe with you. Thank you for listening to my deep feelings of pain around this story and offering support in return.

Thank you for opening up and feeling safe within yourself…and with me…otherwise this circulation of words and feelings could not happen.

Aquarian Network of Light

Drip, drip, drip.

Chemical hormones are injected into brain body creating function or dysfunction, peace or turmoil. What causes this injection? Conscious awareness of all the parts – Soul or Solar overview – Light that I am.

This brain body holds chakra wheels that spin
generating vibrational force
generating brain waves
generating hormonal chemicals
generating action via nerves and muscles.
Circulation of water, air, earth and fire.

At our Transition Woodinville orientation I spontaneously opened the meeting by acknowledging our circle, the directions and the spirit beings and angels holding these directions. This brain body action surprised me because these were new people to me and a new group. However, I go with the flow trusting myself and others seemed to as well.

Mother Earth’s brain body holds chakra wheels that spin
generating vibrational force
generating brain waves
generating hormonal chemicals
generating action via nerves and muscles.
Circulation of water, air, earth and fire.

The free flow motion and emotion of spin is a sign of this Aquarian Age as points of light connect in supportive network of tissue….new collective substance subtle in spirit and gross in matter.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wall of Jericho

A young man at the library has been using profanity and acting out of control. People rolled their eyes but no one complained so I did. Twice. Twice he had to leave. Today, after the incident, I noticed an energy in my body that felt snobbish as if I was above this young man. What other choice do I have in response to someone out of control? I could tell him, "The Kingdom of God is within you...rejoice and be glad!" -- is exactly what popped into mind when I asked myself this.

I was talking with a friend on the phone yesterday about non-violent communication. He mentioned that it's about seeing beyond the words and hearing what the person might need at a deeper level. In hearing this I felt something crack open in my seeing/awareness. Today something more cracked open. It was as if a wall lifted between me and other people. Love is both negative and positive and I now have more awareness of my choices as the wall thins.

There is no prescribed way to respond to right/wrong or good/bad. There is a range of emotional choices in the moment. Conscious awareness is ever evolving/expanding...such is the way of Love...of self and others.

NO to Enabling

I wrote this today in response to one of Deepak Chopra's posts:

Saying "NO" to negative toxins within myself and to negative people is healthy. I'm learning to say "NO" increasingly. The opposite of "NO" is enabling oneself, another and others. As women we are allowed to engage our emotional spectrum by speaking our heart/mind clearly. Speaking this way does create ripples of change...different than residue of guilt, shame.
Love is one full spectrum of color, sound in motion of emotion! It's dark to light in expression.

Monday, October 25, 2010

No More Abuse!

I've been trying to work with this man for over a year. We didn't speak all summer. And then I invited him into a collaborative situation. Yesterday he crossed the line. I saw how I felt intimidated by him and that his behavior is harrassment and bullying. This is not okay and I don't feel like using non-violent communication! As a woman who will no longer be abused by men I am drawing deep lines in my sand. He will not speak to me that way again. He can be negative, confrontive and unhappy if he chooses...but not around me!

Interesting how the power of Transition Woodinville unleashed with fury and along with it several conflicts with people in my world. Dark and Light once again doing their dance.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


The second time I spoke at city council I was quite intense/passionate. It surprised me. However, I go with the currents that move me. I spoke about cities that are being built around the concept of happiness and read some quotes from the book The Architect of Happiness by Alain De Botton. There are a couple of council members who engage when I speak with eye contact and smile. There are others who turn away or look down. The vote last night was 4-2 in favor of less density. One local businessman was very upset by this turn around and called one council member “devious”.

The City Manager mentioned the planting of trees and I asked him if they could be fruit or nut trees as this is the Transition model in Europe. He said no. Another staff person suggested that my friend and I attend the Tree Board and bring up the idea with them. Transition advocates planting crops and trees that provide food thus supporting resilient communities/cities. What common sense!

By writing in this blog or on Facebook I get to see my patterns of emotional and mental expression. I notice that I am passionate about what is up for me in the moment. This moment to moment dance (I’m enthused about this job and then another and another) is that river of life that moves me. Seeing this for myself I’m realizing that my life is about non-attachment. It's an emotional engagement that flows from one moment and circumstance to another. E-motion is the process and emotion the expression of non-attachment.

Passion takes on new meaning for me these days and revolves around the work I do with others in community. This is a new experience--full-filling and meaningful at a whole new level.

Parallel Universe

Earlier this week Avatar crossed my mind as I was going to sleep. How easy to time travel to parallel universes was the faint and far away thought…as I drifted into deep sleep.

Lost and also lost my planner book. Saw people going up through a ladder. I looked up and saw the opening to be squared and very small. There was no way I could fit through and didn’t want to try. I chose another route around. When I reached the top it went nowhere. Then a ladder is going down and I wait and maneuver as others come up. (ladder is a dream thread of late)

Awake in this realm I reflect on the dream and listen. Then I see a dark cord with medallion that is a circle with design reminding me of the peace sign. I was gifted!

Dream 2:
Listening to a man speak Transition language. He has a masculine nose, blue eyes, long hair at back of neck with a U design cut into the hair above the neck. He wears dark cords around his neck that fill in the entire neck area. He wears the same cords around his wrist. I see this man again and again in different scenarios. I ask him if he’s married. “Yes.”

Awake in this realm I note that my gifted medallion cord is the same as his cords. I sense that I am connected to him. We have the same color of eyes.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Community Preparedness

I awoke deciding to cancel my appointment with the City Planner on Thursday. The idea was not going to work and I was not going to plant the seed with a city official. However, my brain/body started to write a job description! So I let the creativity move. I now have a job description for a PT Community Preparedness Coordinator with duties, responsibilities, qualifications, salary required and date available. Is that gutsy or what? It’s an expression of my feminine and masculine self asking for what I want in my life. Gosh it feels good to know what I want and to see the possibility based on response from those here in my valley and city. It’s my whole self going for it! I plan to speak again tonight at the city council…maybe twice as I have much to share. I appreciate the public comment periods and the way our city council listens.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Inverting DC to AC

Spoke at City Council again. This time I didn’t write out my talk and discovered that my delivery had more “spin”.

Spin is juicy/charged/energetic/emotional/electromagnetic/spiritual. Spin is spirit moving through emotional/mental body and personality. I am a circle with ego personality as outer rim and spirit moving center core and outward. I now experience spin as lightheartedness that is upbeat and colorful — maybe warm. I would need another person's feedback on that as I don't perceive myself as others do. I often learn about myself from other people's observation/response (feedback loops).

During the City Council break a council member gave me her business card expressing interest in learning more about Transition. Another council member expressed appreciation for what I’ve been sharing and said that she wanted what I had (referring to that “spin”). She said that things were too polarized and that it was time for something new, different and that Transition might be it. The response at city hall is amazing.

I met with the chair of the Emergency Preparedness Commission. We see Transition as Community Preparedness and the two go hand in hand. We had a good connection and conversation.

Alternative Energy is teaching me about mechanical and electrical work/energy/systems: alternator, battery, generator, amplifier, fly wheel, converter. DC is converted to AC via an inverter. Is this a download of vibration? Are chakra wheels inverters?

Why, at my elder age, do I backtrack communication patterns as a child, teenage and adult? Because that's how the threads move...all the way back to source. I feel those threads quite tangibly and that's a sign of transparency and fluidity. A knowing without blocks. That knowing includes snags as well as free flow. I can yank on the threads and tell myself to shape up and I can yank on the threads and say "thank you" for teaching me through forgiveness and love.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Increasing Spin

A quantum leap day yesterday…a shifting of gears.

I met with Jun who is local facilitator for IONS to talk about Evolutionary Leaders in the Pacific Northwest. He is like a new person. Not the same one I met at the IONS meeting a couple months ago nor the same one at the last EL meeting. Jun is now like a spinning wheel both on the phone and in person. Rough edges are gone! He is happy, alive! We engaged in great conversation and both of us learned how similar we are and yet how different. He reads a lot of books. Ken Wilbur is a favorite author. He remembers material from the books and shares information with me. Jun asked me a lot of questions and we clarified some language. I told him how grateful I am that he is different as it means that I don’t have to read all those books—which I’m not wired to do. I’m wired to be more still and receptive and now in my life to have my hands in soil. I can learn from him. He is helpful regarding community building and values Open Space as I do. He’s experienced the World Café model which is also recommended in the Transition Handbook. Both are ways to be inclusive as communities are developed.

After meeting with Jun I ran into another EL participant. He wanted to talk so I spent time with him. As we were leaving we ran into Jun again with another EL person. So I stood with three guys talking about EL and consciousness. This was a new experience—so fun! These men ask about the mission, purpose and direction of our local EL group. It’s as if they want me to define our group which I cannot do because we are a community/network/system of parts . I told them that the process is organic and that the group will be what individuals bring to it and through it. For me EL is an open space through which spirit moves. That is my ongoing intention—to let spirit move and not create a false structure with mental or ego mind. It’s a process of listening first to oneself and to others. After listening is conversation that hopefully creates agreement in the direction of movement forward. June gave me this quote, “…conversation is the way we think together.” I love it!….note emotion…a natural part of this higher vibration and spin.

I also met with Kalvin over the weekend. He is leader of the Native Indian Club at Tacoma Community College. Another experience of engaged conversation! I’ve never had the time to sit and be so engaged…always running this way and that. It’s a new place of grounding within myself and with others. Kalvin is a leader and has organized some November events to honor Native Heritage Month. He invited me to teach Circle of Life mapping class to the students and said that the school would purchase booklets. Seeing a seed that I had planted sprout makes me very happy. Perhaps it will bear fruit.

This engagement with men is a reflection of inner engagement with my masculine self. I remember how uncomfortable I was talking to boys as a child and how there was no deep conversation that included feelings in my family. I didn't even know how to talk to my mom and dad and I know this was the collective pattern for most of us. That old pattern/tape is erased and a new spin is happening! I am sooo happy! Happiness spills over to others in the spinning of an increasing number of gears.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Earth body aligns with light ray beams. Matter aligns with higher energy/vibration creating balance and harmony. One whole systemic transition from cells to communities to countries to planets and stars. One energetic field of Light. Light gathers the flock. Light inherent in matter. An awakening. A birthing. A rapture in full force circuitry.

I am devouring the Transition Handbook by Rob Hopkins, permaculture guru. I'm reading and highlighting it day and night....unheard of for one who seldom reads. This handbook is a tool in hand teaching me skills to organize a resilient community. The handbook is a goldmine of ideas that support solutions and inclusion. I am discovering that people are drawn like magnets and have concrete things that they want to contribute. It's as if peak oil and climate change are changing our values and we want community that looks different from globalization. Each part/person/community is unique and we want to express ourselves with intelligence and creativity and localization!

The Food Policy Council meeting was excellent. I admire Richard Conlin, Chair. I will work to have a Woodinville rep on the council...hopefully a farmer. I spoke with someone after the meeting who had negative comment about the sustainable city movement. I suggested that the grassroots groups are evolving and want to create bridges this is what Richard Conlin stated during the council meeting. People seem to be defensive about some sort of territory and have difficulty being inclusive and open minded. Transition Towns are inclusive and welcomes those with beards, jeans and manure on their boots as well as those in suits, ties and high heels. It's a time to raise consciousness and one sign is inclusion!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

New Capacity

This morning seems like eons much happened at the Sustainability Fair at 21 Acres....this morning I woke up realizing how much I have changed in brain/body. I'm at a place in my development that I'm interested in taking some classes and learning some basic knowledge about sustainability and permaculture. That is such a shift from my spiritual and shamanic inner work and suggests a change of my own "capacity." Another aspect of this change is that I'm no longer working alone. There is a global and local network of folks plugged in and eager to get to work via head, heart and hands. There has definitely been a shift!

I sat with folks for three hours at Transition Snoqualmie Valley and was mesmerized by their conversation and diverse knowledge. It feels as if I've awakened on a new planet. The people I meet feel like family!

The Sustainability Fair was incredible as people engaged in conversation and expressed interest in Transition Woodinville. It's time! I am happy that two women are helping me with this initiative. One is the chair of the city's Planning Commission and the other is part owner of Apple Farm Village in our Tourist District. Both very credible and creative women. I see us making ripples and waves joining others all around Mother Earth. It is good!