
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Heart Rise

I notice that energy threads weave through my diverse vibrational matter of senses, feelings, thoughts and action. These threads are rhythmic -- they come in, move out and around. This ebb and flow is circular and ever changing. In flow one is not attached to outer forms. One lets go and discovers what comes back around as well as what is new. This creative process is a mystery and is magical. By having a "hands-off" policy one gets to discover what is in Spirit's mind and not in a personal egotistical mind. I let go and something re-turns. I let go and something new is born. It's a dance of joy.

The sacred feminine is the heart of energy flow. She is receptive polarity.

The sacred masculine is the mind of energy flow. He is the expressing polarity.

The two engage in a co-creative process of birthing light through matter.

Two opposite forces weave threads of light through a conscious body awakening on Earth.

Earth Mother celebrates through fullness of heart! Let the old systems crash as new values and systems rise.

Joy as Primordial Sound

Arsenio with the Alliance for a New Humanity shared a beautiful article via email that begins:

"Human beings must come together in support of life and light. Right now each person and group is going his or her own way. The elder of the mountains said there is hope if the people of the light can come together and unite in some way...

It had me thinking this morning that "In the beginning was the Word." The "Word" is heard by receptive heart, engaged by mind and delivered by body.

At Brant Secunda's (Huichol shaman and healer) seminar last weekend he acknowledged that one "sees through the heart" creating a triangle of eye, heart and a point in space outside of body. This triangle is a prism and a part of a larger crystal community.

The "Word" is a spark seed in dark ocean of stillness fertilized and nurtured through heart watered by mind and blossoming through body. This unifying force is creative, inspirational and intelligent. It unifies all the parts into a cohesive whole...a crystal community.

In Deepak Chopra's book Perfect Health he writes:

How are we connected to the unified field? By invisible "threads" composed of faint vibrations, what Ayurveda calls primordial sound.

In the complete stillness of the Quantum mechanical universe, primordial sounds are born, form patters, and in time blossom into matter, energy, and all the infinite variety of things made of matter and energy -- stars, trees, rocks, and human beings.

At Brant's weekend seminar I experienced an outpouring of inner joy -- love. I felt at home! Joy is primordial sound through matter! Joy cannot be found on Wall Street or through technology. Joy is found through stillness of heart, mind and body. Meditation is the way: walking meditation, sitting meditation, sleeping meditation, eating meditation, loving meditation, speaking meditation. Meditation is an ongoing practice through physical expression.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Huichol Gifts and Green Giving

I soared this weekend...with Huichol culture and ancestors! It's all too rich to describe. I'm grateful for Brant Secundo, Huichol shaman and healer, and his family for being in Seattle to share drumming, rattling, bright visionary art, ceremony, Shaman's Chocolate, stories, teachings, healing, crystal, pilgrimage, four direction honoring and my new friend...deer! I was so happy being in that shamanic space that was very feminine energetically! I could BE and breathe so easily through balanced and porous openings for circulation of energy. Dragon Eye...that I am...was active and I am being guided not to share the visions that came through in that creative space. I am being guided to ask for "exchanges of energy" so that I can be compensated for my gift of seeing. Unemployment opens this new way of being in the world; this new way of drawing lines.

I can share more about Green Heart in a green economy! My imagination is running wild horses in the wind dancing deer of the Huichol culture. I am seeing green cards that can be used in green machines to collect green points. Green points are earned through community service/volunteering for at-risk programs that serve individuals, communities and the environment. Volunteers can support grassroots programs -- not only programs associated with the federal government. Volunteers can help the local food bank, tree planting, youth at risk, etc. Volunteer work/community service is tax deductible or receives a tax credit. This green system allows more people to give and receive. It stimulates the economy through the value of giving of oneself rather than gaining material stuff. Green Heart's peaceful giving replaces Wall Street's chaotic getting.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Preparing the Soil

I'm working more now that I'm unemployed...I have to put the reins on myself and slow down! There is so much creative work to do...and yet it's the same frenzy of old! I was considering creating a business plan for Community Threads as a way to promote Green Heart. However, I don't want to go there. I prefer to be part of a group. I don't have the energy to manage a board, do marketing, hire an accountant and attorney, etc., etc. I'd be happy being the visionary and doing outreach.

I'm loving working with the land now that spring is around the corner. My eye caught glimpse of a glistening pile of horse poo and my whole body was elated! I got the wheel barrow and pitch fork and fed my garden soil. I also added worm bin compost. My eye scans the fields around me for mole hills that yield dark soil for my garden. It all reminds me of being a child and making camps in the back woods. My senses recall those seasons of childhood. I so love the land!

I'm missing the Chopra blog today and checked in after several weeks. I was noticing an emptiness without this creative conversation of input and output. Which reminds me...when I spoke with the interum Director ( a very helpful man) of the DHHS Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives I was informed that a program needs to start local and get some ground underneath it and that the federal government focuses on outputs -- different than outcomes. What better output than meditation and prayer is my question?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Harnessing the Senses

Body is a teacher. I notice that I get off balance in social situations and I've had to apologize recently to a couple people about comments I've made. Comments more insensitive than negative. I'm learning how to contain my senses: the mouthpieces of body. It must be about "harnessing." It feels like/looks like a gyroscope. I'm on new learning curves now that I engage more fully in community in this realm.

A gyroscope is a device for measuring or maintaining orientation, based on the principles of angular momentum. The device is a spinning wheel or disk whose axle is free to take any orientation. This orientation changes much less in response to a given external torque than it would without the large angular momentum associated with the gyroscope's high rate of spin. Since external torque is minimized by mounting the device in gimbals, its orientation remains nearly fixed, regardless of any motion of the platform on which it is mounted.

The senses are not meant to run wild. They are meant to be aligned with higher force.

I live next to horses and pasture and yesterday put horse manure on my garden. The connecting of dots is what makes life enchanting and magical because the force behind the connecting is universal. It's what fills me with joyous wonderment. I wish to expose these "germs" and "viruses" to others. I hope to see this enchantment spread like wild fire.


A couple of nights ago I sensed holes in the field/aura of my Green Heart vision and child that is in process of being born (like a dragon egg). Who would want to abort this vision through their negativity? When I asked a face appeared. I observe...nothing is certain in invisible least that's been my experience.

23 0f us at Genesis are attending a prosperity class by Stretton Smith. I find it amazing that each week his tape and book, written quite a few years ago, highlight exactly what is unfolding in my world. How can such alignment happen? Today Hank Wesselman sends e-news about Egypt and the temples as ancient teachers. How does such alignment happen? The answer is: hologram. I've drawn a picture of a hologram...actually it drew itself through my evolving journey. It is also Dragon Eye. I hope to share this image in a book one day.

Calling forth the Dragon Clan continues. A kind woman with JustFaith Initiative in Kentucky responded to an email. We chatted this morning. She "sensed" the inclusive nature of my program and is referring me to the Merton Institute for Contemplative Living. I found references to Thomas Merton in my book by Thomas Moore: The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life. The quotes brought tears to my eyes due to the alignment of heart substance for Earth Mother. The heart of hologram activates new grid on earth.

From Moore's book:

The monk Thomas Merton, who spent much of his life in silence, was among many other things a nature mystic, who listened to the flight of birds and took note of the aromas of the fields surrounding his Kentucky abbey. In his journals, he wrote: "The completely irreligious mind is, it seems to me, the unreal mind, the tense, void, abstracted mind that does not even see the things that grow out of the earth or feel glad about them." Gardens help us leave abstractions behind and find joy in the simple presentations of nature, rather than truth in the complicated interpretations of human ingenuity.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Horse Power

Yesterday my head and body seemed disconnected. I had that spacey, out-of-body, sensation. I had purchased Lion King tickets for my grandkids months ago so that is what we did. This morning “horse” comes through.

Sunrise is a potent time of day when earth and sun re-unite. It’s a time when I receive my “marching orders” for the day. This morning horse (new power animal for me!!) appeared: dark but not black with white patch on his left leg which was stomping the ground. Horse had one large black eye like one eye patch for both his eyes. Dr. Steven Farmer mentioned on a radio show last week that he asks his power animals, “What message do you have for me.” I don’t receive direct answers in this way. The horse simply kept stomping. However, I did grab his mane and we flew into sky. He became Pegasus and unicorn….relative of Dragon. Horse and eye like bee/insect assist my journey now grounding in this realm.

Today after church I went to lunch with a couple of new women friends. One has dragon as her power animal. She has drawn a picture of her dragon. Bingo! The other woman is a grant writer! and as I was sharing my Green Heart vision she asked if I could draw a picture of the "radiant cells." She is going to assist me in further development. Bingo! How magical is that? And...she mentioned (out of the blue) that she wanted to go to Montana this spring to watch the wild horse migration! Bingo! I hope to go along with her! She is also attuned to the medicine wheel and drumming. Matter and light are joining forces to align a new grid on earth. It's like two grids coming together. People and creative opportunities are finding their place -- in community.

More articulate language is shaping this program vision:

Green Heart Program:
  • Is a faith-based "stimulus" program
  • Highlights spiritual values as a foundation for a healthy economy
  • Provides community service through meditation and prayer circles
  • Includes all faiths, philosophies, cultures
  • Reduces stress, crime and violence
  • Engages local churches, businesses and schools
  • Receives funding to support grassroots at-risk programs
  • Tells stories of positive change
  • Celebrates successful outcomes
  • Is a national model expanding the Green Heart vision and action

Two minister friends in Pittsburg suggested I come to their church and train them on the program which takes my vision to a new level. Perhaps I won't be the Program Manager doing the same work I've been doing for 18 years. Perhaps I'll promote and sell this vision. Will it be a business? Will it be a program in Community Threads? I am not business oriented so I don't know how to do this. I do have a class this Friday, however, on self-employment. My left brain is engaged and I can now enjoy class in this linear world!! So fun!

I just now gave a title to this page as horse power. What does that have to do with harnessing? A word my friend contributed?

Horsepower: Horsepower is defined as work done over time.

Time is speeding up and presenting quantum leaps for community moving together.

(I'm ready to start networking via phone the Green Program vision with various Offices on Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. WA, OR and CA do not have such an office. I am going to the heart of government -- Washington, DC. Fun!)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Venus Body and Lines of Light

Last night driving West Venus shined brightly as an Eye in the sky. When I see her I also see two light beams as arms reaching out and touching earth East and West latitude. Her beloved soul mate is on the other side of earth body. Together they create a "diamond" space of two triangles touching with earth body in the center. Venus deserves more recognition!

Dragon Eye

I have a new employer who is giving me regular "marching orders". I guess that one boss is Spirit. Being unemployed I have more time to listen and respond. I am in the process of creating or landing in a new job that aligns inner spiritual values with outer work in this world. A job that allows me to shine light more fully into and with this world. A job that is mouthpiece and platform for the downloading of spiritual substance.

Light downloads through a gradation of bodies that hold specific vibration from subtle to gross: spirit, etheric, auric, emotional, mental, physical. And through the download process is psychic/transcendent Eye that observes, absorbs, and evolves the whole. This is Dragon Eye - chrystalline and holographic in sight and knowing.

The Dragon Clan are people who live in both ordinary/linear and non-ordinary/non-linear realities of spirit. The Dragon Clan lives in multi-dimensions and serve as conduits of light. Light downloads through wavelengths of bodies.

For example: I download a vision/idea and share it with another or others. They respond and the vision/idea takes form in this world. For example I need help from others to shape the "Green Heart" program idea. Reverend Charles was there for me to bounce the idea off of. He responded. Two other friends wanted a mission statement and pushed me and then assisted in the final wording -- expanding and refining what I had come up with. People in this linear reality help me with language transition A(my brain speaks a different language) and the shape shifting. I need people to assist with translation. This is co-creation of parts through one body/field from non-linear to unconscious and linear collective body. One golden thread weaves through all the differentiated wavelengths and parts.

The Green Heart Program and network holds the dynamic process of Radiation, Response, Attraction, Contact, Union, Unified Radiation. Meditation and prayer circles Radiate and invite the whole congregation and community to meditate and pray as a collective; Response and Attraction happens; there is Contact; Union is through meditation and prayer; Unified radiation ripples out.

I don't know how this vision and idea will shape shift. It's not the form that is important but the creative process. We hold the "child" of any vision and idea gently so it can grow and develop from its own seed nature. Deepak talks about this inherent design in the tape with Wayne Dyer How to Get What You Really, Really, Really, Really Want. Wilderness Awareness School talks about this as "original instructions". We let light move through matter and watch the magic unfold. We act as co-creators...a different role for the homo-sapien than the one that has been in control through greed and adolescent self-centeredness. We work with Light rather than reject it/block it. These are exciting "job" opportunities!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mission Statement

Whereas the current economy is based on material values and personal gain; and, whereas a green economy is based on spiritual values and community well-being; and, whereas any true and lasting stimulus radiates from within and ripples outward, a new “green” faith-based “stimulus package” is being envisioned. It is called the Green Heart program.

I trust the quantum field to value, protect and nurture the ideas/visions that move through me such as the one above.

Most of this paragraph flowed through like water. It was "inspired" inside out. This is how She speaks. Later I consciously added the sentence regarding "stimulus" and that is how He speaks.

I shared my vision with a couple of women friends who are much more linear than I am. They had a lot to say which made me uncomfortable. One said that I "dig my heels in". It seems there is always something to learn from outside in feedback. They strongly urged me to write a mission statement. This linear work is challenging. However, I worked my brain to narrow down what I wanted to say. One of the women helped me refine it:

Our/My mission is to harness the power of collective spiritual meditation and prayer so that individuals and their communities can heal and grow.

After listening to the news tonight and hearing about worldwide economic unrest as well as the intense weather patterns this vision and mission statement applies to our beloved Earth Mother.

He Wraps Around She

Several posts came through Tuesday revealing how the creative cycle shape-shifts as male becomes dominant in the North. As co-creators both male and female give birth to expanded consciousness.

There is a point in the evolving process when He wraps around Her and articulates new insight through an overview of consciousness and language/communication. He helps integrate parts of the fertile field that they both have been holding. Together they experience "Ah-Ha" moments of enlightenment.

Together S/He plant the "word" into a quantum field. It's critical to plant the's the seed that dances and absorbs the elements allowing fruit to blossom and food to be offered.

He holds Her up in the creative process. He honors Her work in the dark underworld of sub-conscious and un-conscious. He is not envious or threatened by Her. He loves Her! Their circular radiant union gives both of them great joy and peace.

S/He begin a new journey together that includes a Dragon Clan.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Risk Taking

I cancelled the May/San Diego I Can Do It event due to unemployment. However, I still have airline tickets. I've decided to do something really bold. I'm going to write Louise Hay and ask if there can be an "energy exchange". I will offer "Dragon" responses and reflections for a discounted fee. I have to do something to put myself into the world in a new way. I take new risks. I am looking forward to Dr. Steven Farmer's (Power Animal) Seattle talk in March. I will be doing more shamanic work and networking.

Drumming for Earth Mother

Yesterday I was moved to take drum to Prosperity Class and sing earth chants that I learned at Wilderness Awareness School and the women's lodge. I was nervous about “coming out” and grounding this energy that moves through me in such a sacred way. I had no choice…this timing was inside out.

Yesterday on the way to the library I was listening to Shamanic Dream sounds and drove past the road to the library. When I realized I had gone too far I asked myself where I was going. The answer was calm and clear -- obvious. I was going to the next town and into the office I never thought I would return to. It was about forgiveness and tracker. It was all so very smooth…like sweet air, like still waters, like solid earth, like heart fire. This reconnection through forgiveness does not give any man permission to intrude and invade a woman’s personal space. I returned to the school a new and whole woman without the previous holes in my energy field/aura.

I drummed and sang at the class celebrating prosperity in a new community -- both inward and outward. A couple of women are interested in doing sweats. It must seem odd to some church members to have this earthy presence. My drum and energy honors cultures and spiritual orientations all around the planet. No culture can claim that drum and earth chants belong to them. This is Earth Mother music.

Joy and tears flow holding a space unknown and unmarked and yet known and marked moment by moment, day by day. These are “in-between” times as heaven descends and earth ascends.

Etheric Body & Kundalini

Going through my journals I found notes from Kundalini in the Physical World by Mary Scott

Serpent fire of Hinduism
Caduceus power of the hermetic tradition

Western bodies and western ways of life are not conducive to the smooth evolution of the organs of spiritual perception and enlightenment
A nervous system developing under accelerating evolutionary pressures

We do a great deal better if we can develop a partnership between the ego-self with which we identify and some other greater self which is completely transcendent

Kundalini – The Evolutionary Energy in Man - evolutionary development of the central nervous system

To see the body’s mystic participation in its cosmic environment and its mystical union with Jung’s self-beyond-the-ego

Yoga means union – Enlightenment is the fruit of that union
A guiding presence which opens and shuts doors

Pieces, pattern and meaning are united into a single whole

A common cosmology and psychology

The Serpent Power (1919) by Sir John Woodroffe / Arthur Avalon

Kundalin – a force in nature

Tantric yogi seeks to raise up the quality of natural forces so that enlightened states can be experienced within the body

The joy associated with yoga, union with one’s own spiritual essence, should not be conceived as something other-worldly

The bliss side of spiritual experience
Positive value is given to the body’s participation in all its rites

Union – ego transcendence

Yogis see consciousness and nature as interdependent and evolving together
In the yogas of mastery the soul observes the play of nature and affirms its value

The bliss of liberation from the lesser self

Tan – “to spread”
Tra – “to save”
Spread knowledge which saves

All is Shiva…All is Shakti
He I am – She I am

“the kundalini cycle” – concept of physio-kundalini – term suggested by Itzak Bentov

a recurring pattern of symptoms found among meditators

Movements of energy within the body

Kundalini – an earth force…a force at work in dense matter

Essential to keep on good terms with Mother Earth as well as with pure intelligence

A geo-dynamic force

Kundalini’s place is within the Earth’s field of forces
A force which plays a central role in preserving the stability of the Earth’s force field

The Earth must precede the entities which arise within its realm; …kundalini is concerned with entities not dense matter

That which comes from above – that which comes from below
Chemical components which give such patterns their solidarity

Kundalini – an equilibrating force in the physical world

Geodetic currents
A greater knowledge of them might enable us to undo some of the damage we have done to ourselves and to our planet by ignorance of terrestrial energy fields of crucial importance for healthy life on Earth

Patterns of the Past by Guy Underwood – Earth forces with tendencies to spiral formations (dowsing)

The View over Atlantis – John Mitchell - a network of forces which appear to travel in straight lines

Underwood suspected a connection between the siting of Stone Age religious monuments and underground water

Divining rods locate underground streams by responding to influence lines above them called water veins or stream bands

3 influence lines – water lines, track lines (old roads, animal trails), aquastats = geodetic lines

Early man used them to mark geological and geographical zones

Geodetic systems


Water’s edge is now an influence line in my life -- on my body. This edge is where Dragon feeds and is fed. I go there. Air above. Earth below. Water behind. Fire in front. All shape-shifting in etheric space.

We of matter are connected through etheric body. Rock, tree and human. Water, fairy and soil. Air, angel and cloud. Draw your own picture. Create your own recipe. All the pieces fit.

Rotary Motion

Identity is been based in a job and earning income in this world. It is how one contributes and survives. New work opens inside out shape-shifting me. I step forward as Dragon in this linear world ~ Dragon with Wings. What is a dragon in human form? I am getting that it's an integration of primal reptilian brain with newer brain. The whole brain-body reflects the holographic and quantum universe.

Unemployment will pay me to go back to school. Is there a school for non-linear dragons? Unemployment offers a self-employment assistance training program. Do non-linear dragons qualify? Can dragons have a business to sell their magic? I will be asking those questions and pushing into the linear system. Dragons have a different compass and map obeying their own calling and lines. It’s time to draw a new map in this world.

I have a vision that evolved step by step:
~ On a plane to Los Angeles reading John Hagelin’s article in Shift magazine about collective meditation reducing stress, crime and violence
~ In Sherman Oakes meditating under orange tree I feel rich bliss and think this green job deserves monetary value in a new and green economy
~ Talk to friends about meditation as a green job
~ Obama expands the Department of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives; federal funds are available
~ Talk to Rev Charles about CSL communities from Seattle to San Diego providing meditation and prayer circles that receive funding to then circulate into local at-risk youth and environmental programs. Congregation members pledge support and local businesses sponsor to help match the federal grant.
~ I manage the whole system of energy flows and have a green job in this world!
~ All along the western edge and arc where Dragon resides

Having a vision is easier than grounding it. There is red tape, and tight pathways and departments to wade through to see what can fit. I push into the linear system and ask the questions. Can such a vision be funded? Or is it another stepping stone moving into the next phase of creative cycle.

I am cranked into and cranked up by a dynamic wheel of life. The lesson is to stay in the moment as things heat up and spin faster, faster. Hold on….here’s another wave to ride. Air currents pull one way, water currents swirl another way, and earth currents spiral…all driven by solar heat. It’s a dynamic combustion of forces and I am at the center – uncertain about this world of form but solid in spirit. Which world am I? I listen and am guided through this transition. Ground increasingly forms under feet. Emotions learn to trust the infinite force behind it all.

"crank" definition: A device for transmitting rotary motion, consisting of a handle or arm attached at right angles to a shaft.

Dragon Clan

I awoke at 3:30 AM and this came through:


Calling the Dragon Clan

If you have roots growing from your feet, electricity sparking from fingers, a serpent tongue, and laser-beam eyes this experiential workshop is for you.

Or, if you walk off balance, have idle hands, speak empty words, or see the world through darkness this workshop is for you.

Or, if you have bone spurs, arthritis, low thyroid, and tired eyes this workshop is for you.

Or, if you walk in grief, hold heartache, hide secrets, and judge others this class is for you.

Magic is afoot. Be part of it.

Presented by Yellow Turtle Spirit in Laughing Waters

Friday, February 6, 2009

Obama's Faith Based Office

Obama creates faith-based office with wide mission
By PHILIP ELLIOTT, Associated Press Writer

AP – President Barack Obama speaks a the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, Thursday, Feb. 5, 2009. … WASHINGTON –

Declaring that "there is a force for good greater than government," President Barack Obama on Thursday established a White House office of faith-based initiatives with a broader mission than the one overseen by his Republican predecessor.

Obama said the new office, which he created by executive order, would reach out to organizations that provide help "no matter their religious or political beliefs."

Obama said the office would work with nonprofit organizations "both secular and faith-based" and would help them determine how to make a bigger impact in their cities, learn their obligations under the law and cut through government red tape.

In a time of economic crisis, the president said, it was important for the government to help distressed Americans but added that "the change that Americans are looking for will not come from government alone."

Obama said the top priority of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships will be "making community groups an integral part of our economy recovery and poverty a burden fewer have to bear when recovery is complete."

To lead the office, Obama appointed Joshua DuBois, a 26-year-old Pentecostal minister who headed religious outreach for Obama's Senate office and his presidential campaign. He also named 25 religious and secular leaders to a new advisory board.

Obama said the office would also work to reach out overseas "to foster interfaith dialogue with leaders and scholars around the world."

Obama's order expanded and redefined a similar office established by President George W. Bush. Focused primarily on faith-based initiatives, the Bush office sparked constitutional questions about whether the separation of church and state would be preserved, particularly if groups receiving tax dollars sought to hire on the basis of religion.

Before signing the order at the White House, Obama told the annual National Prayer Breakfast that the program would not show favoritism to any religious group and would adhere to a strict separation of church and state.

Addressing the gathering of lawmakers, dignitaries and world leaders, Obama spoke of how faith has often been a divisive tool, responsible for war and prejudice. But, he said, "there is no religion whose central tenet is hate."

"There is no god who condones taking the life of an innocent human being," he said, and all religions teach people to love and care for one another. That is the common ground underlying the faith-based office, he said.

In personal terms, Obama talked about the role of faith in his life, from his Muslim-born father and a mother skeptical of organized religion to his own embrace of Christianity as a young man."

In a world that grows smaller by the day, perhaps we can begin to crowd out the destructive forces of zealotry and make room for the healing power of understanding," he said. "This is my hope. This is my prayer."

Dogged throughout the presidential campaign by rumors that he was a Muslim, Obama described his background in a household that wasn't religious."I had a father who was born a Muslim but became an atheist, grandparents who were non-practicing Methodists and Baptists, and a mother who was skeptical of organized religion, even as she was the kindest, most spiritual person I've ever known. She was the one who taught me as a child to love, and to understand, and to do unto others as I would want done," he said.

Obama's advisers want to be certain tax dollars sent to the faith-based social service groups are used for secular purposes, such as feeding the hungry or housing the homeless, and not for religious evangelism. The administration doesn't want to be perceived as managing the groups yet seeks transparency and accountability.

Obama pledged during the campaign to allow taxpayer-funded religious institutions to hire and fire based on religion — but only for the activities run on private funding.

One question is whether the faith-based office will issue grants under the Bush rules while the hiring policy is worked out.

___ Associated Press writers Eric Gorski in Denver and Tom Raum in Washington contributed to this report.

Shape Shifting Momentum

Some serious shape shifting going on in my garden/field since I joined a prosperity class at Genesis. My book idea shifted into a workshop idea which shifted into a shamanic grid idea for healing and teaching and now I'm developing a "green" program to apply for funding from the faith based office that Obama created this week. Rev. Charles is a pillar of support through all of this. Shapeshifting is quantum. And quantum is planting seeds, sharing them through consciousness and letting parts of the whole field add its fertilizing forces. Quantum dynamics requires parts it isn't one's a field of parts! The visual and sensation I get is an apple tree cranking out apples! It's a living and breathing machine with a handle and cranking mechanism.

A friend and previous co-worker just sent me this email:

Trish, haven’t had a chance yet but guess what???your name is on the invitation as nominated for campaign coordinator of the year!!! There is an event on March 4th to announce the winners….go to the United Way of King County web site and you should find it..this should go on your resume and cover letter girl….

Life is full of surprises!! showing up on my doorstep!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Language of Gears

Truth's getting increasingly difficult to function in this linear realm. My gears whizz when I am plugged in to non-linear and creative reality. I am this flow. My gears are heavy and slow when I try to shift into linear and "productive" work in this realm. I guess this is my compass. I guess this is how I find my new work and service. I can't change my brain waves and function...I can find or create a place/a job that can honor them.

Potent Creativity of the Unknown

WorkSource is an excellect resource for us unemployed folks. I will be learning a lot from them that can help me ground in this realm of linear map/grid. My brain-body, however, is more than linear!

Life seems surreal at times. I think it has to do with not working -- not being plugged in to the linear work day world. My body is going through some strange shifts. Shoulders, especially the left/West, are sore causing a spaceyness in head/brain. Energy is coming in at the back of my head...something I've not experienced before. Is it another chakra like the wing chakra?

Yesterday I walked at sunset overlooking Puget Sound waters. There continues to be something mystical about this time of day...something mystical at this edge of water and land. (where my salamander was birthed) This morning (3:00 am ish) I awoke and felt like I was turning into a dragon! Is there a dragon clan on earth? What is this kundalini force revealing? How do I interpret this language coming in and maybe going out?

My book project/workshop has shape shifted again! New ideas keep showing up. I keep wanting to reach out to people in my presence who are in pain or despair. I want to offer wellness through the sacred map/grid journey that has helped me find wholeness. How can one offer something in this realm that has its source in the divine/sacred realm? I listen, receive and express; listen, receive and express. Where I land I do not know. I am in the midst of a dark night of the sacred. There are no monsters or demons here -- other than the mind that doesn't know what the future holds. This dark night is a rich and fertile garden.

I had a MAJOR breakthrough. A past pattern has been to stay in the radiation/attraction phase with a male for months and years. That phase is shortened. I will no longer do this energetic connection without a grounded purpose, without service in this world. I spoke with a man I was attracted to about working together on a project. What's the purpose of attraction if not to be openly creative in this world? I am not attached to the outcome. I trust he knows what is right for him. My victory is in moving energy full circle -- into action. This is my masculine voice now speaking. He protects and guides me to and through action.

I'm in a very precarious position. I don't have a grounded map yet. I don't know what the garden looks like. I listen and watch. I plant seeds. I feel the energetic forces at work. I laugh and I cry. I have hope and I have doubt. It's all very intense. It's all compost for the garden.

My whole being is ready for shamanic expression. Something more than this world. Something digging, clawing, rooting. Something sprouting, budding, branching. Something blossoming, flowering, fruiting. Something full circle radiating.

Now, I have to stop this creativity that I love and want to do full time. Now, I have to look for a job in this world. It's all so bizarre! Is there a way to integrate the two?? I listen, I watch. I express.

Monday, February 2, 2009

A Learning Curve

I'm on a new learning curve that is uncomfortable and even rocky at times. Yesterday in Sunday morning meditation I saw the image of W/N/E line up with E/S/W. Two arcs meeting in the middle. As always I thank Divine Mother and sacred feminine for Her language expressing into this realm of form. And I thank Divine Father and sacred masculine for His language expressing into this realm of form.

Evolution doesn't happen in one happens as the parts respond one to another. This dynamic process from inner communion to outer community creates positive change. I am witnessing vast change.